
Listen from:
Children—M.W. Smith
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It's nice when we have a meeting for children.
Sing the songs, the hymns that the children like.
I wonder if there's a boy or girl here that has a hymn you'd like to sing.
If you want to raise your hand if you have one.
Like to sing?
Nobody has one.
Shall we gather at his coming when the dead in Christ arise?
Over here, the Savior summons to God's home beyond the skies. Yes, we'll gather it is coming.
It's glorious. It's glorious. Coming gather with the Saints. It is coming. If washed in the Savior's blood. Now don't forget that last line if washed in the Savior's blood.
What if someone can start a place?
I thought I saw a hand up over here.
What can I wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other found. I know nothing but the blood of Jesus. Now you know we we sing this a lot when we go up to New Brunswick where we have a lot of children over there in the tent and we sing it like this. That's the one who was speaking.
He asked the question and the children answered. You have a question in the first line, you have the answer in the second line. You have a question in the third line of the first verse, and you have the answer in the last line. Suppose I asked the question and you answer. What can wash away my sins?
What can make me whole again?
Oh precious.
Hunger and fighting all nothing but the lot of trees.
For my cleansing this I see.
For my part of this, my plea.
God makes me breathe and slow.
Glow under followed by Lord.
Nothing can foresee anatomy.
Not of God that I have done.
This is all my hope and peace.
This is all my righteousness.
Come, just Jesus, gently calling, ye with care and toil, oppressed with your guilt, however appalling, come, and I will give you rest for your sin You once has suffered on the cross, the work was done, and the word by God now uttered to each weary soul, is common.
Just Jesus transplant.
Where I'm here.
I will give you.
I suppose we close our eyes and we look to God for his guidance, and perhaps after we can sing another song.
Bless him and go. There was a hand right here in front of me and then I'm going to choose one after that.
What 1 #47? I think that should be on the back. Yes, the last 1 #47.
And if someone can start that please.
He will.
All of your one, all of pride, one's in love and in the form.
Like the sky.
Come on for me.
It will start again.
Good day my dragon for his crown.
Left on children.
Left on children.
Full of.
Are the jewels and the joy in one hand?
Life is fire.
I was given a little piece of paper this morning.
And there's a little song on it, and I hope that there's some here that we know it.
Who knows a donkey song?
You boys know the donkey song.
There once was a wild little donkey. He had to be tied to a tree.
But Jesus was thinking about him, he said. Go fetch him to me. And when they had brought him to Jesus, as quickly as ever, they couldn't. That restless, that wild little donkey was quiet, obedient, and good.
When Jesus was riding upon him, he went just the way that he should.
But patient, submissive, We donkey made silver, the blessed Son of God.
And Jesus is able to make you whatever He wants you to be. He loves you and longs to forgive you and make you both happy and free.
I'm not very good at starting tunes and I hope someone knows this.
There once was a wild Lantern donkey. He had to be tied to three.
But Jesus was thinking about him, he said.
No one knows.
William, you know that. Come on, you've got a good voice. Come on, let's sing.
Come on, you can say it. I've heard you sing this before.
Yeah, that started. There once was a wild Lantern dumping. He had to be tied to a tree.
When Jesus was speaking about him, he said to fetch him to me and when they had brought him to Jesus.
About some.
Words we have in the scripture. We'll talk about them a little later, but first of all.
I know your boys and girls have gotten a Sunday school paper last week.
Who can tell me what the verse in that paper is? A memory verse in that paper?
Someone could tell me?
Well, I see two hands. No more than two hands. Don't you boys and girls say the verses in your regular Sunday school?
Do you know the verse? Let me hear you say good, good and wild.
Or Jesus.
Did you learn the witness in the paper last week he that covereth his sin?
You tell me.
All say it together.
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaken them shall have mercy. Proverbs 2813.
And now I want to tell you, first of all, I want to read one verse in the Old Testament first, Then we'll turn to the New Testament.
In Exodus.
I hope you can all find Exodus 13.
And verse 13.
And every freshening of an *** thou shalt redeem with a lamb.
And if they will not redeem it, then thou shall break his neck.
And all the first born of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.
Now this isn't the word of God.
And it tells us.
That God.
Has claimed upon us.
You know that children of Israel when they were in Egypt.
The Lord was judging the land of Egypt.
And when the children of Israel were there, the Lord.
Took away.
He smote the first born of every house in Egypt that was not sheltered by the blood of a lamb.
And now the Lord tells the children of Israel.
That the first born was his, and they were to redeem the first born.
And it says about the first born of the donkey or the ***.
That they had to redeem it. They had to give a lamb. They had to slay a lamb.
To redeem.
That little donkey.
And if they didn't, then that little donkey had to die.
There was the sentence of death, and I hope you understand what I mean by the sentence of death upon that little donkey.
You know, when a man stands in front of a court and he's found guilty of something, the judge pronounces a sentence on him, a penalty.
And so when that little donkey came into this world.
There was a sentence of death upon that little donkey.
But God had made a wonderful provision.
He said they could redeem it, they could buy it back.
With a little lamb.
And he says every first born of man, every first born child that was born into the family had to be redeemed with a lamb.
The sentence of death.
But not only upon the little donkey.
But upon the little child that is born into this world.
And that's God's word.
And you and I, when we were born into this world, had descendants of death upon us, because we have a sinful nature.
Now I want to turn to the New Testament, to Mark's Gospel.
Chapter 11.
And when they came night to Jerusalem, under Bethpage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, he sent forth to his disciples, and said unto them, Go your way into the village over against you. And as soon as you be entered into it, you shall find a coat tied where on Neverman sat. Loose him and bring him.
And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? Say ye that the Lord hath need of him.
And straightway he will send him hit her.
And they went their way and found the coat tied by the door without, in a place where two ways met, and they loose him.
Certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye loose in the cold?
And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded. And they let them go, and they brought the code to Jesus.
And cast their garments on him, and he sat upon him.
And many spread their garments in the way, and others cut down branches of the trees and strode them in the way. And they that went before And they that followed crying, saying, Hosanna, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Blessed be the Kingdom of our Father David that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. And Jesus entered into Jerusalem.
And into the temple, and when he had looked round about an all things.
And now the even tide was come. He went out under Bethany with a 12.
Now if we were to turn to the other gospels.
Some parts of this little story, this little incident are recorded and all the other three gospels.
We would find that this cold was a little donkey cold.
And that's why.
I read that part we have in Exodus because it speaks about a little donkey coat.
Here the Lord Jesus.
But down here in this world?
He came into this world.
To save sinners.
And do you think that he wants children to be saved?
Is there someone can tell me a verse in the Bible that tells us?
That the Lord Jesus wanted children to be saved.
Did anybody think of a verse like that?
Something little children through to me.
You know the people back there can't hear you. Say it louder, please.
Yes, that's exactly the verse that I wanted to hear. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is a Kingdom of heaven, the Kingdom of God I believe it is.
Well, that's a wonderful verse.
The Lord Jesus loves little children. You know, on that the time when he said that there were the mothers that brought their little children, I suppose there was some about the age of some of these here.
They brought their children to Jesus.
And, you know, he must have been a wonderfully kind man. We know he was. And it must have been very apparent to the mothers there that here was one who loved little children and he wanted them around him. And so they brought their children to Jesus. But, you know, they were the disciples there.
And you know we have a hymn. This is a stern disciples drove them back and fed them to part.
You remember that him, all the disciples didn't want the Lord Jesus to be bothered with your little children. Oh, he said, Let the children come to me, He wanted them.
And he wants the little boys and girls here, if there's one here.
That doesn't know the Lord Jesus as savior. Now he wants you to come today to him to take him as a savior.
Well, now you know, in this story that we read, if we were to read what went before this, we would find that the Lord Jesus.
Had been down in Jericho.
If you're down in that place, which is so much of A type of this world.
The place called the City of the Curse. He had been down there, and he found a blind man there, and he healed him.
But now he's on his way up at Jerusalem.
For one purpose.
He's going to Jerusalem in order that he might go to the cross.
And die, the little children might have a savior.
So he's on the way, and now he comes by these villages of Beth, Vadege and Bethany.
And he says he sent out two of his disciples.
You know, he knew that in that city, that town there, he knew there was a little coat.
And he wanted that cold. He could use it.
You could use that little coat for his own purpose.
And he sends two of his disciples after that little coat.
Wasn't that nice?
You know, it's like the Lord Jesus. You know he's up in the glory now. You're no longer down here.
But know the Lord Jesus.
Sends his own servants out to gather in the little children.
He wants little children for himself.
He has a purpose. He noted that he may bless. He noted that he may make little children happy for all eternity with him in heaven.
So it tells them now that you go into the village.
And you'll find when you when you get into the village, you'll find there's a coat tied there.
How did the Lord Jesus know there was a cold in that village?
He hadn't been there. He was going by. How did he know there was a cold there?
Oh, you know, he knows all things.
And he knows your heart. He knows my heart. He knows exactly what you're thinking. He knows what I'm thinking.
He knows what we do, whether it's in the daytime or whether it's in the nighttime.
In the light or in the darkness, He knows all about us.
And you know, sometimes our thoughts and our ways are bad.
But to know the Lord Jesus loves us so much.
That he wants us in spite of our vadnais. He wants us to come to him.
You know, the Bible tells us there's none. Good. No, not one.
None good.
But the Lord Jesus came down here to save is the.
Those that were lost and were lost.
Because we are sinners.
Well, he says you're going to find a cold and he's going to be tied.
All you know.
To me, that reminds me of what we are down here in this world without Christ, without knowing the Lord Jesus Savior.
You know, sometimes we think we can do as we please.
Sometimes when mother, father, tell us to do something, I don't want to do that.
I want to do what I want to do.
But you know that isn't true.
If we don't have the Lord Jesus as savior.
We're servants to sin.
And we're in *******. We're tied, just like this Colt was tied.
And you know, the Lord Jesus speaks of Satan as having his captive.
And the Lord Jesus came to set those captives free.
Well, here was a little coat. He was tied.
He wasn't free to go where he wanted to go.
But the Lord Jesus sent into that village.
To have that cold brought to him.
You know, it's nice when we're able to carry the gospel, the story of the Lord Jesus and his love to carry it to the children like we are right now.
Now it says of this cold that no man had ever sat on him.
You know, the little song that we tried to sing speaks of him as a wild little coat.
And anybody that's ever tried to ride a a little colt that's never been ridden before knows what this means.
You don't stay on in very long.
No, they don't like to be have someone riding on their backs.
They want to be free, so they think.
Well, that's the way. With this cold, no man had ever sat on him. You know, that speaks to me of what we are by nature. You know, we have a will. We want to do. As we said before, we want to do what we want to do.
We have a will of our own.
But you know.
The Lord Jesus.
Wants us to do his will.
To do his will.
And that's where the true happiness is when we come to the Lord Jesus Christ.
To do his will.
Is when we set aside our own will.
And seek to please the Lord Jesus Christ in taking Him as our Savior.
So the Lord said this colt. No one ever sat on this cold, he said. You lose him and you bring him to me. Isn't that nice? You bring him to me.
I said how nice it is when a little boy or girl has been brought to Jesus.
I was thinking yesterday.
When our brother Anderson was talking about Mr. McGuire.
I don't know how many of you boys and girls remember what he said about Mr. Maguire when his father asked him Have you met Jesus?
How about you boys and girls?
Have you met Jesus?
Have you met him? Do you know him as your savior?
Well, the Lord says to the disciples, You bring them to me.
No, that's the place where we can find happiness, not only in this world, but in the world to come, happiness in the Lord Jesus.
So he says, if any man say to you, why do you either say you the Lord in need of him?
The Lord has need of him. Think of that.
In a subway with you and me, the Lord needs us in order to satisfy His love.
For poor sinners.
And for sinners saved by grace.
His love desires to have little children around him.
And he wants you for himself. Oh, he needs little children. The Lord has need of him. Do you know that the Lord has need of you?
Do you believe it? The Lord is in need of you.
Well, these disciples went.
And they found the colt, just as the Lord has said, and the colt was tied.
It was tied by the door. There was outside the door.
This is outside the door.
You know, we sometimes sing that little hymn one door and only one, and yet its sides are two.
I'm on the inside.
On which side are you?
Oh, ask yourself that question. On which side of that door are you now? This little coat is on the outside of that door.
Oh, that isn't a place to be when it comes to salvation, To be outside that door. No, to be inside that door. And the Lord Jesus says I am the door.
By me, if any man entering, and he shall be saved.
This little cold of that tiger was outside that door, but the Lord Jesus had said that he had need of him.
And he sent to get that coat.
But there's something else that says here. It says in a place where two ways met.
Two ways.
Did anybody tell me of another place in the Bible that speaks of two ways?
Two ways.
If we were to turn to the gospel by Matthew, we haven't time. I see our time is going. It speaks of two ways there, two roads. There's a narrow Rd.
And the gate? The door is narrow. It's a way that leads to light.
Oh, says. There are few that enter there. Not very many want to go in that gate.
But then there's another one. There's a wide Broadway.
Wide as a gate. Many there be that go in there. Oh yeah, but that leads down to destruction, to go down to hell.
Know how many in this world are going down that road. How many boys and girls are going down that road that leads to hell. They go into that wide gate. Oh yes, they can go in without any trouble.
But the way that leads to life, it's a narrow gate. You have to get in, yes, you have to go through that narrow gate, and the way is narrow.
But oh, how nice it says. It doesn't say that there are none that go in there out. There's a few that go in.
I wonder if every boy or girl on these steps here had gone in through that gate.
Well, that's where there's little cold ones. He was outside the door, but they're the place where two ways met. He came together right there.
And to know for you and for me the place.
Where those two ways meet is at the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, there's a choosing there. You know, when you come to a place in the road where two roads go off from it.
You've got to choose which one you're going to take.
You got to choose.
When you come face to face with the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You have to choose whether it's a narrow way, the blessed way, the way that leads to life, or to choose the broad road and reject the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior. That's the way with that little coat, he was in that place.
Ronau says they brought the call to Jesus.
Yes, a little cold. He came to Jesus.
And how nice it is when we can say that these little children have come to the Lord Jesus.
You know in the first chapter of John's Gospel it tells us when one of the disciples of the Lord when he first met him.
It says he first goes and he finds his brother and brought him to Jesus.
Oh, that was nice. He found his brother and brought him to Jesus.
Well, how nice it is when those in the family are concerned about their own brothers and sisters to bring them to Jesus.
And the Lord Jesus sat on him. He sat on this cold but.
All this little coat didn't buck and jump like an unbroken horse does. No, he was subject to Jesus. Isn't that nice? The Lord Jesus could ride that little coat into Jerusalem.
We don't have time to go into it as to what it means about him presenting himself as a king to his people, Israel.
But I want to talk about the last verse that we read.
Jesus entered into Jerusalem.
Enter the temple. When he looked around about it all things, and now the even tide was come, he went out unto Bethany with a 12.
You know, Jerusalem was a place where the Lord should have been received.
There was a place where God had put his name and the temple was there.
The temple where the people thought they were worshiping God.
That was a Lords House.
But oh, you know, although they worship God.
Outwardly, yet their hearts were far from God. And I wonder how many boys and girls come to Sunday school like that. They sing the hymns, They say the verses.
But their hearts.
Are far from Jesus. They haven't received Jesus into their hearts.
You know what it says about Jesus here?
He looked around about him.
Yes. He looked at all, just like I can look at these boys and girls here now. He looked at all that was going on in that temple. He saw all of those. They were there praying, and I suppose some of them were singing their hymns.
But you know, he could read their hearts. Just like he knew about this little cold. He could read their hearts.
And he knew what was in them.
And it says he looked all looked all round about him and he left it all behind him.
You went out. You went back to Bethany, to that little town where there were those that loved him. You went back there to be in that little town where he knew that there were those that loved him.
You know the day is coming when the Lord Jesus is going to come and he's going to take his own out of this world. And all those that don't love the Lord Jesus, those who have not put their trust in him, he's going to leave them all behind.
He's going to leave them behind.
They will not be taken when the Lord Jesus comes for his own. Oh boys and girls, don't you want to come to the Lord Jesus now so that when he comes to take his own out of this world?
You'll find you a monster. You know that little hymn we sang about the jewels?
Oh, don't you want to be one of those jewels in his crown?
Well, perhaps we can sing another hymn and then we'll close.
How about #45?
2 Little eyes to look to God.
Little ears to hear his word, 2 little feet to walk his ways. Two have to work for him all my days. One little tongue to speak is true. One little heart for him. Now in my youth, take them Lord Jesus, and let them be always obedient and true to thee.
Kill and all eyes too long to grow to.
You to hear me a fire.
To the rain.
To you and try to make more hair and all my things.
One will come to speak.
And born train my friend.
Far away love you and feel true true true true, true.