God is Speaking to You

Duration: 57min
Address—Don Rule
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Let's begin this afternoon by singing again a hymn that we've already sung #153 Whom have we, Lord, but the soul thirst to satisfy 153.
We'll need a starter.
Let's pray.
MMM Our God and Father, we thank you this afternoon that we can speak to Thee.
Knowing that our listening.
And that it is the good pleasure of Thy will to see us, each one happy and blessed. And so, our God and Father, we commit this time into Thy hands to direct the thoughts and the heart and the conscience of the speaker and of the hearers alike, that what we have may come from Thyself and be suited to the need of our souls. That it might be with profit and blessing, we ask our God for Thy glory and the name of Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Few minutes ago I was outside of the store here and I was watching a couple of men in a boat.
And I didn't think they were too smart.
Because as I look up into the sky, it was getting darker and I was starting to hear a little bit of Thunder.
And so I watched them and I thought to myself.
They're not smart, they're not doing what they ought to do.
So the first few raindrops start to come and.
They both of them very commonly put on raincoats.
Continued with their business. I vary not so calmly fled and came inside.
The point I want to make of it is that.
We so easily are occupied with.
Person next to us or across the room or somewhere else and don't always want to apply what we hear to ourselves. So I say to myself, and I say to you this afternoon, at the very beginning of this hour, listen up. God wants to speak to you and he wants you to listen and he wants to bless you.
I also find it's not very comfortable to me in one sense to wanna speak one to many because so often I find in the word of God that he speaks very individually. And we're gonna look, I trust, uh, at a, an example of this later.
What I'd really like to do, I don't wanna say. And the burden, particularly on my heart this afternoon as those of you in the room that qualify to be called young people.
It's not real safe for me to know what group that how where that range is, but we'll see. However, I'd like to be real specific.
I'd like to speak to you by name.
I'd like to say, Jonathan, I'm talking to you.
Or Megan, I'm talking to you or Joy, I'm talking to you. But no matter if I do and then the next set of remarks, you'll all be thinking about Jonathan or Megan or Joy and maybe not applying it to yourself as well. But please, if we have to use the more generic term most of the time, dear young people or something like that, don't tune out. Listen, God wants to speak. He does speak.
That's just want to God does speak. Problem is never with God and speaking. If there's a problem, it's in the hearing, it's in the listening. So open up your ears.
I'd like you to turn with me first to Romans Chapter 11.
Next I want to read verse Romans Chapter 11 and verse 36.
For of him and through him and to Him, or we can say for Him are all things.
This is God. For of God, and through God and for God are all things.
To whom be glory forever. Amen.
They have a little problem not knowing where the young people stand. Umm.
Occasion quite often use this first and speak to a group that I can always say 20 years ago none of you existed in this room as a young person. I'll just say I'll define it and say 40 years ago none of you existed.
You didn't exist 40 years ago.
You weren't.
Pretty interesting and significant to me. I look at you and here you are.
But if I had been here in this room 40 years ago, you wouldn't have been. In fact, you wouldn't have been anywhere you didn't exist.
But the question is, how long? Now that you do, how long are you going to exist?
The kids I often ask this question to, I know immediately. Their mind says nobody knows because we don't know how long we're going to live. That's the very point of making the question is it's a wrong answer.
You exist, young people.
Now that you exist forever.
That makes you important.
You are going to exist forever because.
You are important.
Sometimes I hear this comment. Nobody cares.
God does.
God does.
God cares so much.
That he brought you into existence.
For his own purpose and pleasure.
And if you wanna get In Sync with God.
Start at the beginning and recognize that God is over you as your creator, as your God.
And everything that you are and ever will be.
As important has to do with you and God and you are going to be.
Eternally happy.
Or eternally said eternally.
Well, it's too painful in some sense to put words around.
Of God.
You are of him. You came into existence through him. You exist for him.
And he tells us in the end of this little verse that in his ways, he's going to do everything he does for his own glory.
It's not about you, it's about God.
It's about God.
And God's purposes with respect to you.
For his own purpose, his own pleasure, his own glory.
Now turn over with me to 1St John.
Chapter 3.
First John, chapter 3.
And verse 4.
Whosoever committeth sin, transgresseth also the law. Going to read the new translation for the end of the verse for sin.
Is lawlessness.
For lawlessness is sin.
There's two things about you.
Young person.
It's well for you to learn from God if you haven't already.
1St is.
Now that you exist, you are and always will be a dependent creature.
God is your sustainer now and always will be.
God has created you to be an obedient creature.
To be dependent.
And obedient.
And your happiness this afternoon and tomorrow and into eternity depends on your recognition of that fact that you are dependent or to be dependent and you are to be obedient.
And you will be so forever, or you will never be in God's presence when you leave this world, except to be judged.
But even in heaven.
You will be a dependent.
And an obedient.
Member of God's creation.
When it says sin is lawlessness, what it means is the very principle of sin is not being under the control of God.
The very first sin that came into God's creation after he created people like us, Adam and Eve.
Came from first of all I believe.
In the heart of God.
But that unbelief in the heart of God led to an act of independence and an act of disobedience.
And ever since that moment, God has been working to the end that creatures who he loves might be restored to him, might be reconciled to Him, to return to a relationship of faith.
And with it dependence and obedience.
Send that's occurred by any person in this room this week or in your lifetime.
Starts in the heart.
With a mistrust of God that leads you to say I have a better way.
An independent way, A way of.
Satisfying my craving for happiness.
And to be like God, perhaps?
As Satan's lie said to Eve, he shall be as gods. That is, you'll be like him. You'll be independent of him.
And so.
Again, man's course. And so it continues. There's nothing new under the sun, really. The outside world's changed. Communications, part of the world's changed dramatically, at least in my lifetime. But fundamentally, young people, you're not facing anything different than Adam's children.
You're dealing with the same issues. We could have gone back to Adams Children's Day and talked to his children and you would find that whether they had the same words for it or not, the truth of the matter is comes right down to its basic issues.
As it still is today.
Turn back.
To the first chapter of the same epistle for a verse.
First John chapter one and verse 5.
This is the message.
Which we have heard of him, and declare unto you.
That God is light.
And in him is no darkness at all.
If we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie.
And do not the truth.
God is light.
We have to do with God, who is light.
And those were, as short as they may be, I believe are extremely important and extremely what man would call profound words.
Young person.
Everything you have to do with God.
Is totally completely open.
To God.
You said in your chair this afternoon, dressed nicely and.
Everyone knows you to some or not everyone. Some people don't know you at all. I don't know all of you at all. But somebody in here knows you somewhat, but nobody knows you fully. There's not a single person in this room that is fully known to anyone else in the room.
It's just the way it is.
There is the part of you that others know, and there's the part of you that others don't.
And that you don't tell.
You know, I was thinking this morning as I was thinking about these things, umm, several thoughts came to my mind that I might want to share with you that I will say learned in my life.
And then I thought, yeah, and if I tell you, I'll probably be proud about it.
Even though that's wrong, I also thought of some other things that.
I wouldn't share with you.
I'm too ashamed of them.
So I might choose the good ones and not tell the bad ones. That's just the nature of it.
God is light.
Your relationship with God depends on.
Uh, having a understanding that.
Everything is open between you and God, on God's part, at least now. Sometimes we we.
For whatever reasons.
Uh, we don't even tell God the way it is, but there's something in us that has the recognition that He does know. It's never been different from the beginning of mankind.
Adam and Eve live happy for a while in the Garden of Eden.
And then they disobeyed and they said, and as soon as they sinned.
They tried to hide.
They didn't want to be seen.
It says before they send they were naked.
That says it for an important reason, because as soon as they had sinned, they had something to hide. They had some to cover.
And so they tried to cover themselves. Why? Because they wanted to. Not God, not to see them as they were.
As disobedient, and so they made some clothes for themselves.
And, uh, God comes.
Visit to deal with the matter of their sin, and as soon as they hear him coming, they go hide in the trees a further effort and act on their part to to hide from God what had taken place.
So I asked the first question, where are you?
What about you? God asked you this afternoon. Where are you?
Are you hiding?
We're trying to hide.
You have something that you're not comfortable with between you and God, and as a consequence, you're in the trees somewhere.
Or you're trying to do something that will counteract what you've done and, as it were, put some clothes on.
They have to come out and deal with it.
God calls them out.
Well, what have you done?
Well, he said, I hid myself. It's interesting, Mr. Darby's translation, because I am naked.
Gotten to the right acknowledgement. He didn't say I was, but he says I am. And so he, he was trying to he, he made some progress in his soul because he acknowledged I am naked. You see it? That's the way it is.
I love the fact that.
Goddess Light.
Because he's also love.
I don't know what you'd think if you God chose to write my life. Here is it is.
I don't think I'd be in the room very long, but.
Important point is with God, He sees it all.
Totally, absolutely, completely everything that I've ever done and the motive for it.
And he says, Donald.
I love you.
I love you.
It's wonderful to do with the God that knows everything.
There'll never be anything come up that he would say to me. Oh, if I'd only known that we'd have to deal differently.
No, he'll never do that.
He knows it all and he is light and the, the difficulty or the need is on my part to admit it and deal with it with God so that we can have a relationship. The next words he says, uh, that we, if we say we have fellowship with him.
Well, let's put it this way.
The only kind of fellowship you can have with God is according to light.
If you do one tiny little thing that's not according to God's light, he has no fellowship with you in it.
It's important.
Do you wanna have fellowship with God?
Then it has to be in the light. And if you say I have fellowship with God, I walk with God in my life, but God who tries, your heart knows that it isn't. It's like lying.
It it's saying something that God says isn't true, so we really call God a liar if we go down that road.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 and.
Uh, versus.
Umm, verse 14, chapter 2, verse 14, middle of the verse I have written unto you young men, because you're strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father.
But is of the world.
And, uh, go over to chapter 5.
And verse 4.
And five and whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. And this is a victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. Well, it says to we often refer to young people as like we'd like to think of young men spiritually. It isn't exactly what it's meant, but.
We we like to grow. Everybody wants to grow and.
We'd like to be young men in our lives, uh, as having gotten past the baby stage of childhood. And so here he says something that's kind of hard. You're strong.
You're gonna say this afternoon about a young person wanna stand up and say I'm strong in this sense, in the spiritual sense, I doubt it.
But I don't know if there's been any old, older ones that do it either. So you've got company.
What is it though, later that he comments on the strength?
It was their faith.
True strength.
Is not in yourself.
We hopefully look at a verse later. We've had several times and already in this conference, in the morning prayer meeting and so on about strength and weakness.
When I am weak, then I am strong. My strength is made perfect in weakness.
But there is something important that does bring strength.
And that is?
Adam and Eve were strong when they believed God.
Their weakness came through unbelief.
In person, you wanna be strong.
Believe God.
Take him at his word.
You know, we live in a society that that's hard to do.
I say to you.
Do you believe every word I say?
You believe every word I say. Should you believe every word I say?
The answer is no, for two reasons.
One is I don't know everything.
And consequently I have made statements that I was totally confident we're correct and true and accurate and later on found out I was wrong.
Second reason is.
I've lied.
I'd lied.
So my word isn't always good.
Whatever is in me, I will tend to think is in you too.
So I don't trust every word you say.
For the same reasons.
And that's why it's hard sometimes for us to believe God because that mindset, that way of thinking infects us so that we treat God like we treat each other. But the truth of the matter is God knows everything and God never lies.
Trust him absolutely, completely, 100% in whatever he says, no matter what.
He always tells the truth and he knows absolutely everything. He is light. He didn't learn anything today. He won't learn anything tomorrow or the next day. He already knows it all.
You'll never learn anything ever. God isn't like us. He's all knowing from eternity.
So we can trust him absolutely.
Because he always tells the truth.
And so we ought to believe God. And it's important to God that we do because it it glorifies him, it honors him.
It is what separated man in the beginning from God.
Was unbelief in his heart and so God to be restored to God. To have a relationship with God on any level, there must be faith so that God is honored as He was initially, and Adam and Eve until they dishonored him by their unbelief.
So there's victory in that.
A victory for God and a practical victory as well.
In our lives.
But also says something else to young people. Young men is love not the world.
There's two sources, and only two sources for everything.
Everything flows from one of two sources.
It either flows from God.
Workflows from Satan.
That's why the Lord had to say even to one of his own.
And to others you said in one case, get you behind me, Satan, Another case, you're of your father the devil. Here in John's first epistle he says the whole world lies in the wicked one. Chapter 5.
The world is Satan's work.
And it doesn't flow from God.
It flows from Satan.
And if you choose to love it or follow the lusts that it produces.
To track you.
You lose your fellowship with God. You can't have fellowship in the light.
And participate in the world.
Love not the world.
Where it's not of God.
Here I'm gonna say.
Listen to God, don't look around.
Because if you look around, you'll find somebody else in the room that is willing to participate with you in something that is of the world.
I recently said to several young people together.
With respect to the use of computers.
And I'm going to say it to all of you.
Go to see anything.
Or do anything.
That you wouldn't do with the Lord Jesus.
Do anything. Don't go anywhere. Whether it's in on a computer or not, don't go anywhere.
Don't participate in any game.
Unless you would be willing with a good conscience to say, Lord Jesus, would you do this with me?
It's not of God.
And it's gonna pass away and the lust of it as well, because it'll never satisfy and it doesn't glorify God and produces no fruit, nothing that.
Is according to the purposes of God. Turn with me over to chapter 4 verse John 4.
First John four and verse two. Hereby we know the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.
And uh.
Verse 15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he and God, and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love. He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect.
God created you and me.
Because he wanted creatures with whom he could share.
His enjoyment of his son.
And in doing so, glorify himself.
Your whole happiness, now and forever, depends upon a common enjoyment with God of Jesus Christ, His Son.
And if you have any other pleasure that leaves him out.
That can't include him.
You can't have fellowship with God in it because everything that God does and everything that's important to him ultimately concerns his Son.
And you in connection with him.
Don't give up.
A true appreciation for who he is.
The world doesn't want him.
And man in the flesh doesn't want to acknowledge who he is. He is God, His beloved Son will come in the flesh.
And anything less. Every single false religion in the world denies that truth.
Satan's efforts 100% deny the truth.
There is no other way to God but by truth, and there is no truth apart from the recognition that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.
But I also want to.
Make the connection here in what we read.
Whosoever confesseth Jesus Christ is the Son of God. God dwelleth in him, and he and God, and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us.
Do you doubt Dodd's glove? Is there something in you that I don't know if God loves me or not?
I don't know if he cares.
What difference does it make what I do or don't do?
God's proof to you of His love for you.
Is in his son.
The Lord Jesus Christ, scent of God, is God's proof to you of the measure of His love for you.
He that spared, not his own son.
We don't. I don't believe we can fully lay hold of that.
You can't go there ourselves.
And God has never asked us to and never will.
In the way that he did.
Lord Jesus didn't just die, suffered.
Because God loves you.
And so the connection between your heart and God is wrapped up in the Lord Jesus.
And the demonstration of God's love to you.
In himself.
Get to know him.
It's a Noam. You wanna be happy to know the Lord Jesus?
There's a satisfaction in getting to know him.
Thrills the soul.
And all I can say is taste it. I can't. I can't communicate it to you.
I can say I've tasted of it. It's a joy beyond words, but you have to have it for yourself.
And there's no words that can adequately describe it to you.
Taste him for yourself.
See How can I do that?
Tell you one way.
That, I'm afraid, is being given up too much today.
What's prayer?
Talking to God.
What's reading the Bible? It's God talking to us.
What's God talk to us about?
His son.
It's as simple as that.
Do you wanna get to know the Lord Jesus?
Let God talk to you about Him.
Every day.
You have things you want to know from God and that you want to say to God. Speak to Him.
Every day.
It's your privilege. It's God's joy.
He loves to tell you about his son.
And if there's anything in you that's hindering it, he'll tell you that too, so that that can be taken care of, so that it won't be a hindrance to God's enjoyment with you of His Son.
The Bible is a living book.
She isn't like the books on the shelf.
Think about Genesis one, God spoke.
And it was so.
God spoke, There's just as much power in the words here as there were when God said, let there be light, let the earth bring forth. God has the same power to speak to us in these words that he had when he spoke this world into existence. And he tells us that the same Spirit of God takes those words with the same power.
To work in the soul. It's not just a book, it's the living word of God.
I'd like to turn back to First Samuel chapter 2.
Young people, it's your turn to.
As it were.
Be free for a few minutes from me speaking directly to you, because I'm gonna speak to your mother and father.
For a few minutes.
First Samuel.
When I get there.
First Samuel chapter 2 and verse one.
And Hannah prayed and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord. Mine horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth is enlarged over mine enemies, because I rejoice in thy salvation. There is none holy as the Lord, for there is none beside thee, neither is there any rock like unto our God. Talk no more to so exceeding proudly. Let not arrogance see come out of your mouth.
For the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength. They that were full have hired out themselves for bread, and they that were hungry ceased. So that the Baron hath borne, 7. And she that hath many children is waxed feeble. The Lord killeth and maketh alive. He bringeth down to the grave. And.
Bring us up the Lord, make us poor and make us rich. He bringeth low and lifteth up. He hath raised up the poor out of the dust, and lifted up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among Princess, to make them inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the earth are the Lords, and He has set the world upon them. He that will keep the feet of his Saints and the wicked shall be silent in darkness, for by strength.
Shall no man prevail? The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces out of heaven shall he Thunder upon them, and the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth, and he will give strength unto his King, and exalt the horn of his anointed.
Young people, you're great teachers.
You you're in the process of teaching your mom and dad a lot.
I realized that.
About the only people that ultimately have much confidence in just how to raise kids are those that have never had any.
It's a little amusing to say, but it's there's a lot of truth in it, brethren.
I believe most every parent, if not every parent in this room is either has or is in the process of learning humility.
For your children.
And Hannah, I encourage you to read these words for yourself. Quietly, we ran. We're rushing through them, in a sense.
But the Lord knew that the heart of Hannah.
She wanted a child.
Didn't have one.
Others had them and seemed to have lots of them, but her life was barren. Her husband loved her. He gave her the double portion, but he couldn't understand the depths of what was in her.
Here we find the answer the Lord had given her through her experience.
In her prayer, and it's well worth reading in that light to see how the Lord had.
Taught her some things that she needed.
And, uh, one of them was.
Don't be lofty.
Don't grow about your kids.
In the wrong way anyways.
There is in her she learned that about strength, or by strength shall no man prevail.
No parent prevails by strength.
Function guard.
And she lived year by year by year.
In her weakness, who made her week, the Lord shut up her womb.
The Lord shut up her womb. The Lord is the very one that put this trial in her life to teach her something that God would use to pass on to us who have young people and children. And so she says, he raises up the poor.
The Lord killeth and so on.
But it says in verse three talk no more, exceedingly proudly. I suppose she was referring to her rival.
Uh, Elkanah's other wife. But there's that sense there's always a rival.
There's always a rival.
She said don't. I'm not gonna talk about that.
Feverish loan? Turn it aside.
We don't have really, uh, too much time, but let's go to the next chapter for a negative lesson. But negative lessons are needed as well. Umm.
Verse 20. Umm.
Verse 29. Chapter 2. Verse 29.
Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and mine offering.
Which I have commanded in my habitation, and onerous thy sons above me to make yourselves fat with the cheapest of all the offerings of Israel my people. Wherefore the Lord God of Israel saith, I said indeed, that thy house and the House of thy Father shall walk before me forever. But now the Lord saith, be it far from me. For them that honor me I will honor, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.
There's a lesson here as well.
For we who are parents.
Eli's sons were disobedient to God.
We're living improper lives.
And even spiritually.
And Eli knew it, and he told them so. He rebuked his sons. He didn't restrain them in any way, but at least he spoke to them. And he told them they wouldn't get a blessing about what they were doing.
One of the things those sons were doing was.
Improperly taking of the fat of the offering for themselves.
And the Lord says to Eli he knew it.
But he said to Eli there in verse 29, Thou honorst thy sons above me.
It takes a work of the grace of God.
That God be honored, supreme #1 because it's very natural to us to see the flesh at work in our children, and perhaps the honors that the world can give to them, or success that they can have among men. And we feed on it a little bit.
Even while we know that their life is not what it should be, with God we take that which is of the flesh, and we feed on it, and we can get fat by it. And Eli died a blind old fat man.
And that wasn't just physically. He died spiritually blind. He was blinded through his children and by partaking in that in their lives, which came from what was not of God but was actually the result of disobedience. May the Lord help us to remember that.
Turn over to Chapter 3.
We're going to close on these verses.
Chapter 3 and verse one And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli, and the word of the Lord was precious or rare in those days. That is, God didn't very often speak in those days.
Because of the condition of the people. And he chose not to. And it came to pass at that time when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes were began to wax dim, that he could not see. And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was, And Samuel was laid down to sleep. And the Lord called Samuel, and he said, and he answered, Here am I. This is back for you young people.
The Lord's called you, he says to you.
Where are you?
I wanna talk to you.
Have you answered?
Samuel says, Here am I. And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I, thou callest me. And he said, I called not lie down again. And he went and lay down. And the Lord called yet again Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I without his, call me. And he answered, I called not my son, lie down again. And Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him.
And the Lord called to Samuel again the third time, and he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I, for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child. Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go lie down, and it shall be, if thou, if he called thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the Lord came and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak for thy servant heareth.
And the Lord said unto Samuel.
Just a few simple things to note here.
Lord speaks four times.
And the first time, it just records. He spoke to Samuel.
The second time it records, he said Samuel.
The third time Samuel and the 4th time he repeats the word Samuel Samuel.
Lord is very gracious.
Lord speaking to you.
And I'll be so I wanna just drive a point home. Jonathan George speaking to you.
Megan, the Lord is speaking to you. Joy, the Lord is speaking to you.
Mary, Mary or John, John or whoever else in this room, Faith, faith, the Lord is speaking to you.
Answer him.
Answer him.
You know, Eli perceived who was speaking in spite of his near blindness. And here's what he said. He said. You answer. Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.
He doesn't quite get it all out because Samuel didn't yet know the Lord, so he just says, Speak for thy servant, heareth.
There was within Samuel a submission, a willingness to hear, even though he really didn't know the Lord at that point in his life. He was a servant of the Lord, or he served in the in the Tabernacle before the Lord, it says, and so it may be with you.
At least answer.
Speak. Be willing.
For thy servant heareth.
Blindness, and I was saying this somebody the other night. Blindness in the Word of God has to do with faith and unbelief. People who see are people of faith, and people who don't see in the Bible are blind. And often when you see the word blindness connected in your soul with it and look at the picture of the story and you will find that connection. But when it's hearing, it's the will.
It's the will.
And if you want to be blessed of God, be willing to hear.
It's easy to tune it out.
You you could tune out everything that was said this afternoon.
Get your mind 1000 miles away or what you're gonna do as soon as the last day men is said and so on. Be willing to listen.
Say speak.
Lord, in other words, the Lord was speaking to him and and Eli's counsel was good, he said. You respond, speak.
Lord wants you to have a response in you, to listen to what he wants to say to you, because He wants you to be happy. He wants your affection. He wants you to be.
Enjoy life with him, He wants to be everything to your heart. Let's pray.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for coming into this world to give your everything.
For us, we thank thee, Lord Jesus, that this afternoon our laboring for us before God.
And that by the Spirit would speak to our hearts. And we just desire our God, that by Thy grace every one of us in this room would respond to thy voice, Lord Jesus, to our hearts, to our lives, that we might say, speak, Lord.
For Thy servant here at, and that we might find in Thee as we've had rejoice in the Lord.
So we seek thy blessing our God on thy word to our souls benefit we ask for it in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.