Luther Loucks et. al.
When wandering far from the Father's abode,
The heart full of pride and hatred to God,
The children of darkness, of Satan the slaves,
'Twas Jesus redeemed us—His merit that saves.
Our sins on the cross He on Calvary bore,
He blotted them out and they are no more;
Now pardoned and washèd we boldly draw near,
And cry, "Abba, Father!" unhindered by fear.
Despised by the world, we're strangers below,
But callèd to heaven we cheerfully go;
The Lord is our Leader; and, strong in His might,
Though Satan opposes we fight the good fight.
We look for the day when Jesus shall come,
And take all His blood-purchased brethren home;
When we shall behold all His glory and grace,
And a heaven be found in the light of His face.