Is Your Soul Saved?

MY reader! what is your answer to this question, this all-important question? Is your soul saved? Have you been born again? Are you one of Christ’s sheep? Don’t deceive yourself. Tell me, have you eternal life? If you were to die this moment, are you sure of heaven? If Christ were to come, would you rise to meet Him? Do you remember the time when you were born again? Do you remember when first you knew that your sins were forgiven? Let there be no more professions now, no shams. If you are saved, you have the witness within, and what is within must come out; if you are merely a professor, you are trying to witness without, when all is dead within. A light that burns outside a lamp will be put out with the first gust of wind. And so the dim light of profession will be put out by the breath of persecution, or of death. But when the light is within, then it is kept and guarded by the God that put it there. It is a sacred fire that will never be extinguished; a light of God, that will burn with ever increasing brightness as it is fanned by the breath of faith. Then do be real this moment, my reader. Tell God exactly what you are. If you are saved, tell God so with lips of praise; if you are not, tell Him with lips of penitence.