A GENTLEMAN one day took an acquaintance of his upon the top of his house to show him the extent of his possessions. Waving his hand about, “There,” said he, “that is my estate.” Then pointing to a great distance on one side, “Do you see that farm?” “Yes.” “Well, that is mine.” Pointing again to the other side, “Do you see that house?” “Yes.” “That also belongs to me.” Then said his friend, “Do you see that little village out yonder?” “Yes.” “Well there lives a poor woman in that village who can say more than all this.” “Aye, what can she say?” “Why, she can say, Christ is mine.” He looked confused, and said no more.
He is a kind and gracious Lord— Love fills His gentle breast; “Come unto Me” is His own word, “And I will give you rest.”
ML 11/05/1899