Call to Direct Service

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
It is a serious though a most happy thing to undertake direct service-that is, a service which takes up all our time. I would there were many more really gifted by love to souls, and zeal for the Lord's glory, to lay themselves out in and for it. The mere fact of an inclination does not show that we are called to it. I believe the surest sign is earnest love to souls, and intercourse through the need of the heart with Christ about it. I doubt not there is a pressure often of the Spirit of God which forces you out into it Many may be most useful, giving up a portion of their time to it, who would not be giving up all, because they cannot fill up the measure of allotted service with Christ. On the other hand, men of much energy and zeal can serve and support themselves (witness Paul, and in his case even others) when one of less could not who might be very useful if given up to it. It is not the desire to speak, but for souls and the building up of saints which is the real moving spring of service. I know not how far this presses on you.
I should be most glad to help you in scripture as far as I am able. Constant application to it would suppose the Lord leading into it, and in your case a wife and a child have to be thought of. I have now coming to me for an hour, twice a week, three or four, and probably shall soon have the whole of an evening generally free for this. I leave, of course, entirely to themselves the Lord's call to them. Those who come are more or less at the work but, save one and an ex-clergyman who is with me for the moment, labor for their livelihood. I leave to and cast entirely on the Lord any further carrying out of it. I shall, if you feel called to the work, be most glad to help you in reading. As to the reading on the Psalms, it would depend on many others besides me.
Local ministrations well supplied from Christ and the word are greatly wanting, but that love and care for souls which cements and makes happy is an essential element in such service. Devotedness is the first grand question of all; would there were a thousand-fold more of it! I should not be afraid of the Lord's taking care of people. I trust you will weigh over before the Lord how far He calls you to this.
Affectionately yours in the Lord.
[Date uncertain.]