Christ, a Living Reality

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
DO you want to know how you may have Christ a living reality to your soul? Let your thoughts travel for a moment round the whole circle of your Christian friends. Then fix them upon the one whom you esteem more than all the rest. Perhaps this will be some dear servant of Christ who was used of God for your conversion. Maybe it will be one who has been a great help to you in your Christian life; or possibly a godly parent who has many a time prayed for you and with you.
Imagine that you are staying for a time under the same roof as that honored friend of yours. One night, after he has retired to his room, you hear a sound as if he were talking to someone; and so he is. It is his voice in prayer that you hear; he is talking to God. You cannot but hear what he says, and your attention is riveted when you catch the mention of your own name. Your friend is praying about you!
And how he pours out his heart in earnest supplication on your behalf! He seems to know all about you, your daily trials and struggles, your temptations and failures, the pressure that at times seems almost too great to bear, and your lack of strength to carry life's burden. He speaks, too, of unknown and unsuspected dangers that surround you, and of snares that Satan sets for your feet. And he mentions your earnest longings after the things that are true and good, your desires for closer communion with God, and your feeble endeavors to serve Christ.
In connection with all these things your friend prays for you, fervently, beseechingly, importunately, mentioning your name again and again. What you hear fills you with comfort. You say, "I am sure God will answer the prayers of His dear servant," and you realize the immense blessing of having someone to offer "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man" on your behalf.
But now transfer your thoughts from your friend to your Savior.
Your ears cannot hear Him, but He is interceding for you as really as if they could. He mentions your name; He knows all about you. He has watched your faltering footsteps, and has encircled you with His protecting care. He loves you more than tongue can tell. He died once for love of you, and would be willing to do so again if it were necessary. Day and night He thinks of you. He is nearer to you than any earthly friend can be, and His intercession is mightier than any that such can offer. Does not the thought of this cheer and encourage you?
Sit down quietly for a few minutes and think. Close your eyes, and say to yourself: "My Savior is thinking of me; He is interceding for me in heaven; He never takes His eyes off me; He loves me tenderly, faithfully, and forever.”
Then, on your knees, talk to Him as if your eyes could see Him; He hears every word that you say. When you rise from your knees, I venture to think you will know what it is to have Christ as a living reality to your soul.