Luther Loucks et. al.
Blest be the God and Father
Of Jesus Christ the Son,
Who chose us for all blessing
Ere time had yet begun,
That we redeemed—His children—
Might dwell with Him above,
And know the depth and fullness
Of His unbounded love.
Where all those deep affections,
Which fill the Father's heart,
Shall find their satisfaction,
Their joy to us impart;
Where we, His throne surrounding,
Shall Abba, Father, say,
Within those many mansions
Preparèd for that day.
E'en whilst we here are waiting,
His rest on high to share,
We know our blest relation
As children to Him there,
And by His Spirit's leading,
We Abba, Father, cry;
With ever-growing longing
We seek our home on high.