The following is an extract from a communication just to hand from a missionary in China:
“Some kind friend sent me a March copy of Scripture Truth’ this week, and I shall be grateful if January and February copies can be sent and the remaining copies for this year... you may have a distribution fund.
“It is sad, very sad indeed, to find even in the China Mission field so much teaching that is not Scriptural. We have quite a little ‘modern Theology’ here, and you will be doing good service in helping those who stand up for the Bible, the Word of God.”
This request is being attended to; but we print the extract for the sake of half-a-dozen words in it: “You may have a distribution fund.” Well, we have not; but we think we should these are days of terrible departure on every hand, and there is not a question as to the need of spreading sound Christ-honoring teaching to the utmost limits of our power, or of strengthening the hands of those of our brethren and sisters in Christ who are standing for the truth, often in most difficult circumstances.
We propose, therefore, to commence such a fund forthwith; and as we prefer for several reasons to keep the working of the fund separate altogether from the editorial conduct of this magazine, we have secured the kind consent of our brother in Christ, D. R. Huntley, of Stocksfield-on-Tyne, to undertake the management of the same.
Contributions may be sent to Mr. Huntley at his address given below, and will be duly acknowledged by him jointly with a colleague whose name and address will be published next month, and moneys thus received will be applied to the free distribution of monthly copies of “Scripture Truth,” principally to Christian workers in the foreign mission field.
Some hundreds of copies at least are being sent abroad in this way already by friends known to us, to whom we have supplied names and addresses of missionaries in distant lands (and letters of appreciation are being received from such); but we have the addresses of many hundreds of others to whom we long to supply copies.
Oft-times too we may remark a single copy reaches many workers: thus in a letter to hand from Egypt the writer says: “It is with much pleasure that I have received the second copy of “Scripture Truth” which you have so kindly sent to me. Please accept my hearty thanks for the same. It is being read with interest and profit by our little band lien-e-for we realize how necessary it is to hold closely to the Scripture of Truth in these days when so many of God’s children are being led into error.
“We are holding the fort here in a dark and difficult field, for the darkness and fanaticism of Mohammedanism is hard to break down, and how hardly are men saved from its power; and were we not assured that God’s Word shall not return unto Him void we should often faint and be discouraged, but we know that the gospel must triumph. To this end pray for us that the Word of God may have free course, and God be glorified in the conversion of men and women, and in us His representatives.
“With hearty thanks, and praying that much blessing may result from the publication of Scripture Truth.’”
Address to which contributions to “Scripture Truth Free Distribution Fund” may be sent D. R. Huntley, New Ridley, Stocksfield-on-Tyne, England.
Along with our practical aid in this direction, may we not also pray with increasing fervency to God: “O send out Thy light and Thy truth.”
“Go quickly.” Not with angel
hosts the glad commission lies:
‘Tis thine the blessed news to bear.
Redeemed lips His love declare,
A joy which angels may not share,
The work is thine! Arise!
“Go quickly,” urgent is the call, it will not brook delay;
Go forth with loyal heart and brave,
Go win the souls He died to save,
Go tell them of the empty grave;
Go speed thee in thy way,
Happy who so Christ’s word convey,
That He may meet them on their way.