
Children—Wally Dear
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I see it's about one minute before 9:00. The Sunday school is supposed to start at 9:00. I wonder how many boys and girls could we get coming to the front in a minute.
Can we do any uh.
Movement here in a hurry.
Not talking about uh.
10 yard dashes exactly. But uh, anybody that would like to come to the front, we really appreciate that because oh, here comes some boys. Thank you boys great. Anybody else? I see some oh, here comes a boy. That's great.
You know, it'd be kind of nice.
If we fill up these chairs right here because I like to make use of the table here, if you don't mind, and these, these chairs here, OK, great.
OK, there's still seating in the front.
Front row seats.
Can I ask for anything better?
Let's start our Sunday school, as we usually do, with singing. I hope everybody wants to sing because I want to sing for a little while. You're the boy. He's got his hands up. Which number would you like?
46 All right, let's start in with #46.
Last year and him and I thought there's not much come away.
Let's see that once more. This time we're going to ask the girls to sing their part. You see the line that says any calls, any calls, all the GIRLSI would like to ask only the girls to sing that line. The next line has BOYS in it. That line is for the boys only. And we all join in on the rest of the song. So let's try it one more time and we're going to sing it in part. All right. Hope everybody knows their part.
I'm Illinois. I'm an Illinois.
You want the big alliance to do.
Today I can rest in him and I'm all empty now. What's your name?
Beautiful. Anybody else have a number? Yes.
47 Next Song 47.
When is it going to be a little break? It's rough driven. You're doing one all this year. No one's righteous. Still on the water. Thrilled one's back together long.
Till my crown on the door.
I jumped for him.
He broke out after he looked out and saw her head getting dumped. All of the same ones, all the pride once there's blood. Thailand and gone.
Now the last two were boys.
Do I have a girl that has a choice? And yes.
42 I think I heard a number.
Jesus loves all the children of the world. All right, well, let's sing 42.
And in that one, Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. You like that one, All right. Now, I don't see that on this hymn sheet, but I'm sure we all know it. So we'll see that next. But first of all, 42.
Is there anybody here that's seven?
OK, can you stand up while we sing this, please? Anybody else in the room that's seven years old?
Like all the seven-year olds to stand up, please. All right, how about 3? Anybody that's three?
Four. Are you 3?
Here for could you stand up please while we sing this? All right.
All right, let's see.
Thank you very much. You can be seated. I thought it would just be really nice to see.
Lord Jesus wants to save.
The little children as well as the older ones. And we can be saved when we're only 3-4 or seven and all the ages in between and before and beyond too. So anybody can be saved. Now let's think Jesus loves the little children. I don't believe it's on this hymn, sheep, but we know it.
Jesus loves us.
Black and white, all are bright. Should be in his sight. It is above the lake of children of the world.
He must die for a little chill of all friends.
All the children of the world.
Right. OK, yeah, but I can write our friendship in his life. She's the side for all the children of the world.
Jesus died for all the children, but he's not on the cross today.
Where is Jesus today? Can somebody tell me? Yes, can you tell me?
He. He what?
He rose. That's right, He rose again on the third day after he had died. So we want to sing Jesus lives for little children too.
Black and white, all our friendship and his sights and insights, Jesus lives were all the children of the world.
Anybody else have a number? I think we have time for maybe a couple more yes #40.
Five. He is strong. Yes. She needs some lumps. Big. Yeah, she's not slumped. Maybe. Yeah, she's done. Plus majority.
Come in. Yeah, it's not slightly. Yeah, it's a lot, maybe.
Yeah, maybe, but not really. So just the girls to sing verse 3.
And then we'll ask the poise to sing verse 4.
Alright, so we're gonna sing this in parts too, but we'll all join in on the chorus. OK girls, can you sing verse 3?
From every heart. Yeah. Yeah, It's not. It's not too many. Yeah, it's not like me.
Umm umm, I won't tell me so.
She does not love me about me, and I better be in the way of God now. From His shining home on my mind, He will watch me where I live.
In our life, she's not blood sleeping, Yeah.
Sun plus me, but I don't tell me so.
On the last verse and the chorus, we're all gonna sing all the words except for one word.
Would anybody know what we're talking about? There's one word I don't want you to sing.
It's a little 2 letter word. Me me.
Instead of singing, I want everybody just to point to themselves. OK, so don't sing the word me, just point. That's on the last verse now, and the chorus.
Of the will say, must be the sight of God land, and I trust him shall I die, He will take me on my eyes together.
Uh, umm yeah, She's uh.
She's not one.
Thumb eyeful tells me uh.
Yeah, I think we did pretty good on that. Really usually catch some on that last knee.
I think it's so wonderful. A little song is about two people, Jesus and.
It's beautiful and we just sing it over and over and over. I never get tired of singing it because, you know, the love of Jesus. It just seems to get sweeter and sweeter and sweeter as the days go by. That's the way it works. And it's a wonderful little song. Well, let's sing one more. OK, Yes.
16 All right, this is perhaps all will take time for it on the hymn sheet 16.
Well, that's an approximation of the way of Hill is the lonely father of the wonderful.
With all of the world may come.
No, no, not too bad, $1000 and there's a lot of pain. She gave us a business, that's true. There was a big question. We still have a little night on the Rd.
Who is the last program and the proclamation of her brother's bill? Is the loving Father also on your home?
MMM, so I'm a little late home.
Well, let's just hit set these him sheets aside.
And let's pray. Let's ask God for some help. So could we just close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray?
Father, in loving God, we thank Thee this morning.
That's our extending.
A warm invitation to whosoever will to come to the Lord Jesus Christ. We thank thee for each one in this hall who has come and accepted Jesus as their Lord and their Savior. But we know that there perhaps are those that.
Are not saved who have never come.
Who say no?
Or neglect the invitation. Now we earnestly pray that they might this very day.
Come to Jesus, we thank you that He is willing and able to save. We thank thee for thy love, Lord Jesus, of which we have been singing.
We thank You for dying on the cross in order to open wide heaven's gate, so that whosoever will may come in. And so we ask Thy blessing on Thy word wherever it's going forth this day, not only here in Lake Junaluska, but around the world. We know Thy desire is that the boys and girls should be saved, and the older ones too. And so we seek Thy help as we present Thy word, that it might be simple.
Each and everyone might be able to understand.
Thy love and the way of salvation and in need of it. Now we just ask these things now and give thanks and the precious most worthy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Often at Sunday schools we have Memory verses. I don't know if anybody has a Memory verse they would like to say today, uh.
We're not gonna pick on anybody in particular, but.
If anybody has a verse they learned today and would like to say it, we'd be happy to hear it. All right, Would you like to come up and.
Maybe you could?
I don't have to be the only one talking to this.
Proverbs 15 one A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. Proverbs 15 One Thank you very much, beautiful. Anybody else?
Anybody else wanna say first?
There's a way that semeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the waste of death.
4 Powers 1412. Thank you very good.
All right, that's good. Anybody else? It's not easy to talk into this, I know, but would you like to stand up and say it too?
There is a man which seemed right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs, 1412.
Very good. Thank you very much. Anybody else?
OK, good.
That is a wig which seemed right unto a man, but the end thereof are a way of the proverbs. 1412 beautiful. This is excellent.
In fact, I think your boys are enjoying talking into this.
Maybe it's not so hard after all. Anybody else?
All right.
I brought it forward here. I'd like to show you something on this board hopefully won't run out of time.
But here we have God's Word.
This is the Bible.
We sang in that little song about Jesus.
And you and me, the Bible.
Is about Jesus and you and me. It's about God. In fact, Jesus is God.
And it's a wonderful thing to think that God has written a book just for boys and girls, and for older ones too, to read because He wants to tell you and me what's on his heart.
You know God has a heart. He has a loving heart.
And he loves boys and girls.
But there's a big problem, and the problem is sin.
You know sin has separated us from God, but God in his Word tells us how this separation.
Can be taken away so we can enjoy companionship with God.
With the Lord Jesus Christ.
And as the gospel, it's the way of salvation. Well, I love this book. And I know as I look around this hall here today.
That most, and I would hope everyone loves this book.
I don't know though, maybe you don't find this book very interesting.
But I want to tell you, if you start reading this book, you develop an appetite for it. And the more you read it, the more you want to read it because you find out it's just like a gold mine, you know, and a gold mine, they go way down into the ground and they're looking for gold.
And they spend a lot of money building big machines to get gold out of the ground. But this book that we have in our hands, it's the word of God. It's more to be desired than gold, even much fine gold.
Yeah, you know, there are people that find fault with the Bible.
Oh, that's terrible.
You see bad things about the Bible.
I hope there's nobody like that here today.
I'm reminded.
I heard one time about.
A young man.
And this is kind of a little bit humorous, but.
It was a story put into a poem.
And it was about a young man that went to the Barber shop.
And there in the barbershop.
The Barber, He had all these birds sitting on shelves around his shop. They were.
Birds that had been stuffed by a taxidermist.
Well, this young man, he goes to the Barber and he thought he knew a lot about birds.
And in fact, I think maybe he was studying Ornithology.
But as he sat in the chair getting his hair cut, he looked at one of the birds and he began to tell the Barber.
Some things about the bird that he didn't think were right.
He said, you know, those wings, they don't seem to be set quite right. And and that, that that owl there is what it was an owl that he was looking at. He's got kind of a strange angle to his head and he was going on about this particular bird.
Finding fault with the bird, and really finding fault too with the taxidermist.
That had stuffed all these other birds.
All of a sudden, the owl.
It turned his head and he blinked his eyes.
And now you know who felt kind of owlish?
He really felt foolish. That was a living bird amongst all those dead birds he shouldn't been talking like that about.
That owl. And yet, you know, we have in our hands today a living book. And there's a lot of books out there. They're dead books.
But this book that we have in our hands, it's the Word of God. It's living and it's powerful.
And yet there are people today and educated people who find fault with the Word of God.
Oh, how sad that is. But I hope nobody like that here today. Well.
There is a portion of scripture that I'd like to turn to. It's found in the Psalms, so if you have a Bible you could look this up. It's found in Psalm 139 and this Psalm tells me that God is.
God is great.
We read through this Psalm. I'm not going to read it all, but it tells us boys and girls.
That there is nothing that God does not know.
It tells me.
That there is no place.
Where God is not present. And it also tells me there is nothing that God cannot do.
So this is a wonderful Psalm here, and it starts out with these words, Oh Lord, how has searched me and known me? Thou knowest my down sitting my uprising. Thou understandest my thought of far off.
Our compass is my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways, for there is not a word in my tongue. But lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and lay thine hand upon me, and so on. And then it goes on to say that.
Where can we go to get away from God? Can we go up into heaven?
Up into the sky, can we fly away?
On a jet airplane to a distant part of the earth in order to get away from God? No, we can't do that. Can we Go down into the ground, maybe into a gold mine?
Way down down deep and get away from God. No, that's right. We cannot get away from God because.
He is everywhere. So we learned in these verses that He knows everything and He is everywhere. And then when we read on, we find out that He has power and He has skill.
Now this is also beautiful.
I wonder maybe somebody could read a verse here for me.
This is, uh, interesting verse about, uh, light.
And darkness.
Some people think that they can hide in the darkness and that God won't see them.
Is that true? No Could. Could you read a verse for me?
No, this verse here tells us about the fact that God can see in the dark.
OK, can you read it over?
If I say, surely the darkness shall cover me, even the night shall be a light about me.
Yeah, the darkness hided not hideth not from thee, but the night shineth as the day. The darkness and the light are both alike to thee. Thank you. Very good. Isn't that amazing? You know, sometimes we do things in the day because we cannot see at night. Maybe we want to mow the grass and we say, oh, it's getting dark. We got to get this mowing done before.
It gets dark before we can't see, or maybe we're doing something outside, changing the oil on the car or something like that. And we say, well, we gotta get this done before it gets dark because, you know, we cannot see in the dark. But God is different, and it tells us here as he just read.
The night is light and.
Tonight, shyness as the day and the darkness and the light are both alike to God. Isn't it amazing? Well, this God is a wonderful God. He's a great God.
He knows that to us.
He knows what this boy is thinking right here.
And this boy here?
And these girls over here, God knows what you're thinking right now.
Everyone in this hall.
God knows.
And God is here.
God is everywhere.
There was a man.
If you want to hear about God.
So sad.
And in fact.
He had a little daughter.
And the daughter was going to Sunday school and there's some Bible meetings, would come home and want to talk to her dad about the Lord, about God. And he said I don't want to hear about him. I don't believe in God.
Well, you know, she felt so sad about that.
And then one day the man said, I want you.
To make a sign for me.
And the Father said, I want you to say on the sign, God is nowhere.
And just what he said to the little girl.
And she felt so bad.
And he said, I want you to take that sign, and you put that on the wall right at the foot of my bed. So when I go to bed at night, I can see this, what the sign says. And when I wake up in the morning, I can see what the sign says. God is nowhere. Well, a little girl.
Made the sign.
And that's one reason I brought this board here today.
To show you the sign that she made.
Alright, now can somebody tell me what was it?
That the father wanted.
His little girl to write on the sign.
God is nowhere now. Can you tell me how to spell that?
We're gonna start with uh.
OK, G.
D Good, got the first word. All right, then what?
I then what?
OK, God is all right. What's next?
In OK.
Nowhere. What's next?
OK, what next?
No, it's not a.
It sounds like, I mean, you could say where we are, but it's the other one.
You know if you say.
Like where is he? You know how to spell the word where if you say where is he?
What do you think?
WE Oh, you think an E2?
OK, I know eight. OK, so now what do we got NOWH?
OK, good, good. OK, you got that right.
Having a hard time doing this up here.
OK, so she wrote this down. She put it up.
At the bottom of the bed and this is what it said.
Can somebody read what it says? Yes.
Say it again.
God is now here.
The man woke up in the morning. He saw that on the wall. It was like it was hit by a bullet. Really, it's just like an arrow to his conscience.
And God spoke to that man, to that sign that little girl put there and you know, he come to realize that he was on the wrong track. He needed to repent. He needed to.
Change his thinking like we heard about last night. And he did. And you know, he comes to know the Lord, and he comes to be thankful for that little girl whose testimony was so bright and so fresh and so real, and he got saved.
And oh, how happy he was. And the little girl was so happy too. But you know who was happiest of all? Who do you think?
God. That's right. There's joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner that repents.
Now, would you be willing to make God happy here today? If there's somebody who so far has said no to Jesus, would you be willing to take sides with God against yourself and say yes, Lord, I know I'm a Sinner, I need salvation. I believe your word. Would you be willing to do that?
And accept the Lord Jesus Christ, Say Lord Jesus, I want to be saved.
I want to be saved now from my sins, you know. Whosoever should call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. So that brings joy to the heart of God. Well.
There was another part that is some.
Now we learned how that God knows everything and God is everywhere, but then it tells us about his power. Remember I said there's nothing that God cannot do.
And so we find here that David.
Shows us just how powerful God is because he made you and me.
And he speaks of it here, he says.
In verse.
14 I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Fearfully and wonderfully made.
When my first daughter was born in the hospital there came into the room one of the social people there and social workers some sort and.
They were asking us about what we thought of this little girl that had been born now into our family.
And this is the verse that came to mind. It came to mind. And so we recorded this first.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. And then David speaks about how that God knew us even before we were born and so on, and it's a wonderful thing to contemplate what happens.
Baby comes into being.
You know.
Get my board here again.
I put a little dot right there.
I don't know if you can see it or not.
But that's how big you were at one point in time.
Did you know that?
And at that point in time in that little dot.
There was the plan for how you were to.
B. As far as the color of your hair.
Shape of your nose.
Color of your eyes resolve there in that little dot.
To sell. Then it began to divide and divide and divide. More sells and more sells, and this little one starts.
To form arms, legs, head and so on, it's amazing, It's a miracle. And then the ones born into this world continues to grow.
And you know.
I'm not a doctor.
And I probably should have asked for confirmation on this before I got up here, but I've been told that there's there's trillions and trillions of cells. This one little cell went from one to trillions. And that's what we're made-up of, trillions of cells. And we've got nerves running through our bodies. And somebody told me that maybe 60,000 miles of nerve fibers all the way through our bodies. And we got these blood vessels that are carrying blood through our bodies maybe 100,000 miles.
I'm not sure I got the figures right, maybe it was reversed, but in any case.
Think about it, how could all this happen just because God is great?
God, He made you and me. Now wouldn't you like to know God? Wouldn't you like to be on good terms with God? Wouldn't you like to enjoy his companionship? Wouldn't you like to learn more from Him about what his plans are? And so on and so forth. It's all in the Bible.
God is so good, God is so great. He made the trees, He made the seas, He made the lakes, He made the elephants like we sing in the sun. He made everything. It tells us that without him was not anything made that was made, and that's Jesus. Jesus is the Creator. Well boys and girls, we need the Creator, but because we've done bad, we need salvation. And the Lord Jesus came into this world, the Creator himself.
Goes to the cross of Calvary, and there he was willing to suffer on that cruel cross of Calvary for you and for me, that that terrible sin that separates us from a holy God might be forever taken away. He shed his precious blood and the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son. He cleanses us from all sins so that we can enjoy.
Happy fellowship, companionship with the God of the universe. Well, it's a wonderful thing to be able to speak about the Lord and to speak about you and me and how that we can enjoy this salvation and this fellowship with God. Well, the Lord Jesus suffered for our sin, just for the unjust.
That he might bring us to God. God sent his Son to be the Savior. Think about it. God wants you. We sang a little word, come, COME, come. A little girl says that means he wants me, and that's true. He wants you. He's saying come unto me. The question is, have you come? The worst thing that you could do is not come. That's the worst sin that could be committed in this whole world is to reject God's dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. People don't realize that, but that's, I believe, the worst sin.
And people are going to go to hell because of that, rejecting the Savior, God's dear Son, well.
I see a time that's almost gone. We sing a little song and it tells us about God's power and how God, he makes the fish to swim. Can everybody do that? Maybe you've done this before. The fish swim and he makes the flowers to bloom and the birds to fly. And then we're going to sing how he made both you and I, and we're going to end up with how he sent his son to die and we make it cross just like this. All right, so let's everybody.
Try to make a fish swim who didn't make something fish that swim?
You are not you and I are you and I who forgive me.
Without the pitches that swim flower, and blooms and bursts have thy rudeness of you and I God in heaven upon who did send his Son together in his Son to God unto thou through the 17th. 70 thou why it has not fall.
Uh, boys and girls, we wanna close with prayer.
But if there's anybody sitting in your seat here and you wanna be saved, you wanna.
Be close to the Lord, close to God. You want to enjoy Him.
You have to.
Think about the fact that if you're not saved, sin, the bad things in your life are separating you from God and from the Lord Jesus. But if, as we pray, you ask Him to save you.
Like David, he said, wash me, I shall be whiter than snow. It'll happen to you too, because you can be saved this morning and have those sins all washed away and you can know for sure without a shadow of a doubt, you're on your way to heaven. You're going to be with Jesus.
Just call upon Him. He wants you. He died to redeem you. Only believe His word, accept it. Let's pray. Father, we thank thee for the wonderful message of the gospel, for boys and girls, and for older ones too. We thank You that Thou art so great.
We bow.
In adoration, in awe.
At thy feet as we contemplate how great thou art.
To think that doubt is know everything, and that thou art in every place, and that there is nothing too hard for D.
Is so marvelous we think of how the Taoists give thy son.
No doubt it was difficult to give up thy dear Son, the one in whom thou didst find thy delight to go to the cross. And there we think of how blessed God thou was punished thy son.
For the sins of all who would trust in Him. We marvel at Thy grace and Thy love, and we praise thee. We thank Thee for it today. If there's one here who is still in their sins, we do pray that they might turn to the Lord Jesus and call upon Him for salvation that they might be happy praising.
That they might know with assurance that when thou has come, they will go.
To be with D or if they die, they will go to B with D. So we ask these things now as we commit to the word into thy hands, and do pray for thy.
Message of the Gospel, wherever it's going out this day we ask thy richest blessing and the precious worthy name, the Lord Jesus, Amen.