
Listen from:
Children—E. Munck
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It's a large and find out that he is a major daughter. Let's look at accident Chapter 11 or 12.
Read a few verses here. I like to stand up there too high. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, and the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of month. It shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, the 10th day of this month. And we shall take to them every man a lamb.
According to the House of their father, a lamb for a house. Now there's one word here, boys and girls, that I want you to pay attention to, and that is that word. Take, take.
Verse four. And if the household be too little for the Lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto in his house, take it according to the number of the souls, every man according to his eating, he shall make your account for the land.
Your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year he shall take.
It from the sheep or from the goat, and ye shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month in the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the East.
All boys and girls you know.
God is man, a life?
Worth it. The soul that sin has, it shall die. But here there was something found for the children of Israel. You know they were sinners, just like the Egyptians. Boys and girls, you may be raised in a Christian home. You may have Christian parents.
Your father may be a preacher.
Our sinners just don't hate, you know. It's a privilege to speak to children that have been raised in a Christian home. You know, the world around us, they don't know anything about it. They are utterly blind as to what's coming. God is a thrice holy God and He must judge sin. You know, He told us about a lamb. You know, boys and girls.
Where to pour?
We are too poor to provide a lamp that God will be satisfied with her.
You only have to take the Lamb that God has provided for us.
God wants us to take the Lamb that He has provided for us.
Though they had to kill that lamb evening, that is said in verse seven. And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side post and on the upper door coast of the houses wherein they shall be in, and they shall eat the flesh in that night, roasted fire and unleavened bread.
With bitter earth they shall see.
Verse 12 We read, For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am the Lord, and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are. When I see the blood I will pass over you, and the play shall not be upon you to destroy you.
When I find the last of Egypt.
What girls you know we cannot provide the lamp for God, but God has provided for us.
A lamb and his old beloved son. Let's look at John chapter one.
Verse 29, the next day John, see you next day John, see if Jesus coming onto him and saying, behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. You know, all the lambs and all the offerings of the Old Testament aren't enough to wash away our sins.
But God's lamp is enough.
To take away the sin of a whole world of sinners against himself.
Boys, girls, God provided a lamb.
How blessed it is. You know, there was a woman, a girl by the name of Francis Ridley Abergall.
And her daddy was a preacher, and he was a faithful preacher of the gospel. She thought of the little girl, you know, I'm born into this world and I'm a Sinner. She knew she was a Sinner. She says, oh, I'm so troubled. I'm so troubled because after I die.
I'm going to be judged by God.
Charged if my sins are forgiven.
We'll have to go to hell. I'll have to go there because if my fins aren't washed away, I'll never be able to stand before God.
All that young lady, she got saved. She took God's land. She came to the Lord Jesus. You know what she wrote?
She wrote that precious hymn that we sing together. Precious, precious blood of Jesus, shed on Calvary, shed for rebels, shed for sinners, shed for me, boys and girls, you know, when we're young.
We don't realize our sins very deeply, but we need a savior.
We need a savior. As we grow older, we find out more and more. We look at ourselves and we find out that there's a tiger inside of us.
That woman found out that that blood was shed for rebels, for rebels. Oh thank God it was shed for rebels, the very one that crucified the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus could say to his Father.
All Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Did they know what they were doing?
Thank you. But he's always just like he said this picture that they.
20 Sorry.
If one be found slain in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
To possess it lying in the field, and it be not known to inflamed him. Then thy elders and thy judgers shall come forth, and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him. That is plain.
And it shall be that the city which is next under the slain man, even the elders of that city, shall take a pepper which hath not been wrought with, and which has not drawn in the yoke. And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer into a rough valley, which is neither here nor stone.
And shall strike off the heifer's neck there in the valley.
The boys and girls you know.
Who killed the Lord Jesus? You know, there was a brother one time he was going to Italy and he asked the children there. He said what kind of soldiers was it that killed the Lord Jesus?
A little joker ****** ** at.
The Italian soldiers and killed the other people.
And you know who was it that delivered up to the Lord Jesus to be crucified?
It wasn't Jews that did it.
So both the Jews and the Gentiles, they were guilty of crucifying the Lord.
And in our hearts, boys and girls, whenever we say I don't want to go to something school, I don't want to learn the verses, we're saying, you know, little measure the thing.
We don't care about the Lord Jesus, you know, he cared about us even though, even though.
And he went to the cross. You know, in John's Gospel we read these words, and Jesus, bearing his cross, went forth.
Look at you, God might have a man that we might have a lamp to offer to God that we might take that one who who are guilty and we have crucified him yet he said, oh, I'll be your man, I'll be your man. You know, there was a brother one time in prison.
During the war and he was preaching the gospel to some children and he was telling them that the Lord Jesus was the Lamb, that they could come to God by.
He is telling them, you know, that there is a judgment to come, just like that Passover night when God passed over and he looked for a lot on the door.
You know one little boy, when he asked him about it, you know what he said. Well, that's a good thing to think about when judgment's about.
That's a good thing to think about when judgment is about to come.
Talk to another little boy. He went to interview. He said would you like to be saved? Would you like to be saved?
I would like to I would like to know if you want people to reopen this Bible. John 6.
Simple words, very simple verse. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me have everlasting life.
He's believeth unto me I've everlasting variable boys and girls, God's lamb.
Is available for.
Every boy, every girl that wants.
You can't be too bad for God.
You know that little boy? He took the northeast from Second City.
And it's below 3 days later, that little boy.
Let this thing be gone.
Well, you know, God says when I see the blood, I will pass over you.
You know, boys and girls in the old days in English.
They used to have railroads and railroad carriages, and the people would get in them and sometimes it was night time and they would go down the farm. They would sit in that railroad carriages and the conductor would walk down the pile of the carriage. You know what you would say?
Tickets please. Pick it please.
Your people, they would give me a ******* pull out a ticket, show up because it's your doctor. You know, They didn't have life in those days. Very good light. Seductory had a lamp. He would shine the lamp on the ticket. He didn't shine it in the people's face to see what the people looked like. No boys and girls, you know, It's not what we look like and it's not the extent of our sins.
Because God tells us that the blood of Christ is of such a value before his eyes, that it will cleanse from sin all those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, the conductors hear Chinese glance in their face to see what they look like, but he wanted to see what happened to him.
Well, you know we can be safe by coming to the Lord Jesus, because he has said, come on to me, all ye that labor in our heavy lake, and I will give you rest. You know, there was a lady one time who was burdened about her sins, and she went to a place and there this old man.
He had texts on the walls. He was Bibles around the house, she said. Mine isn't a funny place.
Did you know, I'd like to know a little bit more about the Bible and this old brother, he started telling her about the Lord Jesus, that the Lord Jesus went to the cross and died for our sins. You know, we had that. What's a memory verse for today? You can tell me what the memories were doing.
I know some of you learned it.
Who knows? OK, stand up.
Very good.
But he was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of RP, that means the punishment of our peace was put upon him, and with his strength we are healed. You know this lady.
That, you know, it's no use. I'm lost, he said. Oh, that's good. That's good.
You know, that Lady was my mother, she said. If you knew what I was suffering in my soul, you wouldn't say that was good.
The man said to her, you know, it's good to see somebody who knows himself to be a Sinner in God's sight.
But the Lord Jesus is standing in heaven now, and he's saying, Come unto me.
All ye that labour nor heavy laden and I will give you that. You know what my mom said he did, she said to her. So I'm going to go home and I'm going to pull the curtain and I'm going to come to the Ortiz.
On the way home, he was walking home and another friend of hers came by and said, oh, Margaret, come shopping with me. She said, oh, no, I've got to get home. I've got to get home. Margaret, you can come shopping with me. Oh, you know, the devil didn't want my mom to get saved. No, you know, my mom relented and she went home with her. I mean, she went shopping with her all the time. She was thinking to herself, what if I died right now?
What if I died right now? Where will I go?
You know, she blindly, she clumped the door of that car and she went and opened the door of the house and she pulled the curtains. She got down on her knees and she came to the Lord Jesus. You think the Lord Jesus pushed her off? You know in the German translation of that verse it that the Lord will not push you off. He won't push you off. The Lord won't push us in or away.
Oh, thank God for that.
As he hasn't pushed me away, Paul, thank God he's a savior today and I want to read another verse. I'm going to read another.
Revelation Chapter.
Verse 15.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every fond men, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens, and in the rock of a mountain. And he said to the mouth of the rock, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath.
Of my life.
Well, can you sing it? I can think of a Kitty.
Catching a bird is eating it, but Can you imagine?
The wrath of the mouth.
Can a lamb be angry? You know my granddaughters, they had a little lamb and it never was anything but gentle. But here we find in the end of the word of God those that refuse.
Shelter themselves those who refuse to take the lamp.
Found hundreds of rats although like you know God is justified himself in every one of his feelings when he gave the Lord Jesus to die on the cross to be a sin of for gold, He has justified himself in His Holiness. Oh God is a thrice holy God and only an infinite sacrifice could fervent.
But he has also shown his great love.
Darling of his bosom, to be a savior for you and for me.
All will you have him or he's worthy of your trust? Come to him and be saved for everyone.
Shall we just look for it?
Blessed God and Father, we look to these, we own to thee, that the best words that could be chosen are but feeble and fast and expressly.
Thy thoughts, thy heart, thine appeal, thy righteousness, thy wrath. Oh Lord Jesus, we look to thee and ask Thy blessings. Upon these few words we do again. Just ask thy helper. Pray for the children, that they might not put it off. And they give me just a little longer, for this world seems now so bright.
When I feel that I am dying.
I'll be safe, but not now, not tonight. Oh Lord Jesus, we ask thy blessing them. We give these thanks to medicine in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Every morning come to the Lord Jesus and find out that He is a major law. Let's look at Exodus chapter is Chapter 11 or 12.
Read a few verses here. I like to stand up there too. By And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, and the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of month. It shall be the first month of a year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, the 10th day of this month.
Take to them every man a lamb, according to the House of their father a lamb.
Now there's one word here, boys and girls, that I want you to pay attention to, and that is that word. Take, take.
Verse four. And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next onto his house, Take it according to the number of the souls, every man according to his eating, he shall make your account for the land.
Your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year he shall take.
It from the sheep or from the goat, and ye shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month in the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the heat.
All boys, girls, you know.
God is man of life.
Or stitch the soul that sin has, it shall die. But here there was something found for the children of Israel. You know they were sinners, just like the Egyptians. Boys and girls, you may be raised in a Christian home. You may have Christian parents. Your father may be a preacher.
With you, our sinners justified, you know it's a privilege to speak to children that have been raised in a Christian home. You know the world around us, they don't know anything about it. They are utterly blind as to what's coming. God is a thrice holy God, and he must judge sin.
You know, he told us about a lamb. You know, boys and girls, we're too poor.
We are two, four.
To provide a lamp that God will be satisfied with.
Though we have to take the Lamb that God has provided for us.
God wants us to take the Lamb that He has provided for us.
So they had to kill that lamb evening. Then it said in verse 7, Then they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door cold of the houses wherein they shall.
And they shall eat the flesh in that night rose with fire, and unleavened bread with bitter herbs. They shall see.
Verse 12 We read, For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am the Lord, and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are. When I see the blood I will Passover you, and the play shall not be upon you to destroy you.
When I fly to the latitude.
What? Girl, you know we cannot provide a lamb for God, but God has provided for us.
A lamb in his old beloved son. Let's look at John chapter one.
Verse 29, the next day John seeth, next day John seeth Jesus coming on to him and said, behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. You know, all the lambs and all the offerings of the Old Testament aren't enough to wash away our sins.
But God's lamp.
Is enough to take away the sin of a whole world of sinners against himself?
Boys and girls.
God provided a lamb.
How blessed it is. You know, there was a woman, a girl by the name of Francis Ridley Haberdall, and her daddy was a preacher and he was a faithful preacher of the Gospel. She thought as a little girl, you know, I'm born into this world and I'm a Sinner. She knew she was a Sinner. She says, oh, I'm so troubled. I'm so troubled because.
After I die.
I'm going to be judged by God.
Judged. If my sins are forgiven thee, I'll have to go to hell. I'll have to go there because if my fins aren't washed away, I'll never be able to stand before God.
Oh, that young lady, she got saved. She took God's lamb.
She came to the Lord Jesus.
You know what she wrote? She wrote that precious hymn that we sing together.
Precious, precious blood of Jesus shed on Calvary.
Shed for rebels, shed for sinners for shed for me, boys and girls. You know, when we're young, we don't realize our sins very deeply, but we need a Savior. We need a Savior. As we grow older, we find out more and more. We look at ourselves and we find out that there's a tiger inside of us.
That wasn't found out that that blood was shed for rebels, for rebels. Oh thank God it was shed for rebels, the very ones that crucified the Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus could say to his father.
All Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Did they know what they were doing?
Thank you. But he's always just like he says in scripture that they.
20 Sorry.
If one be found slain in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
To possess it lying in the field, and it be not known who can blame him. Then thy elders and my judges shall come forth, and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him. That explain.
And it shall be that the city which is next under the plain man, even the elders of that city, shall take his cat birth which hath not been wrought, with, which hath not drawn in the building. And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer into a rough valley, which is neither here nor stone.
And shall strike off the heifer's neck there the valley.
The boys and girls you know.
Who killed the Lord Jesus? You know, there was a brother one time he was going to Italy and he asked the children there, he says what kind of soldiers was it that killed the Lord Jesus?
Children booked up at instead. It wasn't Italian soldiers that killed the ****.
And you know who was it that delivered up the Lord Jesus to be crucified?
It was the June.
So both the Jews and the Gentiles, they were guilty of crucifying the Lord.
And in our hearts, the boys and girls, whenever we say I don't want to go to something school, I don't want to learn the verses we're saying, you know, little measure the same thing.
We don't care about the Lord Jesus. You know, He cared about us even though, even though he cares.
And he went to the cross. You know, in John's Gospel we read these words, and Jesus, bearing his cross, went forth.
Look at you and I might have a lamb that we might have a lamb to offer to God, that we might take that one who who are guilty. We have crucified him yet He says, oh, I'll be here man. Oh, I'll be here. You know, there was a brother one time in prison.
During the war and he was preaching the gospel to some children and he was telling them that the Lord Jesus was the Lamb, that they could come to God by.
He was telling them, you know, that there is a judgment to come, just like that Passover night when God passed over and he looked for the blood on the door.
You know one little boy, when he asked him about it, you know what he said. Well, that's a good thing to think about when judgment's about.
That's a good thing to think about when judgment is about to come.
Now to another little boy, he went to him and he said would you like to be saved? Would you like to be saved a little bit?
I would like I would like to know for what she said. We open this Bible, John 6.
Are simple words, very simple verse. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me have everlasting life.
Even to leave it on to me. I've everlasting life, boys and girls, God's lamb.
Is available.
For every boy, every girl that wants them.
You can't be too bad for God.
You know that little boy? He took the Lord Jesus and Mercedes.
And below 3 days later.
That's really cool.
That did seem to be gone.
You know God says when I see the blood I will pass over you.
You know, boys and girls in the old days in England, they used to have railroads and the railroad carriages and the people would get in them and sometimes it was night time and they would go down the they would sit in the railroad carriages and the conductor would walk down the pile of a carriage. You know what you would say?
Pick it please. Pick it please.
Don't people, they would go out with chicken, show up to the conductor, You know, they didn't have lights in those days, very good lights. And the pedestrians had a lamp. He would shine the lamp on the ticket. He didn't shine it in the people's face to see what the people looked like. No, boys and girls, you know, it's not what we look like and it's not the extent of our sins.
Because God tells us that the blood of Christ is of such a value.
Before his eyes, that it will cleanse from sin.
All those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
So the conductor, even China glance in their face, see what they look like, but he wanted to see if they happen to.
It grows. You know we can be safe by coming to the Lord Jesus, because he has said about to me all ye that labor and our heavy lake, and I will give you rest. You know there was a lady one time who was burdened about her sin that she went to a place and there this old man.
He had texts on the walls and.
Bibles around the house, she said. Mine is the funny place.
Did you know, I'd like to go a little bit more about the Bible and this old brother, he started telling her about the Lord Jesus, that the Lord Jesus went to the cross and died for our sins. You know, we had that. What's a memory verse for today?
You can tell me what the memories were doing today.
I know some of you learned it.
Who knows? OK.
Very good.
Buddy was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our feet, that means the punishment of our peace was put upon him, and with his strife we are healed. You know this, lady.
Yes, you know, it's no use and loss, he said. Oh, that's good, that's good, that's good.
You know, that Lady was my mother, she said. If you knew what I was suffering in my soul, you wouldn't say that was good.
The man said to her, you know, it's good to see somebody who knows himself to be a Sinner in God's sight.
But the Lord Jesus is standing in heaven now and he's saying amongst me all ye that labour are heavy laden and I will give you that. You know what my mom said? I did, She said you were. So I'm going to go home and I'm going to pull the curtains and I'm going to come to the Lord Jesus.
On the way home, he was walking home and another friend of hers came by and said, oh, Margaret, come shopping with me. She said, oh, no, I've got to get home. I've got to get home. Margaret, you can come shopping with me. You know, the devil didn't want my mom to get saved. No, you know, my mom relented and she went home with her. I mean, she went shopping with her.
All the time she was thinking to herself, what if I died right now? What if I died right now? Where will I go?
You know, she blindly, she clumped the door of that car and she went and opened the door of the house and she pulled the curtains. She got down on her knees and she came to the Lord Jesus. You think the Lord Jesus pushed her off, You know, in the German translation of that verse.
That the Lord will not push you.
He won't push you off. The Lord won't push it Sinner away. Oh, thank God for that because he hasn't pushed me away all. Thank God He's a savior today and I want to read another verse. I want to read another.
Revelation Chapter.
Verse 250.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captain, and the mighty men, and every fond men and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rock of a mountain.
And an incentive amount was lost. Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the left.
Or can you say I can think of a Kitty?
Catching a bird and eating it. But Can you imagine the wrath of a lamb? Can a lamb be angry? You know my granddaughters, they had a little lamb and it never was anything but gentle.
But here we find in the end of the word of God.
Those that refuse.
Shelter themselves those who refuse to take the lamp.
To be found utterly right, although right, you know God is justified himself in every one of his dealings when He gave the Lord Jesus to die on the cross.
To be a sailor for those that run. He has justified himself in His Holiness. O God is a thrice holy God, and only an infinite sacrifice could literally.
But He has also shown his great love. He would give me, the darling of his bosom, to be a savior for you and for me. All you have him, all He's worthy of your trust. Come to Him and be saved forever.
Intelligence Book.
Blessed God and Father, we look to thee, we own to thee, that the best words that could be chosen are but feeble and vast and expressing.
Thy thoughts, thy heart, thine appeal.
Thy righteousness.
Thy wrath, oh Lord Jesus, we look to thee and ask thy blessings upon these few words.
We do again, just ask God help, pray for the children that they might not put it off and say, give me just a little longer, for this world seems now so bright. When I feel that I am dying, I'll be safe, but not now, not tonight. Oh Lord Jesus, we ask thy blessings and we give thee thanks. Permit us to be in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's embarrassing, but.