Bible Questions for March

Listen from:
The Children’s Class
1. Did the Apostle Paul rejoice in every way in which Christ was preached?
2. What should every tongue confess about Jesus Christ?
3. From whence do we look for the Saviour?
4. Does God supply the needs of those that trust Him?
5. From what power are we delivered when translated to the kingdom of His (God’s) Son?
6. In what way should we forgive one another?
7. What should we do heartily as to the Lord?
The Young People’s Class
1. Did Jonathan remain with David and his six hundred men in their hiding place, after making a covenant with him? 1 Sam. 23.
2. What more is given to a Christian in behalf of Christ than simply to believe in Him? Phil. 1.
3. If we suffer with the Lord now, how will we be associated with Him in a coming day? Rom. 8.
4. Were the Ziphites, the inhabitants of the land where David was hiding, able to diver him into King Saul’s hand? 1 Sam.
5. Does it matter who or how many are against us when we know that God is for us? Rom. 8.
6. After King Saul actually had David compassed about, what happened to prevent David from being captured? 1 Sam. 23.
7. Can we too know what it is to dwell safely and to be quiet from fear of evil? Prov. 1.