Articles on

Song of Solomon 4

Cnt. 4:13 KJV (With Strong’s)

Thy plants
shelach (Hebrew #7973)
a missile of attack, i.e. spear; also (figuratively) a shoot of growth; i.e. branch
KJV usage: dart, plant, X put off, sword, weapon.
Pronounce: sheh'-lakh
Origin: from 7971
are an orchard
pardec (Hebrew #6508)
a park
KJV usage: forest, orchard.
Pronounce: par-dace'
Origin: of foreign origin
of pomegranates
rimmown (Hebrew #7416)
from 7426; a pomegranate, the tree (from its upright growth) or the fruit (also an artificial ornament)
KJV usage: pomegranate.
Pronounce: rim-mone'
Origin: or rimmon {rim-mone'}
, with pleasant
meged (Hebrew #4022)
properly, a distinguished thing; hence something valuable, as a product or fruit
KJV usage: pleasant, precious fruit (thing).
Pronounce: meh'-ghed
Origin: from an unused root probably meaning to be eminent
priy (Hebrew #6529)
fruit (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: bough, ((first-)) fruit((-ful)), reward.
Pronounce: per-ee'
Origin: from 6509
; ζcamphire
kopher (Hebrew #3724)
properly, a cover, i.e. (literally) a village (as covered in); (specifically) bitumen (as used for coating), and the henna plant (as used for dyeing); figuratively, a redemption-price
KJV usage: bribe, camphire, pitch, ransom, satisfaction, sum of money, village.
Pronounce: ko'-fer
Origin: from 3722
, with spikenard
nerd (Hebrew #5373)
nard, an aromatic
KJV usage: spikenard.
Pronounce: nayrd
Origin: of foreign origin

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Ministry on This Verse

or, cypress.
 The plants may vary in size and beauty, in fragrance and fruitfulness, but all are for the delight of the King. And so, in the garden of the Lord; no two saints are alike, but all minister to His delight. (Canticle 3: The Communion of Love by H. Smith)
 It seems to me that every one ought to understand that a life that is lived for God is one bringing forth the fruits of righteousness. Love, purity, goodness, sweetness, kindness, compassion, consideration for others, all of these things are the beautiful fruits that grow in this garden when the living water is properly fructifying the soil. In Galatians 5:22 we have a long list of the fruit of the Spirit. (Song of Solomon 4:12-5:1 by H.A. Ironside)
 Some of these plants give forth their fragrance as the rain and dew fall upon them; some of them send forth a subtle aroma when the rays of the sun are warming them. Others never exude, never give out their fragrance, until they are pierced and the sap flows forth. So is it with our lives. We need all kinds of varied experiences in order that we may manifest the graces of Christ in our behavior. (Song of Solomon 4:12-5:1 by H.A. Ironside)

J. N. Darby Translation

Thy shoots are a paradise of pomegranates, with precious fruits; Henna with spikenard plants;