Bible Questions for December

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The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Mark, chapters 9-16.
1.“My words shall not pass away.”
2.“Go ye into all the world.”
3.“All things are possible unto Thee.”
4.“One thing thou lackest.”
5.“But if ye do not forgive.”
6.“Jesus only with themselves.”
7.“This man was the Son of God.”
The Young People’s Class Friends
The Lord Jesus tells us that He has called those who follow Him, His friends. What a wonderful privilege this is! A servant does not always know what his master is doing, but the Lord Jesus said, “I have called you friends; for all things that I have beard of My Father I have made known unto you.” John 15:1515Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. (John 15:15). How blessed to be in such a place of intimacy! Sometimes our earthly friends fail and disappoint us, but this Friend is always the same, now and forever.
Since the Lord Jesus become such a wonderful Friend to us, surely we ought to seek to please Him and refuse the friendship of all those who do not love Him. When we were saved we were brought into a new circle of friends—those who love the Lord—and so David could say, “I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and of them that keep Thy precepts.” Psalm 119:6363I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts. (Psalm 119:63). If we would only allow the Lord Jesus, our best Friend, to choose our friends for us, we would be spared many a sorrow, and the ones He chooses will always be the best. He will never fail us, arid as we grow older we will find those bonds of Christian love with those we love in Christ will deepen, and they will abide forever.
1.Who is the Friend that sticketh closer than a brother? Proverbs.
2.Who was called the friend of God? James.
3.Whom did the Lord Jesus befriend? Matt. 11.
4.Does talebearing help friendship? Proverbs.
5.What did Job do for his friends who had misjudged him? Job 42.
6.What does God call one who is a friend of the world? James.
7.Over what matter did Pilate and Herod become friends? Luke 23.
ML 12/03/1950