Cain & Abel - God's Way of Approach

Duration: 1hr
Exodus 40:34
Listen from:
Gospel—P. Wilson
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Blessed God.
Before I begin the subject.
That is primarily upon my heart tonight.
I want to turn first.
To the last chapter of Exodus.
The last chapter of Exodus.
And the 34th verse.
We will remember the account in the book of Exodus.
How God gave explicit and.
And minute directions for the constructing of the Tabernacle.
In the which he was to dwell.
And when we get to the last chapter.
The Tabernacle has been completed.
The 34th verse.
Then a cloud, and that's the cloud of Jehovah's presence.
That is often referred to as the Shekinah glory.
And a cloud covered the tent of the congregation.
And the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.
And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode thereon, and the glory of the Lord.
Fill the Tabernacle.
You know, in the rush.
And bustle of everyday life.
We sometimes forget.
The Holiness.
And the glory of God.
God is holy.
More holy than to behold iniquity.
And when God took up his abode on earth in the Tabernacle among the children of Israel, whom He called himself out of Egypt.
He had the Tabernacle built according to his specific directions.
And Moses was warned not to depart from the directions.
Receive, said he, That thou make all things according to the pattern that was showed thee in the mountain.
And then when the Tabernacle was completed.
The glory of the Lord.
Damn into it.
Even Moses, that honored servant of God, could not stay in them. He had to leave.
You know, people today think very little.
Of the glory of the person of God.
Four years and 40 years.
There's a common thought in the world.
That sort of.
Has taken over.
Giving God a grandfatherly character.
A sort of a loving, benign God.
Who would never put a soul in hell?
Who would never hinder his creature from enjoying anything?
But friends, that's not the God that the Word of God tells us about.
That's a figment of imagination.
Originated by the Father of Lies.
Here we see that even Moses can't stand in the presence there of the glory of God.
Now the first verse of the next book.
Lord called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the Tabernacle of the congregation, saying.
Speak under the children of Israel, and say unto them.
If any man of you.
Bring an offering unto the Lord.
Ye shall bring your offering and so forth.
And the next chapters are devoted.
To giving a description.
Of the offerings that could be offered to God.
Now when we find God in his glory, filling the Tabernacle.
We get a word out of that Tabernacle.
That specifically lays down the only ground of approach.
To God.
You know, that's lost sight of today.
That there is one way.
And only one way of approaching God.
You know, it's common practice today in this country to say that every man has a right to worship God after the dictates of his own conscience.
Now I beg to disagree.
Now if they mean by that, that no other man has the right to intervene.
And to circumscribe man's privilege of approaching God himself, that's another matter.
But nor that, nor woman. No boy or girl has the right to approach this twice. Holy God, for whom even angels veil their faces, according to Isaiah 6 No man.
No one has the right to approach that holy God except in the prescribed way.
I wonder.
If anybody here thinks.
That they could go to Washington, DC next week.
And barge right into the president's office and have an interview with the President of the United States.
Without having followed due protocol.
Without having approached according to the rules laid down for the odds.
He'd find himself missing.
And what I say for the President of the United States is only.
Magnified and increased 1000 times where there's royalty.
But what is man compared with a mighty God?
The mighty God that sees true and through us. Remember that in Hebrews 4 it says all things.
All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
There isn't a person in this room.
That would want all that they have done printed on this wall.
The 139th Psalm says that God knows even our thoughts.
And that there is not a word in my tongue, but what he knows it.
Every word we've uttered.
Everything that goes through this mind, he knows.
And he's the holy God.
Before whom angels bail their faces.
Now this is just a preliminary to what I have before me.
And let us turn to Genesis 4.
Genesis 4.
And Adam knew Eve his wife, when she conceived, and bare Cain.
And said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
And she again bare his brother Abel.
And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
And in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground, and offering unto the Lord.
Enable he also brought of the firstlings of his flock.
And the fact thereof, and the Lord had respect unto.
Able and to his offering.
But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.
Cain was very raw, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou Roth? And why is thy countenance squalen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted, and if thou doest not well?
Sin lieth at the door.
Unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
And Cain talked with Abel, his brother, and it came to pass.
When they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
And he said I know not.
What a lie.
Am I my brother's keeper?
An insinuation that if God thought so much of him as to accept him, he should have kept him.
Am I my brother's keeper?
And he said, What hast thou done?
The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
And now thou art cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth, to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand.
Here we have an account of two men.
Two young men.
Two brothers.
The first two men that were ever born into this world.
Now, may we suggest.
That these two young men had the same parents.
They had the same opportunities. The one is the other.
They had the same knowledge the one is the other.
They both knew that they were expelled from the Garden of Eden.
Their parents were. Perhaps it was there within sight.
They couldn't have helped, but no, the account of the fall of man.
And now these two young men were not infidels.
These two young men were believers in a certain sense. They believed that there was a God.
Do you believe that there is a God?
Only the fool doesn't.
Only the fool doesn't.
You believe there is a God. That's something.
But do you know that that God is holy?
Do you know that that God is a sin hating God?
And will never allow you.
Or anyone else in his presence with sins on them.
These two young men.
Each of them that it would be a good thing to bring an offering to the Lord.
That it would be a good thing if they approached golf and they thought that they must offer him something.
The first man, the older one of the two, Cain, was his name.
He was a farmer. He was a tiller of the ground.
His brother Abel, the younger of the two.
With equal opportunity.
Was a shepherd. He kept sheep.
The owner of the two decided to bring an offering to God, and he, in keeping with his occupation, I suppose he thought, went out and selected fruit.
May I suggest?
That he probably chose the best fruit.
That the ground could raise.
He chose the best specimens of his agriculture.
Of his nourishing the things that he planted, and cultivating them. And then he came into due time, a set time, and he presented this fruit to God.
The other man. The other young man.
He brought the first links of his flock.
But did you notice something else that he brought?
Fourth verse. And Abel he also brought of the firstlings of his flock, and the fact thereof.
In other words, he didn't bring a living lamb or living land.
The infidel likes to say, well, there's no difference except the one was a farmer and the other was a shepherd, and they naturally brought what came to hand.
But that isn't true.
That is not the answer.
Because Abel killed his lamb, and he presented a dead lamb.
Here's one that comes now to God with a sacrifice.
And he presents that to God.
Now the two men stand before God, the same God, the same holy God, and they're standing entirely on the basis of the offerings that they have presented.
And God had respect unto Abel into his offering.
But decaying into his offering, he had not respect.
I might say this.
Where the benefit of some of the young people here, maybe some older ones?
That there is a common fallacy in Christendom today.
And it's very widespread.
That relegates the 1St 11 Chapters of the Word of God, the 1St 11 Chapters of the Book of Genesis.
To the myth category.
They say that the 1St 11 Chapters of Genesis.
Our only myth or allegory or parables.
It came into my hand just last week.
A Sunday School manual for the quarter.
Put off by a certain very large organization which said that very thing, and they put spent pages of it to explain what myth and allegory and parable met.
And in doing so, they explained away the very truth of the Word of God.
Now let God be true when every man a liar.
They went to great lengths in this manual. It was for adult classes.
They went to great lengths to say that.
Abel was not received by God on the basis of the sacrifice he offered.
I'll hope to show later that that statement is a deliberate lie.
For Abel was received on the basis of his sacrifice.
They say that he was not received on that basis but merely man has received according to how he feels.
What his attitude is in making an offering to God.
Now let me return to my first premise.
That God is holy, and God lays down the rules of approach.
And this holy God says just exactly how a Sinner can approach him.
Now, early in the book, we get the account of these two boys in order that we may learn right there what God will accept and what he will reject.
Here's a man that comes and brings the best fruit he can find.
He presents it to God and is rejected forthwith.
Another young man comes and offers a dead lamb.
For he came and brought the firstlings of his flock with the factor of.
And God accepts him.
Now what we learn here is this.
That God must be approached on the ground of sacrifice.
If you're going to be accepted before a holy God, you have to be accepted on the basis of what you present to God for your acceptance.
Now I hope I won't get over the heads of the children who are here.
For I believe there are some children here, and probably some adults who are not saved.
It's most unlikely that you would find in an audience of this size that everybody is truly the Lords.
Remember, we're speaking about two men that were not infidels 2.
Two men that approached God.
But one of them was accepted and the other was not. Now this is for your learning and from for my learning and for yours.
Do you want to be accepted before a holy God? Do you want to have a righteous standing before him?
Well, there's a way, but you must come God's way, be it known unto you. Therefore the truth, this man, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on Calvary's cross.
He has preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
And buy him all believe are justified from all things. Is that plain enough?
Through one man, the one the wall cast out.
The one whom the world set away with, you know there was there's an old tract that refers to an electioneering campaign in the city of Jerusalem almost 2000 years ago.
The city was filled. People were there in great numbers. It was a feast day, a religious feast, A feast that God himself had originated. And they were all there for this religious observance and these, this feast.
To Passover was that which looked forward to the death of Christ, the true Lamb of God.
And here was the true Lamb of God in the city. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had come down into this world.
Taken human form, was here among men, and now the election was on.
There were two men on the ballot that day.
And Barabbas?
Jesus and Barack.
Which would it be?
You say? Well, I'm sure if I had been there, I would have chosen Jesus.
But the mob didn't. They all cried out away with it.
Is that remonstrated?
Pilate says. Why? What evil have he got?
Pilate pleaded. He rendered the verdict of acquittal time and again.
They thought that they had pilot where he would render a verdict of guilty by saying he forbids to give tribute to Caesar, which was a deliberate lie.
Because he didn't forgive, forbid to give tribute to Caesar when they tried to get him to, he says. You render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
To God, the things that are gods. Pilate wasn't moved by it, he says. I find no quality.
Pilot's wife says it has nothing to do with this, just.
Even the man that betrayed him said I have sinned and that I have betrayed the innocent blood.
Witness after witness came forward to test his innocence.
Pilot says. Now I'm going to offer you a choice.
Barabbas, he was a murderer, he was a robber, he says. Now which will it be, Barabbas or Jesus?
They said all at once, away with Jesus.
Give us, Paramus. Do you wonder that this world has had nothing but wars and trouble since then?
And they try 1 expedient after another to get rid of war.
The United Nations is the last attempt.
What a poor thing that is.
The League of Nations was another. The World Court was another.
But they're having wars and problems and international troubles, one after another, and they're going to keep on having them because they rejected the Prince of Peace. They said give us Barack. They chose a robber to the Son of God.
They chose a murder to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now what's your choice, my friend? Maybe there are two boys that are in here tonight, brothers.
One of you is knows the Lord Jesus as his savior and the other doesn't.
I ask you to answer the question before God for yourself.
On whose side am I?
What is your standing before God, my young man?
Can you say I have accepted Jesus as my Savior?
I know that when he died on Calvary's cross and in those three hours of darkness.
He was. He stood there and received the judgment that my sins deserved. Can you say that?
Maybe there are two people in here tonight, 1A husband and the other a wife.
Joined together in matrimony.
One destined for heaven and the other destined for hell.
I'm not making up imaginary cases. These things exist all around.
People linked together that are not going to be together in eternity.
How about you?
How about you?
Remember, it isn't enough to know about Jesus.
The devils also believe in tremble. What good does it do them?
Think of all the people that were in Jerusalem for that feast.
A religious feast or God in heaven, the true God, and yet rejecting the Son of God while they're there.
Many along the road to eternity tonight.
With the name of Christ on their lips.
That probably registered in some church rule on some church rule.
I don't ask you. Have you been baptized?
There's a word in Mark that says he that will believe is not.
Shall be damned.
I heard one man say that it might be might read this he that believeth not, even though he were baptized.
Should be down.
To believe not on the Lord Jesus Christ would be fatal.
Well, what else happened?
God received the little man that brought the one sacrifice.
The acceptable sacrifice He brought a sacrifice that was accepted, and he was identified with the sacrifice, and God accepted the sacrifice and he accepted him.
The other man brought an offering that wasn't accepted, and the result was he wasn't accepted.
So it isn't enough to know what God will accept.
You must be identified with that which he will accept.
You must be connected with.
You know that God will only accept the work of Christ as a basis for your salvation. He is the Holy God that hates sin, and He provided the Savior to put sin away. But He will not receive you unless you accept that Savior as yours.
God will never be so indifferent to the work of His beloved Son on Calvary's cross as to receive one Sinner.
Rejects Christ.
You say, oh, I wouldn't reject him, but let me ask you, did you accept it?
Have you accepted it?
Boys and girls here tonight.
Are you saying brother, in the other room this evening, praying for this meeting? And he made special prayer for the children that would be in this room? Bless when the Lord comes and he's coming soon. Don't need to think that things are going on always like they are now.
God's judgment hangs over this world for what they did to Christ.
And one of these days, he's going to take the Christians home and his judgment will fall.
And this rather prayed tonight earnestly.
Lest any be found here without Christ.
And go into a lost eternity.
To be left behind when Christ claims his own.
Well, these two men, one was accepted, the other was rejected.
Do you know that these two men are told of all through the book?
Do you realize that this whole book is joined together by indissoluble ties? This book is 1.
Man says all. It was written by so many different authors.
I want to say that this book had one off.
The Spirit, Holy Spirit of God. And he used certain men to write certain parts. But really, it's the writing given by the Spirit of God. It's all one, it's all one story. What you'll find at the beginning, you'll find at the close.
Turn with me for a moment to Matthew 23.
Now here is the Lord Jesus speaking to those religious people that were in Jerusalem for that great electioneering campaign.
When they chose the devil's man, for Barabbas means the son of the father.
And Jesus was the true Son of the Father.
And here was Barabbas, Satan's man. Satan's counterfeit, if you will.
Now Matthew 23.
Verse 34 Wherefore, behold, I send you, send unto you prophets and wise men and scribes.
This is Jesus talking to this city that was just about to reject him.
Some of them you shall kill and crucify, and some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city.
That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth.
From the blood of righteous Abel, unto the blood of Zacharias, the son of Varachius, whom he slew between the temple and the altar.
I said before that when man says this is only a myth or it's only an allegory.
That they lie.
Here the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God now.
Says the righteous blood of Abel.
To say that that is a myth or an allegory is to attribute to the Lord of Gore.
Either ignorance or worse.
Here we have the Lord Jesus substantiating the account of Genesis.
4 Upon this that generation, upon that people may come all the righteous bloodshed from the blood of righteous Abel.
You see how the Lord of Jesus, the Lord of glory, puts his sanction on Genesis 4?
If you reject Genesis 4 or Genesis 1 to 11, you reject what the Lord said in Matthew 23.
We won't stop there. Let's go to Hebrew.
Hebrews 11.
We'll see what the Apostle Paul says about the same subject. And he writes by the spirit of God too.
Hebrews 11.
Verse 4.
By faith, Abel offered them to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.
By which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts.
And by it he being dead yet speaketh.
Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than take.
There's a modern.
Manual for adult classes say that it wasn't the difference in the offering.
That it was just the difference in how they viewed it.
Away with that trash.
It says by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. He offered a dead land. He as much as says to God I deserve death.
But I bring for my acceptance a little victim that has died.
And God accepted him on the ground.
Of the offering he offered him to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain.
What you're offering on what do you stand before God, if you stand before God on any other ground?
And the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross your wall.
Doesn't make any difference how religious you are. Remember Cain was a very religious man.
He could put people to dare religious people today to shame. And I'll tell you what's more he was an industrious man. He built a city.
He introduced them to the city, the Arts and Sciences.
He had an industrious family. He was a good husband, he was a good provider.
And yet he is lost.
Eternity because he brought a sacrifice that God wouldn't accept.
You wonder that people today are going on the road to eternity in the of the dam along with Tang, while many of them couldn't hold a candle to Cain.
As far as more uprightness?
Good husband.
Good Wife, Religious.
Mohammed Fidelity.
What? He was coming in the wrong way.
Are you going in the wrong way? Remember, there is only one right way and there may be a million wrongs.
People say it doesn't make any difference which way I come, just so I come.
Suppose you go to Chicago, go out to the International Airport there, oh, air airfield. Or one of you go out there and say it doesn't make any difference which airplane I get on, just so long as I go somewhere.
You believe that?
You might get on applying and not have a ticket for that plane.
You wouldn't even get they put you off before you got started.
Do you want to go to Tokyo?
Or Atlanta.
You are not going to get any direction unless you go the right way.
There is one way. There is a way that seems right unto a man with the anger over the ways of death.
All dear young person here tonight, if you don't have Christ as your savior now.
See that you do next the next minute.
Before you go to bed, shall we put it that way?
Suppose the Lord would come tonight. Would you want to wake up in a lost eternity? Or would you want to wake up with Father and mother gone, perhaps?
And you left behind. You get up in the morning, Mother's gone.
You knew she was a Christian.
Maybe Father was a Christian too, and he's gone.
Would you want to be left behind?
You know what's coming after the Christians are gone.
The worst troubles this world has ever seen.
The worst troubles this world has ever seen. You want to be here then?
Thank God we who know Christ as our Savior, you are going to be with Christ in glory.
Well, by faith he offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. So you see the story that's being told in Sunday schools today?
To the adult class itself, that this verse isn't true, that it doesn't make any difference what man offers.
But I say on the authority of the Word of God, that it does.
Now, who are you going to believe?
God or Man who lies?
By which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts, and by it he being dead yet speaking.
There's a man that's been dead for.
Almost 6000 years. And he's speaking to you tonight. Did you ever hear a dead man speak?
The one speaking to you tonight.
His name was evil, he says. I brought a sacrifice that God accepted. Many accepted me.
If you want to be accepted, you do the same.
Now you don't have to find the sacrifice. God has done it. God has provided the sacrifice.
His own beloved son on Calvary Scott, Abel had to go get one.
By faith, he recognized that God was holy and he was a Sinner and God had to have something that would die.
If he would accept him.
He says I deserve death and Ioffer my acceptance something that has died. God accepted him.
Now let's turn the 12Th chapter of Hebrews.
24th verse.
And to Jesus, the mediator of the new Covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling.
That speak of better things than not available.
Abel's blood cried unto the Gob from the earth for vengeance.
God said to Cain the earth that received thy brother's blood.
Cries for me.
But all another has died, his blood has been shed, and the blood of Christ that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
It's true that God is yet going to view that his son suffer for righteousness.
That he suffered at the hand of man. But tonight God is offering you salvation through that one that died.
When you have it.
Oh, I wouldn't take the risk if I were you. I wouldn't put it off another day.
You think what it might have been if the Lord had come yesterday and you weren't saved.
Now let's go. We've already seen what the Lord Jesus said in the New Testament, what the Apostle Paul has said twice.
Let's go to 1St John and see what John says about.
Again, it's the Spirit of God that gives it first John 3.
First John three and verse 12.
Not as king.
Who was of that wicked one and slew his brother?
Wherefore slow he him, because his own his own works were evil, and his brothers righteous.
Now what were Cain's evil works?
You know what God says about it here? He says. Cain's works were evil.
Abel's works for Righteous. You know what Cain's evil work was?
Offering the fruit of a cursed earth to God.
God, of course, the earth because of Adam's sin, and he says henceforth it will.
Yield its fruit at the sweat of your face. But he takes he who laborers, and he has the sweat of his face, and he gets his fruit, and he offers the fruit of a cursor to God.
God rejects.
It rejects A sacrifice, the offering. They reject scale.
Now he says his works were evil.
Did you ever stop to think of it That a religious mind, that is.
Working for his salvation has wicked works. Evil works.
If you're trusting to anything but the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross for your salvation, your works are evil.
And I'm talking about your works of religion.
You may go to church every Sunday.
You may say your prayers and read your Bible, but if you haven't accepted Christ as your savior, as you're standing before God, your works are evil.
Wherefore slowly happened because his own works were evil.
Brother's righteous remember it isn't referring now here.
To Cain's slaying his brother, it says, Why did he slay him? This is work that preceded the murder.
And the work that preceded the murder was.
Offering the fruit of a cursor to God, which God rejected. Then he got angry and killed his brother. So when it speaks about his works being evil, it doesn't refer to his murdering his brother, It refers to his offering the fruit of a cursed earth to God.
Well, we've heard what the Lord said about it.
What Paul says about it.
By inspiration.
What John has said about it. Now let's see what Jude says about it.
My object in turning to all these different places.
Is to prove that what's going on today in Christendom is a lot.
And I don't want anybody here tonight to be deceived by it.
What does it say here?
Jude verse 11.
Woe unto them.
That's an awful word. Woe, isn't it? Woe unto them.
For they have gone in the way of Cain.
Woe unto them, for they've gone in the way of Cain. They have gone in the way of bringing to God their own evil words.
For anything less than Christ, as their offering before God for their acceptance is evil.
Anything less is evil.
By faith Abel offered him the God of all excellent sacrifice. He came.
What you're offering, How do you stand before a living God that sees all through us, knows our thoughts, our words are down, sitting in our uprising, everything.
Knows everything you and I have ever done. What's our standing before him?
The work of Christ on Calvary's cross, or some attempt of ourselves of our own, to improve our luck, make ourselves acceptable to God.
Tell you on the authority of the Word of God, that is war unto you, unless you have Christ as you see.
Whoa. There's a time coming that says in scripture, Whoa.
Whoa, whoa.
To the inhabiters of the Earth.
The people on Earth are going. It's going to be at three times over. Whoa.
Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of cave.
But how about it?
What's the time to do?
We know there's a right way. We take God in His word. I trust everybody here. Tonight we'll say that we'll agree with that statement. Let's take God of his word. God is holy, and he must have payment for sin. He must have something that satisfies his holy.
And he's provided his savior that satisfied the claims of his home.
He says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
But if we believe not, we're at all.
Woe to us now, I trust we are all agreed that there's only one way to stand before a holy God. That's on the work of Christ on Calvary's cross.
Where he suffered for sin that just for the unjust.
Where God poured out his whole Iraq against sin on him the sinless 1.
Again he gave up his spirit, and his side was pierced, and forthwith came their odd blood and water. Do you know that Savior is yours? Well, if your dog, when would be a good time to do it? Brings to mind a story.
Of a very rich man that had large holdings and he had many tenant farmers on the land.
There were many of them in debt to him And load him large sums.
And he posted a sign in the place where they would congregate.
Where they would fast.
And he said anyone that would come to his office.
With the proof of his indebtedness between the hours of two and 3:00 on Tuesday.
Would have all his debts canceled.
Now somebody may say, well, now that goes back to the days of feudalism. That's not the point.
Is in the story.
He specified a way that all the deaths could be liquidated by the man to whom they were old, but he specified a time, and it was between 2:00 and 3:00 in his office on Tuesday.
Well, the crowd of people congregated outside of his office.
At noon.
It grew larger by one. It grew larger by two.
But no one went into the office. They knew the man was in there. They knew there was a man of his word.
After 231, old couple went in there with their old bills and proof of indebtedness and they went into the office.
And they sort of apologized when they went in. They said they hoped they didn't misunderstand what he said.
She said no, you didn't misunderstand it. Let's see what you owe.
They laid it all out, he said. Now do you owe anything more?
Not that they recollect well, he says. I want to be sure that it's everything.
So they satisfied him and themselves that that was all I'll and he wrote them a receipt in full.
And they rose to leave, thanked him most kindly, most heartily.
And they arose to leave. It was still 2:45.
The time was up at 3:00.
He said no, I don't want you to leave here yet. I want you to sit down in the adjoining room and wait there till 3:00.
He didn't want them to go out to the others and say he's as good as he's worked.
He wanted each act on his own faith.
Not one more of all those indebted people came in to claim his promise.
And at 3:00.
A rich man left and they were all arrested were left without their debt space.
Two to three was the time.
One old couple took advantage of.
Now I ask you, what is the time to accept Christ as your Savior?
I can tell you in 3 letters.
And all.
And I want to ask you something. How long is now? How long is now?
Wasn't a minute ago.
It isn't tomorrow.
It isn't an hour from now.
Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. Now is the time that God is offering you salvation to have it now.
Don't put it off.
Go the one against Romeo's sin has a basis to forgive every sin that you've ever committed, and he's anxious to do it. He wants to do it.
My story of the rich man fall short because God is pleading with you to come.
Once more, he pleads tonight, Will you take Christ as your city?
Don't put it off.
Might tell you the story posing.
Of the man.
The young man who committed murder.
It was a young man years ago in the state of Ohio.
He was sentenced to be executed.
Sentence to be put to death.
A certain time on a certain day for his murder.
His mother went to the governor. I think it was Cox who was governor at that time.
And pleaded with him.
To do something for her son.
He wouldn't promise or anything.
But he said he'd take the case under advice.
He went to the penitentiary where this young man was confined awaiting execution.
He took a Bible under his arm.
He went down, had the turnkey let him in and showed him down the corridors until he came to this man's cell.
They unlocked it and they let him in.
The governor stepped in with the Bible in his hand and he said, young man, I wanted to speak to you.
The young man says. But I don't want to speak to you and walked away from them.
Walk to the far corner of the cell.
The governor pleaded with him. He says. I came to talk with you.
And he was selling. Wouldn't say a word.
Finally, the governor left and the turnkey locked himself left the doomed man to his doom.
A little while later, the turnkey came down and he says, did you, How did you get along with the governor?
He says. I didn't see any governor.
Says, Oh yes, I let him in your cell.
He says. You mean that man with the Bible is the governor?
Because that's what I mean.
When in this Eric's says I threw away my last chance.
I threw away my last chance.
It wouldn't take up. He wouldn't see the map. They could pardon. They could give him luck.
Don't throw away your last chance.
How about the last two verses of #2?
Last two standards of #2.