The Children’s Class
Each of the following quotations is part of a verse in Hebrews, chapters 6-13.
1.“I will he merciful.”
2.“Save them to the uttermost.”
3.“After this the judgment.”
4.“Your work and labor of love.”
5.“Of things not seen as yet.”
6.“The just shall live by faith.”
7.“Be content with such things.”
The Young People’s Class Conscience
Every man and woman, and every child who has come to the age of responsibility, has a conscience. It is the knowledge of good and evil which mankind has received through Adam’s fall in the garden of Eden. Of course a person’s conscience may become seared and dulled so that it does not trouble him as it should, but still it is there. It never dies, and he will always have a certain knowledge of good and evil. It may, however, become perverted through the deception of Satan so that a man can do the most terrible things, even to murder itself, under the name of religion and not realize that they are wrong. He may even think that he is serving God by such things (John 16:1, 21These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. 2They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. (John 16:1‑2)) for such is man when. he comes under Satan’s power. Conscience in itself, then, is not a sure guide.
Nevertheless the Bible, which is God’s Word, always speaks to the conscience of the most careless sinner, and that is why he hates it. It is “the sword of the Spirit,” who uses it to convict a sinner of his sins so that he may come to Christ for salvation and peace. True peace of conscience is found in Christ alone.
It is of all importance then, when speaking to an unsaved man that we use the Word to reach his conscience about his sins. It is also of equal importance that we who are saved read the Word day by day so that our consciences are exercised, and we judge ourselves for anything which is displeasing to the Lord in our lives.
1.What did Paul exercise himself about at all times? Acts.
2.What verse shows that the heather Gentiles have a conscience? Romans 2.
3.Are we to consider the conscience of another in our actions? 1 Corinthians.
4.Did Paul commend the truth to people’s intellects or to their consciences? 2 Corinthians 4.
5.What are we told to hold in order to, avoid shipwreck? 1 Timothy.
6.Does the Lord take notice when we have to suffer wrongfully in order to maintain a good conscience? 1 Peter.
7.Should we be subject to “the power that be” only to avoid punishment? Romans 13.
ML 03/05/1950