Twentieth Century Jethros

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 10
IF this book does not fall into the hands of some twentieth century Jethro, it will be very surprising. For, in almost every city and village throughout Christendom, such are to be found.
Speaking of them after the manner of men, they are generally excellent folks, courteous, liberal, of good repute among their neighbors, well disposed towards all. There is much to be said in their favor. But they are Jethros. Let me explain what I mean.
In the account of Jethro, in Ex. 18, we find that:
1. Jethro was sincerely glad to hear of a good work going on among other people. Moses told him the story of God's gracious dealings with the people of Israel; how He had delivered them from the cruel bondage of Egypt, and had marvelously provided for their need in the wilderness. "And Jethro rejoiced for all the goodness which the Lord had done to Israel.”
2. Jethro could give very wise counsel as to how God's work should be done. He saw that Moses was bearing too heavy a burden, and suggested to him that he should share it with others. Able, God-fearing, truth-loving men were to be selected, who should share the judicial responsibilities of the great law-giver, and relieve him of all concern as to the minor matters that might call for a decision.
3: Jethro was kind and hospitable to his relatives. It is uncertain whether he was the father-in-law or the brother-in-law of Moses. The Hebrew word "khothen," in verse 1, may mean either. But whether Zipporah was his daughter or his sister, Jethro kindly took charge of her and her two sons under his hospitable roof while Moses was away in Egypt, seeking the deliverance of Israel.
While all this was true of Jethro, it was also true that he refrained from fully identifying himself with the people of God. He took no part in their conflicts with their enemies, nor in their wilderness exercises. He acknowledged the greatness and supremacy of the true God (ver. 11), but never rose to the height of His glorious purpose for the people of His choice.
It was not for want of opportunity. Probably Jethro was the brother of Hobab, of whom we read in Num. 10. Some think that Hobab and Jethro were two names of the same man. In any case, he is likely to have received the same urgent invitation from Moses: "We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you, come thou with us and we will do these good." Hobab's reply was a deliberate negative: "I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred" (Num. 10:29, 3029And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses' father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Israel. 30And he said unto him, I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred. (Numbers 10:29‑30)).
If Jethro, in Ex. 18, did not so emphatically refuse to accompany the people of God, his action spoke loudly enough that he had no desire to be a participator with them in the prospect God set before them. "He went his way into his own land" (ver. 27).
It is to be feared that there are many to-day who bear a striking resemblance to Jethro. In spite of their many excellent qualities, they fail to rise to the height of God's purpose for His people. They apprehend but feebly the nature of the calling wherewith they are called. Their appreciation of the heavenly relationships in which Christians are set is small indeed, and they give a very secondary place to the wonderful portion that belongs to the Church, the body and bride of Christ. They may rejoice to hear of the prosperity of the Lord's work in their own locality, or in regions beyond the seas, but when one speaks to them of God's wonderful purpose for us, and of our heavenly calling, there is little response. They are not practically "strangers and pilgrims" on earth. They do not throw themselves whole-heartedly into the wilderness conflicts which are the experience of those who seek to appropriate, in the energy of the Spirit of God, the heavenly portion of the Church. As a result, they know little of that priceless treasure, with the reproach of Christ which, in Moses' reckoning, was "greater riches" than all the wealth of Egypt.
Dear Christian reader, are these things of which I speak great in your eyes? or are they of secondary importance? Do you apprehend anything of the purpose of God to have us "conformed to the image of His Son," and that we should be His dwelling-place, for His own pleasure, for all eternity? How much greater is this than merely “going to heaven.”
Do you lay it to heart that the calling of the people of God is a heavenly one, and that we are not left in the world for a while in order to throw ourselves into the current of its ambitions and pursuits (even with the best of motives), but that we may be altogether apart from it in spirit, while serving the interests of Christ as His ambassadors in it?
Are you prepared, by the help of the Lord, to take up the pathway suitable to one whose calling is heavenly, and whose citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:2020For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: (Philippians 3:20))? Do you value the place that is yours as a member of the body of Christ, united to Him, our glorious Head, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? Do you appreciate the prospect before you as part of the bride of Christ—that "pearl of great price" for which He sold His all to make it His own? Carry these questions into the presence of God, and seek grace from Him to keep you from being a Twentieth Century Jethro.