Noah's Flood

Gospel—Stan Allan
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Sinners lost and ruined by the fall salvation fall at highest cost the.
Just ask God's blessing.
Our God and Father, we thank Thee for another opportunity to be gathered together to proclaim the love of God. All. We thank you for that love, that wondrous love that sent thy beloved Son into this world to save sinners.
And why we would pray tonight, if there's some soul or many here tonight who have never accepted thee as Savior, we pray that they might come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus, that they might realize that love that took him to Calvary, to soccer in those three hours of darkness. And Lord Jesus, we pray that they might accept thee as Lord and Savior.
We pray tonight wherever the gospel is going for us, for a rich blessing, and we ask you for thy health, for surely without thing we can do nothing. And so we command this little time to the In the worthy and precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Mean we can sing one more hymn. How about #15?
Oh blessed gospel sound, yet there is room. It tells to all around, yet there is room. Maybe we could stand and sing it.
All blessed had dust, all sound, yes.
Yes, there is room.
They know, they hear. Yes, there is room.
Cause love in Christ, we say, yes, there is room.
Yes, there is room. All things are ready come. Yes, there is room.
Crying outcome. Yeah, there is room.
Oh my God.
Yes, there is room.
Salvation day from you will pass away.
And embrace no more. Well played.
Yes, there is room.
I think most of us this evening have heard in the news the last few weeks.
Of the devastating floods down in Houston.
They really, it seems as if these these floods have been at least as bad as Katrina was a few years ago, and many people have suffered greatly and.
I couldn't help but think of the verse in Job 33 that says God speaketh once. Yeah twice. But man perceiveth. If not, you know God is faithful.
And we all know, looking around, that the world is quickly ripening for judgment.
But God never brings judgment without warnings. And even though we really feel for the people who have suffered in this catastrophe, still I believe that God is speaking warning men of what's to come. And I couldn't help but think that regarding this flood, that we should go back to Genesis and look at that very familiar story of.
Noah's Flood, So I'd like to turn there for a few moments.
We won't spend all our time in this chapter, but we'll look at it.
Genesis chapter 6.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were.
Shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh, yet his day shall be 120 years. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also came after that, and I'm sorry, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, that they bear children to them.
The same became mighty men which were of old men of renown.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. And he repented the Lord, that he had made man on the earth, and aggrieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth.
Both man and beast, and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for repented me that I have made them.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
And then down to verse 11, the earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with violence through them.
And behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Meet thee an ark of Gopher wood. Room shall thou make in the ark, and shall pitch it within and without, with pitch.
And then down to the next chapter. And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
And then he talks about the animals going into the ark. And, uh, verse four, we have seven days. I will cause it to rain upon the earth, 40 days and 40 nights. And then over to the 15th verse. And they went in on to Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. And they that went in went in male and female of all flesh.
Is gone and commanded him.
And the Lord shot him in.
Well, I'm sure that all of us have heard this story many times, and we also know that this world has really relegated it to nothing more than a myth.
And yet I want to say that if you take this as a myth, then you have to set aside the entire Word of God. I say that because not only does Mondus mention it here in Genesis, but if you were to turn, and we will turn a few moments to Job the patriarch, you would find that he speaks of the flood.
And then if you turn to Isaiah.
And Ezekiel, you find again that they mention the flood. And then of course in the book of Matthew, the Lord Jesus himself, he speaks of a flood. And then the epistles of the apostle Paul and Hebrews and the apostle Peter in his epistle, they all speak of a flood.
So if you refuse to accept this story in the book of Genesis.
Then you have to set aside what the Lord Jesus says, what the apostles say, what the prophets say, and the patriarchs. And you know, I don't believe this story because I have decided that it's scientifically possible. I believe it by faith. You know, I remember Brother Bellman many years ago speaking in Chicago, and he gave a very interesting.
Uh, definition of faith, he said.
God says it, I believe it, and that says, and I think that is really what faith is. It's simply believing what God says. And it's also interesting to note that the story of the flood isn't only told in the in the book of Genesis, in these other accounts, we have other details.
And I can't help but think that when we look at this story.
That we're really seeing a little picture of what the world is like even today. You'll notice it starts off and says I came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth. Don't you think that's one thing that is really happening today? You know, when I was a young boy, I can't tell you exactly, but I would say in the population of the world was something like 3 billion.
Now it's around 7 billion.
In other words, it's true that men are beginning, beginning to multiply on the earth. Our brother John mentioned that India has over a billion people, China has even more people. And we see the same thing beginning to happen that happened back in these days. And then it says, of course, the sons of God saw the daughters of men that were fair.
You know this verse here has been debated by many.
But I really believe that, umm, it really well, we let's let's take a look at what some of the other writers say. We'll look at first Peter for a moment first Peter.
Umm, or how the second Peter, second Peter chapter 2 and it says there in the, uh, fifth verse, or maybe we read the fourth verse. For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment.
And spared not the old world, but saved Noah, the 8th person, a preacher of righteousness.
Bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. Well there you'll notice it mentions the angels that sinned. I believe it's referring to this chapter. The sons of God being none other than angels, they took on the four of the man. They married the children of men.
And it was one of the reasons why judgment came on the world.
Because God had made the angels suffer from men and he abused men, left these angels, left their first estate and they united with men. And you know, we find the same kind of thing going on today, not with angels, but men are not content to be in the place that God has put them. We have men that want to become women. We have women that want to become men. They are people that want to change what God has.
Done. And this brought judgment on that.
Civilization that was before the flood and so it points this out and then in the third verse it says my spirit shall not all would strive with man for that he is also flesh, yet his day shall be 120 years. And so God did not judge right away.
He waited in loving patience, long-suffering.
120 years.
And, umm.
God is doing the same thing to do today. He's striving with men and he's done it for a long time. You know, I find it very interesting. I was teaching school for many years and I've always thought it's interesting to look at history from God's point of view. And you know, God has never left himself without a witness. And during the dark ages that one of the brothers was mentioning today.
There were those who were godly Christians, wanted to follow the Lord. They were known as the Vaido.
Or the Alba Jensen. And then, of course, God raised up Martin Luther.
Because the Church at that time was teaching that in order to be, uh, delivered from, umm, they called the purgatory or from hell, you had to pay money to the church. And so God raised up Martin Luther to show that salvation was by faith. And umm, it was wonderful to see the number of people that were saved as a result of Martin Luther's testimony.
Then God raised up a whole series of gospel preachers.
In the next couple of centuries, men like George Whitfield and.
John and Charles Wesley and David Bernard, many of these men, they pinched the gospels, thousands of people were saved and then we know that at the beginning of the 19th century, the 1800s, God raised up the.
Truth of the Lord's coming, and so on. In other words, God was working all the way.
And souls were being saved. And thank God, he's still waiting. He's still starting with men. You know, we find that here in North America, there's not much desire to hear the gospel. They don't want to hear about the word of God. They turn their back on it. So what is God doing? He's going out into the byways and the highways and he's compelling them to be saved men. And Iran, China, Malawi, Nigeria, I was very impressed.
Just on Tuesday night, I was over in turn and I handed out to know the little messages of love gospel sheets, not gospel sheets but the the prize sheets. And I noticed that there were more people in Nigeria that answered the messages of Love Bible searcher.
Now all the people in the United States, just in one country, Nigeria, it shows you that God is going to have his house still. If the people of North America and the people of Europe don't want it, then he'll send it out to others. We know too, that our brother Mariel Persa has been preaching the gospel in Brazil on the Internet, and I think our brother John here has told us there's many as 40 or more assemblies as.
No, no audience. God helps us spilling fast. Some guests will be the last. And tonight we're looking here at the audience. We know when you've heard the gospel many times, but maybe there's a child here, maybe there's a teenager, maybe there's even some adults who have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. God is giving you the opportunity tonight.
To accept Christ as your Savior.
Well, let's take a look for a few moments. It's on the other scriptures that refer to the to the flood here. Let's look. First of all, a job Chapter 22.
John, Chapter 22.
And you'll notice there, uh, starting at, umm.
Umm, Verse 15 Hostile mark the old way, which mark which wicked men have trodden, which were cut down out of time, whose foundation was overflowing with a flood, which said unto God, depart from us. For what can the Almighty do for them? Yet he filled their houses with good things.
But the council of the wicked is far from thee. You know what starts out by saying hostel mark the old way. I want to ask you tonight, dear friend, have you marked as an old way? I'm sure that the Christians in this room have been thought about what happened back in in the beginning when this terrible flood came across the earth. But here.
It's saying half Thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden.
This is serious. We're not just having a little talk here for an hour. We're asking, have you considered what happened back at this time?
It's so important. And you know, what did these people say? They said depart from us. You know, I wonder why they said it. Well, you'll notice the down there a little further. It says he filled their houses with good things. I asked you tonight, dear friend, is your house filled with good things? What I mean by that is.
Do you have food for the next week in your home? Do you have nice clothes? Do you have a car? You have a comfort, a comfortable place to sleep at night?
I'm sure those things are true. God has Bentley provided and yet what has it done in?