
Children—Paul House
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To get started, right, children? All right, so we need some volunteers with some hemp.
Into a tent where?
So it's good to be.
Out with my head.
Tell me about it.
Valvation, Illinois.
Kill one can stay out of the children's house. I'll be here for the house won't give me.
Maybe you saw a lot of me and I was born against those above everything and I'm not considering any of your diet pain.
On that one, yeah, I've heard it's my time. So that's a meeting for a local woman and I don't know why I'm getting antibiotic at all. They're getting anything happens. So I don't know. I don't see anything like that. Again, I don't care. I don't care again.
I don't think so.
You can't say anything. I'm like, you don't bring them out of bed and all the while eating out and everyone has told me to be slow.
You're going to have any testimony or anything? That's right. Now, again, I don't think I'm going down validations so everything. Can you tell us?
When you can say that you don't blame my own parents and you know how long I'm getting at that at the very high and so I want to begin to give you.
Another one.
#46 please.
Maybe a girl this time, This girl here.
#47 OK.
When he come in.
The morning.
Let's outside.
Friday and four days from.
I was just thinking of a verse in the book of Luke chapter 18 with this hymn.
And it says this, And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them. But when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. And Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not. For of such is the Kingdom of God.
Suffer little children to come unto me. And so the purpose of our Sunday school this morning is that.
You children, if you haven't come already, you'll come this morning to the Lord Jesus because he wants you to come. You know, there was some people that didn't want the little ones to come to the Lord. Maybe they thought they weren't important or they weren't weren't big enough to understand him. But the Lord says Jesus said, Oh no, bring them to me. And the Lord Jesus wants each one of you boys and girls for himself this morning.
Let's have one more.
OK, Cassandra #5.
Let's sing the first verse in the chorus please #5.
Oh, happy day.
In your family.
Ly Hydration.
And fell asleep all around.
Dear Lord Jesus, we thank Thee this morning that we could have these songs. Some of them we have sung many, many times, and yet they're so special to us. They're special to us because of I love Lord Jesus, that is special to us too. And we thank Thee for each boy and girl that's here this morning. Thou just love them far more than we do.
And my desire is to have them for thyself. And so we just pray that each boy.
And each girl may know for sure that they belong to thee, Lord Jesus, that they might have opened their hearts to Thee, accepted Thee as their precious Savior. And if there's somebody here this morning that hasn't done that yet, we pray that this morning they may accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior too. And we thank Thee for this little boy that we have sung about.
This little boy that was dying, who had never heard.
How he could get to heaven. And we thank Thee that he came just as he was, and then he went straightway to heaven. And we pray if there's somebody here, Lord, again that's not saved, that they might get saved this morning.
In the meeting we pray in Jesus name, Amen.
Well, I wanna tell you children a couple of little stories if I can.
We all like stories, don't we? Yeah, I like stories too. Helps me pay attention.
So the first story is about one of my good friends that's here and.
There's round sil shiny things that go in a little tape player. What are they called?
CD's, right? Thank you, Caleb. So this man makes me see these of all the conferences from all over the place. And every so often he comes to our assembly and Mr. Daplin hands me some CDs. And you know, that's a real spiritual help to me because those CDs go into my truck and in my truck I have ACD player and I put them on my dash and I listen to the tapes.
So it may be from California, it may be from Washington.
It may be from Halifax. Wherever it happens to be, I listen to the meetings and I enjoy them.
And I get food from my soul.
Well, I was listening to a tape that I listened to one time and two times, and then I got my boys to listen to them, and then I listened to it again and again. You know why? Because I really liked one of the stories on the tape on the CD, and I tried to tell you the story. It kind of touched my heart.
Because I felt really sorry for this lady I'm gonna tell you about SO.
This man, Mr. Debut, when he first moved to to North America, he lived with a family in Ohio and they, they taught their kids at home. And one of the things that they did with their kids was they took the kids to a Court House every year as part of their education. So they would go and sit at the back and then the judge was at the front and people that had done things that weren't quite right.
Had done things that were wrong, like maybe they went too fast.
Or in this case, the lady stole something so they would sit at the back and hear what happened and what the judge would say and the children would learn.
How the judicial system works, how the judge hands down a sentence and the person has to be in jail or whatever it may be.
So the day went on for this family and for Mr. Debut and.
This lady got called up to stand before the judge and this lady was a very poor lady. Her clothes were bad and she doesn't but didn't look very well kept. And if I got the story right, it was just somebody that you'd really feel sorry for.
She was a poor lady.
And the judge said.
I understand, lady.
That you're here because you stole something, is that right? And she said, yes, I stole a bag of milk.
You think a bag of milk? Why would she steal a bag of milk?
What do you think, Abby?
Why would some a lady steal a bag of milk from the store?
Well, I'll tell you what happened. She had some children just like you.
A little little children and you know, she didn't have any food for her children.
And she wanted to have something for them to drink.
So she didn't have any money because she was so poor. I don't know why she was so poor, but she went to the grocery store and she tried to steal a bag of milk so that her little children could have some milk to drink. Isn't that a sad story? Aren't you glad that you know where your next meal is coming from? You probably had a good breakfast this morning. We can thank the Lord for that.
But this lady was so poor that she had to steal this bag of milk.
The lady said to the judge. She said well.
I did it for my children and the judge, he put his head down like this.
He felt so bad, but she had stolen this milk. She was in court because she got caught stealing it. And he wouldn't be a righteous judge. He wouldn't do the right thing if he just said, well, that's OK, you can just steal whenever you want.
That doesn't work. There's consequences when we do what's wrong So.
The judge finally said. Well, lady.
The smallest charge that I can give.
Is a fine of $200.
The lady put her head down. She said I could never pay that. I could never pay $200.00. She had stolen a bag of milk that maybe cost two or three dollars in the state.
And here she had to pay $200.00, she said. I could never pay, I could never pay. She just put her head down like this.
And there was quiet in the courthouse.
And then the next man who was there for a traffic, traffic violation, he'd been speeding or something, he said. Your Honor, may I say something?
And the judge says, yes, you can, he said. Can I pay the for the lady? Can I pay the $200?
And everyone was quiet in the court.
And the judge said, well, according to this jurisdiction, if you pay the $200.00, then this lady can go free.
And the man said, well, I would like to pay.
And so the man took $200.
And he paid for that poor lady.
We're gonna talk a little bit about this this morning.
Let's turn to if we have our Bibles. If you don't, you can listen well. So Luke Chapter 7.
Luke Chapter 7 and verse 36.
And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to meet. And behold, a woman in the city, which was a Sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meet in the Pharisees house, brought an alabaster box appointment, and stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them.
With the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. Now when the Pharisee which had been in him saw it, he spake within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that touches him for Jesus Sinner.
And Jesus answering, said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee. And he said, Master Sayon, there was a certain creditor which had two debtors, the one owed 500 pence and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both.
Tell me, therefore, which of them will love him most?
Simon answered and said, I suppose that he to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.
And he turned to the woman, and said unto the unto Simon, seeest thou this? This woman? I entered into thine house, Thou gavest me no water from my feet. And she asked why my feet were tears, and wiped that, washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Thou gavest me no kiss. But this woman, since the time I came in, hath not ceased to kiss my feet.
My head and with oiled out it's not annoying.
But this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. Wherefore I say unto thee?
Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much, but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. And they that sat at meet with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that can forgive sins also? And he said to the woman, by faith have saved thee, Go in peace.
So I just read a few verses from God's word, but these verses are very important verses because they are written for each one of us.
Big and little.
Big and little. You know, sometimes we think of these verses as being very simple, and they are very simple, but God made them very simple so that we would understand them.
You know, sometimes we think we're better than other people. Is that right? That's right. Sometimes we think we're better. And this man, Simon, he thought he was better than the Sinner lady.
He thought he was better.
So the Lord told this story about 500 pence being owed to this man and it couldn't be paid back and another person only owed 50. Now how many times bigger is 550? Can somebody help me? How many times bigger is 500 than 50?
It's 10 times right, 10 times bigger, so I want you to look up here for a minute.
Now, Jordan, I need some help this morning.
And all you know how to read good, so I want you to tell me how many liters that says.
55 liters. OK, now how about this one?
5.85 point 8 So this is about 10 times bigger than this, right? So ten of these would fit into one of these. So one of the people who owed this man money, he owed this much stuff.
If we filled it all up and the other person only owed this much.
Now the purse, the, the man who who was owed whatever it was, the money, he forgave both, both of the people. He forgave the person that owed this much and he forgave the person that owed this much. And the Lord said to Simon, Simon, which one of those people would be the most appreciative for being forgiven?
And Simon said, oh, the one that got forgiven this much, we can understand that, right?
We can understand that now. We're gonna do something else this morning. I need some people to help me.
And I'm gonna pass out some things.
I don't have enough for everybody.
This will make a start.
OK, this morning I wanna talk about our sins.
Do we all know what our sins are?
Our sins are the things that we have done before God that aren't right.
And there's lots of different ones that we can think of that we have done.
We passed them all out in.
Thank you.
OK. And I'm gonna go to Jordan 1St and I'm gonna get Jordan. Can you speak up Jordan really loud? What does it say on your balloon? Cheat, Cheat. Can you put that in there? OK.
Cheat. Oh, dear. Is it wrong to cheat, Jordan? Yeah, it is wrong to cheat. You know what? I've cheated.
I've cheated not just once, but many times.
Boys and girls, what about you? Have you ever cheated?
OK, well we'll see. Maybe there's some people that have never cheated, but you know what? I bet most of us have cheated.
OK, now what about this girl here? What's what do you have on yours? What does it say? Does it say it says bossy? Oh dear.
Have you ever been bossy?
I've been bossy not just one time, but many times.
OK, let's put that in there. OK, now what about this girl here? What do you got on yours? Let's see what it says.
Oh no, it says rude. You haven't been rude ever, have you?
I have been.
How about you? What is your Oh, a bully? Oh no, you haven't been a bully, have you?
I have been.
OK, let's keep going along here. What do we got next?
Oh, we're Have you ever whined? You have. Me too.
Disobedience. You've been disobedient.
Me too.
Many times.
Not just to my parents.
But I've been disobedient to the Lord.
How about you?
Oh, you never did that, did you? Sorry.
Have you ever pushed? I have to. OK. And what about you, Ru Ryder complaining? Oh, no.
What do you got fighting? Oh, that's not a problem at your house, is it?
Oh, it is. Oh no, at our house too.
OK, what do we got here?
Let's see, proud.
Oh dear, I've been proud before.
Boy, isn't there a lot of different sins when we think about it? What's this annoy? Oh no, we've all annoyed, I think too.
Your brothers? Yeah. Uh-huh. OK, Argue. Oh, you don't argue though, don't you? Right. Where's your dad?
OK, what's this one say? Steel. Oh.
Wouldn't it be terrible to steal? But we heard a story about a lady who stole a bag of milk for her little children. And we may say, well, those little children, they needed to have milk. But she did what was wrong. She stole, and that's a sin.
OK, now what do you got?
Have you ever hated anybody? Oh, dear. Well, the Lord Jesus can forgive that sin, too. Cheating. Oh, boy, that's a big problem, isn't it? OK, Abby, what do you got?
Levi, what does it say?
A bad word? Hmm.
I've said a few of those, too. I tell you a story about that one time when my brother Rob over there, we were going to play hockey to rink and I was just a little boy your size, maybe a little bigger, and it got kind of warm the day before and there was a big puddle.
And I was walking along and this guy was going too fast and I was carrying my skates and my hockey stick and my helmet and this guy went right through a puddle right beside me and splashed me. Just totally covered me in slush. I was just dripping wet like this and I wanted to go ho play hockey so bad. And guess what happened? There was some bad words.
The Lord Jesus forgave those.
How about lying, Sam?
Oh no, many times. Me too.
And Damian, your says grumpy.
OK, what have you got? Bad thoughts. Does God know our thoughts too? Wow, boy, that's kind of that. Doesn't make us feel too good, eh? Because we sometimes have bad thoughts. How about this fellow? What do you got? Covet? That means if somebody else gets a better Lego set than you and you want it.
Oh. Oh, I've been guilty of coveting, too. OK, what about stealing? Is that the next one? OK, we wouldn't wanna do that. But we've done it, haven't we?
How about you, Isaac? Mark. Oh, I've done that too, boy. I've done a lot of bad things. Hey now, were you boys and girls thinking that you've done some of these things?
We have, haven't we? How about this guy over here? Paulie, what do you got?
Lying. Another one. How come there's two of those? Is that a big problem for us? Yeah. Whoops.
Boy, we're running out of room.
OK, what's this one say? Bad thoughts? More bad thoughts. Wow.
And Clara, what have you got?
Say betray.
Betray. Yeah. Who can think of a disciple that betrayed the Lord?
Judas yes, that was a terrible sin. That means that says to covet.
OK, what have we got over here? Litter.
You think littering is a sin? Yeah, because there's a sign that says do not litter on the side of the road and we throw stuff out the window sometimes. I don't like when people throw stuff on my front lawn, but they do.
But yesterday I got into trouble. You know why? Because I was eating an apple core. An apple, and I threw the core out the window, right onto the road. That's littering.
That's a sin that's disobeying a known commandment.
OK, what does this one say? Kill.
You, you kids have never killed anybody, have you?
Have you wanted to though?
OK, what we got here?
Vandalize, OH.
What does that mean, Caleb?
OK, wow, that's that's a bad thing, isn't it? OK, what do we got here, Cassandra?
Selfish. Oh, that is a bad thing, isn't it? OK, let's put all these sins up here.
Oh dear.
One of the points that I wanted to make to you children is that we do a lot of sins and we don't even think about it.
And we've done so many since that. It's like that bucket, it's they're overflowing. There's so many when we think about what we've done that's wrong.
And you know the man last night in the gospel that was telling us about the Lord and how he died on the cross and he shed his blood.
To wash away our our sins. And perhaps there's somebody here and you've never have your sins washed away. Well, today you can't have them washed away. All those things, cheating, stealing, all the things that we talked about in those on those balloons. There's so many things that we do all the time.
From when we're very little.
You didn't.
Well, but you know what?
MMM, OK, So what we just learned from these two is that we have done things that were wrong.
OK, so you just be quiet and let me finish, OK?
So in our story, we had.
The 500 and the 50.
Now both of these containers are very full.
And you know that Lady that Simon called the Sinner, she was a Sinner, but she recognized that she was a Sinner. She admitted it, she owned it, and she came to the Lord Jesus who could forgive sins and had her sins forgiven.
You know that man, Simon, He thought he was better.
Perhaps he didn't do as many sins as that sinful lady, but you know, his bucket was full too, just like up there, there's balloons falling out of that little bucket too. He was guilty of his sins, but he didn't think he needed to worry about his sins. And perhaps there's somebody here today and you're thinking, well, you know, I I'm not too bad. I'm better than him and him and him.
And those bad kids at school, I'm not. I'm not as bad as them.
They're really bad. They don't listen to the teacher, they disobey, they say bad words. They do all kinds of things. And I don't do that many bad things, but you do do some.
And when I was going through the list of things and talking to the people, the kit, you kids, most of you sort of said, huh, yeah, I had done that too. And I said, I've done that, I've done that, I've done that. And I'm like that Sinner lady because I came to the Lord Jesus when I was.
A young boy and I asked him to forgive my sins.
To die for me. And I believe that when the Lord Jesus died on the cross, he paid for my sins and I asked him to be my Savior. So my question for you this morning is, have you done that?
Have you recognized that you have done some of those things and that before God you're guilty for your sins, and the only way to have them gone is to have the blood of the Lord Jesus wash them all away? Now I want to tell you another story.
I want to tell you a story about a little boy that was 4.
And I'm gonna tell you about this little boy, because this little boy.
He was not always very good. He did some stuff that was wrong and he disobeyed his dad and he also said bad things and he had a bad spirit sometimes.
And I said to him a couple of times. I said.
Would you like to accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior? You know what he said, no, I don't want to. And I would say to him again, would you like to accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior? And he would say no.
And this went on and on for week after week. And this boy was a bad boy. Week after week he did things that were right. And I asked him, I said.
Don't you wanna accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior and have your sins all forgiven? No.
One day.
He did something that was very naughty.
And I said to him, I said, well, the only way that you're ever gonna have be able to do good things, as if you accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you're always gonna have troubles like this. Your sins are just gonna keep piling up and piling up and piling up. And you're gonna have trouble after trouble after trouble until you accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior. And then he's gonna give you a new life that's gonna help you to do good things for him.
And I said, wouldn't you like?
To accept the Lord Jesus as your savior. And he said, yeah, I would, I would, I would like to. And you know that little boy, he got down on his knees with his dad and his mom. I'm his dad. And he accepted the Lord Jesus as his savior just like that.
You know, I'm sure that he's saved.
You know why? Because I heard him ask the Lord Jesus to be his Savior, to forgive him all his sins, and to take him to heaven someday.
Do your dad and mom.
Do they know if you're saved or not?
If you are, why don't you tell them?
Then they won't worry, they won't wonder. They'll know. If you tell them that you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, that will make them so happy.
And if you haven't accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior yet?
Why not?
See that bucket? All the stuff you've done? What happens if you?
You die or the Lord Jesus comes and you still have that bucket of sins.
Then you have to pay.
For those cents.
Remember that story I told you about the lady and the judge said your fine is $200.00 and she said I never could pay that?
What about the mountain of sins that you have? You could never pay that either, and I've done a lot more than you. Children I could never pay. But who paid for me? The Lord Jesus paid.
Because I accepted Him as my savior and you know He wants to have you today.
He wants you for himself. He loves you. He loves you enough to die for you and to take your place and the punishment that you deserved. And that man reached in his pocket and he got $200.00 and he put $200.00 down. He had to work hard for that $200.00. And you say, well, it's only $200.00. That's true, but it's still $200.00. You could buy a a bike for that.
You could buy something else nice and instead of that the man paid the fine.
The lady said she could never pay, and you know if you go to hell, you'll never finish paying either for all eternity for those sins that you've done. So if you are saved and you never told anybody, tell them today.
So let's sing. We probably have time for a couple more, so let's sing a couple more.
Number #6.
We'll sing the 1St, 1St and the chorus.
God in mercy.
Of the world. So I'll explore it and say, you know, you can see it's not time.
So the Lord Jesus did come and the Lord Jesus did die so that our sins could be forgiven. But you know, the Lord Jesus had to be punished. And we read about that this morning, our little family. We read about how it got dark.
And in those three hours of darkness?
The Lord Jesus was punished for the sins of each person that would come to him for forgiveness. So God is love. That's true, and that's wonderful. And he proved that by sending his Son. And the Lord Jesus proved his love by dying for us. But because God is light, our sins had to be taken care of. And the only way to do that is with the blood of the Lord Jesus.
OK, one more.
Just the first verse and the chorus we.
'Re all hungry.
We have gone.
Let's pray, Lord, we thank thee that we could have this little time together. We think of the load of our sins and how this man, Simon, he could see how sinful this lady was, but he didn't really think about himself. And perhaps there's somebody here this morning that thinks they're OK.
They're not as bad, they haven't done too much wrong. And yet, just like this little bucket.
That we have up here, the sins are flowing over the sides. And we just would pray, Lord, that that will help each one of us to realize that we're not better, but that we have done many, many, many, many things that deserve judgment. And we thank Thee for each person in the room today whose sins have been paid for by the blood of the Lord Jesus.
We thank the Lord Jesus for coming here.
In thy love and going to the cross and suffering for us. And we thank thee this morning, Lord Jesus, that we have the privilege to return thanks for what thou hast done for us. And now we pray for those dear children. We pray if there's a boy or a girl who is not dealt with their sins before they are God, that they will come to thee and ask for forgiveness even now as they're sitting in the chair where they are.
And when perhaps there's a boy or a girl and they've never told anybody that they've accepted thee, Lord Jesus, we pray that they might tell somebody after the meeting. And so we give thanks for this time together. Thank thee for thy goodness to us, and I love Lord Jesus, and we pray in thy very worthy name, Lord Jesus, Amen.