Burnt, Meal, Peace, and Trespass Offerings

Open—Stan Allan
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Through the love of God, our Savior will be well.
Free has changed.
Since favor.
All is well. I'm hiding from everything Christ abiding.
Holy Spirit guiding all.
Must be well.
Right tomorrow.
All will be well.
Must be well.
Our Godfather, we continue to thank thee now for this weekend that we have had. We thank you once again for thy beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Giving him for that work at Calvary. Save our souls.
Where we think of the.
Time before us now that that might guidance history and.
Words that our hearts might be stirred up and encouraged, comforted to knowing that all will be well. When we hear that shout, we hear thy voice calling us home to be with thee. So Lord, we just ask you for help. With this, thy name we pray, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I think many of us here.
Remember our brother, Attorney Wakefield.
Who passed away in the late 70s I think it was. And one of his comments he liked to make was make much of Christ.
I was wondering if it might be.
Edifying to perhaps go back to the book of Leviticus.
Chapter One. I remember when I was about the age of these some of these fellows on the front row.
I I used to read through Genesis and then I would read through Exodus and.
Then when I got to Leviticus, I skipped over and went to the book of Joshua and then Judges and Ruth and so on, and I didn't bother reading Leviticus and Numbers and Deuteronomy and.
And yet I believe that there's some very profitable parts in these books. And I was thinking, especially lately about the offerings that are found in the first four chapters or so of the book of Leviticus. We can't possibly cover that all today.
I think it's important. So let's just look at a verse, perhaps first in Luke 24, where we were there for a brief moment today.
Luke 24 The Lord Jesus on their way to Emmaus with these two.
Who were discouraged? And it says there, you know, the Lord says to them, he says, I'll read the verse that Jonathan mentioned. Not, not Christ, who have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory, and beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures.
Things concerning himself.
It's a wonderful thing, though, to realize that in all those Old Testament scriptures that we have.
We have types and pictures of the Lord Jesus.
And you know, it's another verse that he another thing that he said in this chapter. Notice verse 45 then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures. So it's not just a matter of reading the scriptures, but we need the understanding that the Spirit of God gives. And so I was wondering if we could just look.
To for a few moments.
At some of these offerings, notice the 1St chapter. We'll just won't even read the whole chapter, we'll just read part of it. And the Lord called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the Tabernacle of the congregation, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you had to bring an offering unto the Lord, he shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd and of the flock.
If it's offering, be a burnt sacrifice of the herd.
Let him offer a meal without blemish. He shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord, and he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted for him to make an atonement for him, and he shall kill the bullet before the Lord and the priests.
Aaron's sons shall bring the blood and sprinkle the blood around the boat upon the altar.
That is by the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation. And he shall flee the burnt offering, and cut it into his pieces. And the sons of Aaron the priest, shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire. And the priest, Aaron's son, shall lay the parts ahead in fact in order upon the wood, that is on the fire which is upon the altar.
But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in the water.
And the priest shall burn all on the altar to be a burned sacrifice.
An offering made by fire of a sweet saver unto the Lord.
I'll just read a little bit more. I did his offering beat of the flocks, namely of the sheep.
Down to the 13th 1St At the end of the verse, an offering made by fire of a sweet savor unto the Lord. And then it goes on. And if the bird sacrifice for his offering to the Lord be fouled, then he shall bring his offering of turtle doves, or a young pigeons. And skipping down the end of the 17th 1St, it is a burnt sacrifice and offering.
Made by fire of a sweet saver under the Lord.
I just wanted to say before we start here, that there are four offerings. There's the bird offering, there's the meal offering in the second chapter. The third one is the peace offering, and then finally the sin and the trespass offering.
And they all bring before us various aspects of the life and and.
Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. And you know, if we were writing the book of Leviticus, we probably would have started with the trespass offer. We all know the Lord Jesus died on the cross to put away our sins. And we can look at our lives and we can see the way we have lived and, and we can thank the Lord that he took, he took the judgment for our sins. That's the trespass offer. But he not only did that.
He gave himself a sacrifice for sin.
He took the judgment and for that route sin that is in every one of us. And then we have the peace offering, of course, which brings before us. I suppose you could say that it's a communion offering or a Thanksgiving and praise offering. And then you have the the meal offering which brings us before us, the Lord Jesus in his life.
And then the bird offering of which was really the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.
In In obedience to his Father's will.
So we would have probably started with the sin off because if you ask a Christian, you know, what do you think about the death of the Lord Jesus? It's wonderful to think that in this first chapter, the bird offering is really what God thinks about the offering of the Lord Jesus on the cross. And I think that's very important to see. And I want to apologize if I don't make these things as clear as I should.
I apologize, I I, I just feel that it's nice to meditate a little bit on the work of the Lord Jesus.
And what we have on these chapters, and I trust what I say is according to the mind of God, but you'll notice in this third verse of our chapter, it says if his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let them offer a mail without blemish. Now I think most of us understand and forgive me, I'm speaking more to the young so they can understand these things it says without blemish. Why? Because the Lord.
Jesus was perfect, He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and that's what we had. When it says that the bail was to be without blemish, and then it says he shall offer it of his own voluntary will, I think that's very important too. And I just want to say that all these things that we have in this chapter are bringing before us the Lord Jesus in one way or another.
And in connection with the voluntary will.
Offering here, I want to turn to John 10 for a moment.
And I'll be turning to several verses, but in the 10th chapter of John.
And the 15th verse. Notice what the Lord says.
He says, as the Father knoweth me, Even so know I the Father, and I lay down my life for the sheep.
There we have the voluntary offer, the Lord Jesus willingly offering Himself as a sacrifice for the sheep. Let's go on. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice. And there shall be one fold and one shepherd.
Therefore does my Father love me because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. Notice there that the Lord Jesus willingly offered Himself as a sacrifice, laid down his life to shake it again. And you know, and so we see it was a voluntary sacrifice.
We find too that it says in in Psalm chapter 40, I believe, and it's quoted again in Hebrews chapter 10. The Lord Jesus says, lo, I come in the volume of the book that is written to me to do thy will.
Oh my God. And so in the burnt offering we have God's view of the sacrifice the Lord Jesus gave of himself.
He he went there to the cross in perfect obedience to his Father's will and.
He he did it to glorify God, and that's what we have here in the voluntary offering.
And then it says in the fourth verse, He shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted for him. In other words, when this.
Heifer or whatever it was came in to be sacrificed. The offer would put his hand on the the animal to the author and that speaks of identification with and notice the way it says.
It shall be accepted for him. And in that connection, I just wanted to read a version. Ephesians chapter one. Ephesians chapter one.
And verse.
First four, we'll just bring the whole verse according as he has chosen us in the end before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. That's not the first thing. Verse six to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved.
That's a wonderful verse to consider. In other words, the Lord Jesus.
In perfect obedience to his Father's will went to the cross, and there he offered himself without spot to God. And God has fully accepted that work on the cross and we are accepted. Why? Because He is accepted. That's the wonderful thing. You know, there's a lot of Christians that think, well, I know the Lord died on the cross for my sins, but I have been such a failure. I've done so many bad things.
That I don't even know if I'm saved after all. And there they don't their salvation, but they forget that they are accepted in the beloved. They're accepted because the Lord Jesus has been accepted his his sacrifice on the cross perfectly satisfied all of God's hub requirements against sin. And the result is that we stand and all the acceptance of Christ.
How wonderful that is.
Well then, if you go down, we can't take time to go into every little detail, but you'll notice in the sixth verse it says he shall flee the burnt offering and cut it into his pieces. And then it says in the ninth verse, what his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water, and the priest shall burn all on the altar. Now what does that bring for us? I believe you know the water in Scripture speaks of the word of God.
And I think it's telling us that.
In the Lord's innermost being, in every thought, every action, everything He did, it was washed in water. It was according to the Word of God, it was an obedience to His Father's will. And so how wonderful that it says His inwards in His legs shall be washed in water. And then you notice at the end of the ninth verse it says it's an offering.
Made by fire of a sweet saver unto the Lord.
And I've enjoyed this too. You'll notice it's a sacrifice of the herd in the third chapter.
It mentions the sacrifice to her. Then in the 10th chapter, I'm sorry, the 10th verse it says it is offering me of the flocks, mainly of the sheep, and then in the 14th verse it mentions an offering of turtle dogs or young pigeons.
And why does it say that? And it repeats more or less the same things if you read it for the, for the, the sheep and the pigeons and so on. But why does it say, why does it give those three things? And you'll notice too, that after each one, after the, the herd, the animal of the herd, it says in the ninth verse a sweet saver under the Lord.
When it comes to the sheep they're offered, it's an offering made by fire of a sweet saver under the Lord.
And when it's the turtle, doves and the pigeons, it says it's an offering made by fire, the sweet saver under the Lord.
Why does it say that?
Well, I have enjoyed this, that you know, our appreciation of the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross varies. We don't all enter into it to the same degree. We know that in first John it talks about fathers, it talks about young men, it talks about little children.
And in our various.
As we mature in spiritual things, our appreciation of the death of Christ deepens, And in some cases it might be like offering a herd, an animal of the herd, or it might be like offering a sheep or turtle doves. And in other words, we might have a very poor appreciation of the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross. But Even so, God appreciates you, and he calls it a sweet savage.
The Lord. And so when we come together on marching morning, there might be some who can OfferUp.
A wonderful prayer and it shows the depth of understanding and appreciation of the work of Christ. And yet there might be someone else who has very little to offer, and yet the Lord appreciates it. I remember years ago going to.
A meeting and in Maine, he was in Detroit. Maybe some of you remember going to Detroit, Maine. There was a brother there and he got up to pray, to give thanks for the the emblem.
And what struck me was he just got up there and I can't give you the exact words, was something like this. Lord Jesus, thank you so much for dying on the cross. Amen. It was about that easy, about that simple. And it struck me more than any other prayer I've ever heard in the breaking of bread. He was just telling the Lord that he appreciated what he had done. You know, it was just like the turtle dogs or the pigeons.
Wasn't very much, but it was a sweet savor under the world. And so the Lord appreciates it. And I want to say this to the to the young brothers here, you know, you might think, well, I have to leave. We can't get up and pray or get out of him and leave it up to the older brothers. The Lord appreciates any little thing that you say or do that would bring glory to his Son, the Lord Jesus.
Because he appreciates his son more than we can ever imagine.
And so how wonderful we have this burn sacrifice brought before us in the first chapter, in the second chapter.
We have brought before us the meal off of.
And the meal offering, I believe, brings before us the Lord Jesus in his life here on earth in perfect obedience to His Father's will. And there are many details in this second chapter that I think are very interesting too. Let's just take a look, it says. And when any will offer a meal offering, it should be a meal offer, not a meal offering.
It wasn't an animal offering here it was really.
As you see could be fine flour, it could be green ears, it was something.
That was not flesh, if you want to put that way. And when he will offer a meal offering under the Lord, his offering shall be a fine flower, and he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense there on.
And so here they, you notice it was a meal offering and this particular meal offering in the first verse was a fine flower. Now, I suppose you younger ones and even older, we have put our hands sometimes into a a bag of flour. Have you done that? You can't get anything more smooth. It's just perfectly smooth. No chunks or bumps or anything. It's just.
Silk and feel so smooth and you'll notice here that this offering the meal offering was to be a fine flower and what does that bring before us? Well, you know I believe it brings before us the perfect uniformity and everything the Lord Jesus did perfect uniform and you know we tend to.
Have strong points. We know that Moses was known for his meekness, Joseph heard Job was known for his patience, and so on.
And so there are certain things that we find in our lives that sort of stand out and other things we sort of our weekend and so on. But with the Lord Jesus, that was perfect evenings. Everything was absolutely perfect and even there was no inconsistency.
It was absolutely perfect, and so we find here was flying flour, and so it would also bring before us, I believe, His purity and His evenness of character. And then it says He shall pour oil upon it. Why does it say that?
Well, oil in Scripture, as we know, speaks of the Spirit of God. And let's just take a look at a verse in Luke chapter one for the moment, Luke chapter one.
Speaking of the birth of the Lord Jesus.
And notice what it says in the 35th verse.
It says, The Angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon me, and the power of the Highest shall over shadow me. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Notice it says the Holy Ghost shall come upon, and the power of the highest river shadow. In other words, the Lord Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. It's rather remarkable. If you go to Genesis chapter 3, it says I'll just read the I'm not very good at quoting, but I'll read what it says there after Adam sinned.
It says.
It speaks of the seed of the woman. Yes, verse 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. So it talks about the seed of the woman. Normally we would speak about the seed of the man, but in Genesis three there it says the seed of the woman. Why? Because.
The Lord Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and His Father was not.
Not Joseph, even though people today would look at them that way. And so he was. It says here in our first, that he shall pour oil upon us. In other words, the Lord Jesus was conceived of the Spirit of God.
And it says put frankincense there on. In other words, it was a fragrance. Frankincense was like a an incense that that filled the room and and ascended to the Lord. And so the Lord Jesus life here on earth in perfect obedience, obedience to his Father's will and in absolute evenness.
It it was a sweet savory. It was a it was a fragrance to God.
As we have in this first verse. Well then if you go down again, it says in the second verse, it was a sweet savor under the Lord, this offering.
The meal offering but then it goes on and says.
In the fourth verse, if thou bring an oblation of a meat, meat offering, or a meal offering bacon in the oven, it shall be of unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
That's going to make one more comment, an introduction here, and that is that I remember Gordon Hale giving an illustration which really helped me. You know, he said that if you go to the to say Canadian Tire and you buy a BBQ, you get all these parts in a box, right? And you take it home.
And you take out the instructions and you find that there are a long list of written instructions.
And then there's a diagram showing you how it all goes together. Well, he pointed out this way that in the New Testament we have, you might say the instructions, the truth of Christianity in the New, in the Old Testament, you have, can I say God's picture book or the diagram of how everything fits together. And so what's wonderful is that in these chapters that we're reading, even though it's talking about.
Offerings at the.
Children of Israel offered it's all a picture of the Lord Jesus, and we are instructed about the life of the Lord Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross through these things. Well, you'll notice.
In this fourth verse it talks about the meal offering and only this time it's bacon in an oven. And then if you go to the fifth chapter it says it's bacon in the pan.
And then it says in the seventh verse that it's bacon in the frying pan. Now why does it say that?
Well, in the first case, it's bacon in the oven. Now, you know when you put something in the oven, you close the door and the heat is applied and you can't really see what's happening in there because the oven door is closed. And so a beacon in the oven. I believe the heat here that we find is really Speaking of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus.
You know, we often think of his sufferings on the cross.
And that was for our sins, no doubt, and for the glory of God. But.
The sufferings in the oven here, bacon in the oven were his hidden sufferings. In other words, we read that verse this morning in in Isaiah 53 where it says.
Again, I'll just read it. It will only take a minute, it says.
He is despised and rejected of man, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. You can imagine, here's the Lord, the perfect, sinless, spotless Lamb of God, coming into this world.
And what does he do? He heals the sick. He cleanses the leopard. He opens the eyes of the blind. And what does he get?
The very people he comes to bless, they despise him, they reject them. They don't want him. They say we will not have this matter right over us. Can you imagine how he felt inside?
These were his hidden sufferers and there are many things that the Lord had to endure that.
Greed disappears because he was wholly and harmless, undefiled, and yet he was in a land, a world of sin and sorrow and heartache. And so they are the the hidden sufferings of the Lord Jesus. But then when you come, then it says here.
This particular offering and bacon in the oven was to be mingled with oil. Well again, I believe it brings before us the fact that the Lord Jesus always acted in the in the power of the Spirit of God. I think that that's what brings brings before us. But then it says unleavened wafers. Why unleavened? Well, if you were to go to 1St Corinthians 5, it won't take time to do it. But if you went there, you would find out that.
Is a picture of sin and the Lord Jesus said to his disciples at one time he said beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. So Levin is a picture of sin. So that's why this offering this meal offering was to be unleavened. It says unleavened wafers and then it says anointed with oil. It's wonderful to think of the.
The specificity of Scripture, you might say.
First of all, it says that this offering was to be mingled with oil. Now it says anointed with oil. And what would that bring before us? Well, I think if you turn to Luke three, you would understand right away. Luke chapter 3 and.
When you think of those wonderful verses.
Verse 21.
When all the people were baptized, that came to pass, but Jesus also being baptized and praying. The heaven was open, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice from heaven which said, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Is that not the Lord Jesus being anointed with oil?
You remember Samuel there when he called for David to come, was another picture of the Lord Jesus.
Samuel took that vial of oil and poured it on his head. It's a picture of the Lord Jesus being anointed with oil. So he was not only mingled with oil, but it was about the the offering was anointed with oil. And there's another verse too, I think that would be helpful. Acts chapter 10. Let's take a look at Acts chapter 10 that gives the same thought.
Acts chapter 10 and verse 38.
It says there, and this is Peter speaking, how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power.
What about doing good and healing all of the repressed of the devil, for God was with him.
But no one that says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost. So how wonderful the the perfection of Scripture here that we bring before us these wonderful things about the Lord Jesus life on earth. And then it goes on and says in the fifth verse and if thy oblation be a meat offering bacon in a pan.
It shall be a fine flower. Now I understand in the original the thought is a flat pan, absolutely flat. The heat is applied to the pan and but this time it's not been enough.
And I believe would bring before us more the open sufferings of the Lord Jesus, not the hidden sufferings, but more the open sufferings. And so if you turn to Luke chapter four, we won't go into a lot of detail. I don't want to spend a lot of you, just sort of suggest it to you.
But in Luke chapter four we have the Lord Jesus being taken into the wilderness, and there he is tempted of Satan for 40 days and 40 nights, and there he suffered.
Through these temptations we know that he didn't eat during this time and Satan told him to to make those turn those stones into bread. But you know the Lord had never been given.
A command by his Father to turn those stones into bread so he wouldn't do it. And in that way he suffered openly. And the same thing is true if you read through this chapter, it speaks of his open sufferings. And so there were many times the Lord Jesus suffered in this way more openly.
Well then it says of course it speaks to pouring oil on it again we've already mentioned that. Then going on to the 7th verse it says if I obligation be a meat offering or a meal offering bacon in the frying pan.
Now we all know what a frying pan is. It's more open, but it has sort of a.
A border to it and I understand that in the original language.
The thought of the frying pan is.
Agitation stirred up, sort of a stirring up. And you know, when you get a frying pan and you put something in too often, stir it up and when you apply the heat and so on, and.
I think this is another type of suffering that the Lord Jesus endured particularly.
Well, let's just take in Gethsemane is what I'm thinking of, but let's just turn to John chapter.
12 for a moment.
Chapter 12.
And we get a verse there when the Lord Jesus was anticipating the cross.
And notice what he says in verse 27. I think this is the closest to get to Gethsemane in the Gospel of John. It says, Now is my soul troubled? And what shall I say, Father, save me from this hour? But for this cause came I unto this hour. Here the Lord is.
Anticipating what it's going to be to be made sin and to go with the cross and and suffer in those three hours.
As the sin bearer, he who was holy and harmless and undefiled, separate from sinners. And he says my soul is troubled. And then of course, if you go to Matthew chapter 26, we have the the Gethsemane again and.
Are actually.
Well, we can certainly read part of this just.
Matthew 26, verse 38 Then saith He unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death. Terry here can watch with me.
They went little further and fell on His face and prayed, saying, Oh, my Father would be possible, Let this cup pass from me nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou will. And we know that in another passage it says that He sweat as a word, great drops of blood falling down to the ground. It brings before us the intense agony He had in view of going to the cross.
And I believe that's what we're brought, what's brought before us in connection with the frying pan.
And so there were many sufferings that the Lord Jesus suffered even before he went to the cross. And we, we haven't brought before us a little bit in this meal offering. Well, then you if you go down, we won't take too much longer. I want to leave time for others. But you'll notice in the 10th verse it says that that which is left of the meal offering shall be.
Errands and his sons.
Notice there was a portion left for Aaron and his sons. And what was that? Great. What would that bring before us?
They bring before us the fact that.
The Lord would have us to feed on His life to think of what?
He lived in perfect obedience to his Father's will and how he always did that which was always did that which would glorify his Father. And we're defeat on that. We're to rejoice in it and meditate on it just as Aaron and his sons were to partake of this. And then you go down to the 11Th verse and it mentions 11 again, you'll notice.
No meat offering which he shall bring under the Lord shall be made with love.
We've already commented on that. For ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey.
In any offering of the Lord made by fire. Now, you know, honey brings before us natural sweetness. That's what it is. And I think it it brings before us to our natural relationships with each other. And the Lord Jesus, as we know, he had a mother and Joseph was looked upon as his father. He had brothers and sisters.
But he never allowed those relationships to interfere.
With his work in obedience to His Father's will.
Just take a look for a moment in Luke chapter.
I think it is at the moment Luke chapter 2.
You remember the story of how his father and mother had gone up to the temple.
And he remained behind and sat in the midst of the doctors, both hearing and them and asking them questions.
And then you'll notice that his mother comes along, and she they discover him. Of course they return and they discover him in the temple. And notice what his mother says in the 48th verse. Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy father, and and I have sought thee sorrowing.
But notice how he answers. He says, how is it that you saw me wish he not that I must be of those my father's business. In other words, the Lord here is showing that what was important was doing his Father's will, and that's what came first. But even even though that was true, notice what it says next. It says in verse 51, He went down with them and came to Nazareth.
And was subject under them, so everything was in perfect balance. Another example of this same thing is found in John chapter.
Chapter 2 You know the story of the wedding in in Cana of Galilee, and you remember they ran out of wine. And notice what Mary says in verse three. When they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
But there knows what at the point the Lord answers, He says, Woman, what am I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.
In other words, Mary was trying to influence them on a natural level and and saying, well, you know, you have the ability to turn this water into wine, do it for them, show them a favor. But notice the Lord says my hour is not yet come. He wouldn't allow natural relationships to interfere with his labor for his father. He always did what his father commanded.
And so there was to be no honey offered.
Well then you go down. And another thing that's interesting is verse 13. It says every ablation of the meat of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt. Neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering. With all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt. Will we know?
I want to say this to those who are younger. When you think of salt, you think of something you can put on your potatoes or your meat to make it taste a little better. But you know the primary reason for salt in old times.
Was that there was a preservative?
In fact, salt was so important that it cost a fair amount because people needed it to preserve their meat during the winter months or whatever it was. So it was a preservative. And it's wonderful to think that everything the Lord Jesus spoke and did, it was it was to be a preservative.
Just take a look at Luke again. Luke chapter 4.
In fact, you'll notice I've been turning the loop quite a bit.
Why? Because I believe in Luke. We have the Lord Jesus brought before us as the meal off.
In John we have the Lord Jesus brought before us as the burned off.
But in Luke 4 you remember here a little further down from where we were.
So the Lord says, verse 24. Verily I say unto you, no prophet is accepted in his own country.
I tell you of the truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heavens were shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land. But unto none of them was a liar sense or Elijah sins, save unto Sareta, a city of Sidon, which was outside of Israel, and unto a woman that was a widow. And many lepers were in Israel in the time of.
Elisha the prophet.
And none of them were clans. Saved name on the leper who was a Syrian.
In other words, the Lord was saying those of you in Israel wouldn't accept.
How, how shall I put it? Those in Israel refused the testimony of the Lord. And So what happened? The blessing went out to the the widow of Sarepta. It went out to the name of the Syrian. And these people were so cross when they heard this that they wanted to push him over the hill. In other words, he was applying the salt.
There's another verse too in this in this chapter that's interesting.
It says they marveled at the.
Verse 22, all bearing witness and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. So they marveled at his gracious words, but when he applied the salt, they got angry and they wanted to push him over the brow of the hill. Well, that salt is the preservative and that's what each offering here, meal offering was to have. And then just one other thing I'll mention.
In the 14th verse it says if thou offer a meal offering of thy first fruits under the Lord, thou shalt offer for the meal offering of the first fruits, green ears of corn. Now I believe when it talks about green ears is talking about ears ears of corn that aren't quite right.
And I think in that connection turn to a Psalm 102.
Psalm 102.
And notice what it says prophetically in verse 24 of the Lord Jesus.
I said, Oh my God, take me not away in the midst of my days.
Thy years are throughout all generations. Notice it says take me not away in the midst of my days. You know the Lord Jesus, when did he when was he crucified? He was crucified about the when he was about 33 years old, just about in the middle of his days.
In other words, it was as if he was a greener of corn. Did you ever notice that? It says in Luke again if you've done these things in the green tree.
What shall be done in the drive?
The green tree perhaps brings before us the Lord being taken away in his youth when he was 33 years old.
So it says here the meat offering was the first fruits, green ears of corn dried by the fire.
I know there's a lot that you can bring out perhaps that I haven't brought out here, but what does it mean driving by the fire? I was wondering that myself.
But you know, I was thinking before the Lord Jesus went to the cross.
What does it say in Philippians 2 who being in the form of God, thought of not robbery to be equal with God?
But what happened but took upon him the form of a servant, and was found in fashion as a man. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross.
In other words, it's just as if his glories were dried up because he had to go to the cross. Of course. They weren't drawing up all together, of course, but.
He those glories of his work were hidden.
They were hidden when he was here on earth in many cases, although we know that he did many miracles and he certainly showed who he was. But anyway, it says green ears dried by the fire, something to meditate on.
Well, I just leave those things with you. I've enjoyed going over this many, many times, and I think it's profitable to spend a few hours just going over these chapters. I remember.
John and I keep thinking about Ottawa years ago. And brother John, you remember Tom Jones.
And Tom Jones used to say, I don't believe you can understand the scriptures properly unless you understand the offerings of Leviticus used to say that.
And I think there's so much here to bring before us the, the death and the and the life of the Lord Jesus. That is profitable meditation for everyone of us. So I just leave that with you. It's been encouragement to me.
Maybe we could sing #230 in connection with the meal offering him I've often enjoyed.
Oh Lord, when we the three frames.
From true and I was grasped one of my grace.
Thy faithfulness to God.
Make my wife.
And pleasure find anything.