AT the close of a children’s service in South London recently, many stayed behind to speak to me about the Lord Jesus. Among these was a bright, intelligent boy, with his little sister. The boy had, in simple words, confessed his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and afterward stated that his little sister Daisy wished to speak to me.
“Do you love Jesus, Daisy?” I asked; and, as she said, “Yes,” I inquired, “And why do you love the Lord?”
She seemed unwilling to answer for a moment, but, being bidden by her brother, “Daisy, speak up,” she said, “Cause He loved me best.”
What a simple answer! Oh, that each of our young readers could say the same!
There were other dear children at the same meeting, who confessed to knowing Jesus as their Saviour, and, in answer to the question why, they answered, “Because He died for us.”
Their bright, happy faces told out better than words could speak, the truth of their statement.
My dear young readers, I want each of your hearts for Jesus, so that you may be able to say, “He loved me, and gave Himself for me.” (Gal. 2:2020I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20).) Have you never thought of that dreadful cross, where He was bearing the judgment of God against your sins? Well may we say―
“Oh, what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord!”
May you, dear little reader, know in the days of your youth, the Lord Jesus Christ as your own precious Saviour, and may this be your heartfelt prayer―
“Lord, in my childhood and my youth
Be thou my heart’s delight;
Oh, guide me in Thy precious truth,
And keep me day and night.”
And then your happy future is this―of being with Jesus, of being like Him, and seeing Him as He is.