I ASK the question, who is a Christian? And the answer comes — One who is a possessor of the new birth; one who has passed from death into life, from darkness into light. One whose name is written in heaven, and whose sins have been blotted out by the precious blood of Jesus. One who can call Christ Saviour, and God Father; one who has the Holy Spirit dwelling in Him. One who is seated in heavenly places in Christ; who is accepted in the Beloved. One who knows the voice of the Good Shepherd, and has had bestowed upon him eternal life. One who is held in the hand that holds the world. Can such an one be lost? No, ten thousand times, no. As long as God is the living God, so long will those who are in His hand be secure. As long as Christ is a living Saviour, so long will those who are redeemed by His blood be safe. Look at these things simply now.
“I give unto them eternal life.”
How can eternal life be anything but eternal? If once I am possessor of eternal life, how can I ever lose it? “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” Can you believe them? Do you believe them? You remember what the child said, who had trusted in Jesus, when someone asked her if she thought she could ever be lost? Her answer was, “Not while the tenth of John is in the Bible.” She did not say, “Not as long as I keep happy: not so long as I do what is right.” She took her stand upon the testimony of the Word of God, that endureth forever. She looked beyond herself altogether. He had given the word, and she believed it. It was this simple trust of hers that kept her happy. This eternal life is a gift from God. “The gift of God is eternal life.” Is it likely that God will ever take back what He has once given? You would not like to do such a thing, and will God do it? No, eternal life is mine forever the moment I believe in Jesus, the moment I am “born again” I am as sure of heaven as if I was there.