A LITTLE boy who was not yet four years of age went one day to his mother and very earnestly asked her to pray for him. His mother asked him what he wished her to pray for, and he told her that he wanted to be washed and made whiter than snow. The mother, much touched by her child’s request, took him apart and prayed for him.
The dear child then folded his little hands reverently, and bowed his head and asked the Lord to make him whiter than snow. When his prayer was ended he still remained on his knees; after waiting for him to rise, his mother asked him why he did not get up. “I’m waiting to be washed,” was his reply. He still continued for some time on his knees, for he thought the Lord would lay His hand on him and that his body would then turn white.
His mother had to explain to him that it is through the blood of Jesus that our sins are put away, and by believing in Him we are cleansed and made whiter than snow; and the dear child has learned to believe, and trust in Jesus as his Saviour.
How many of my little readers have been washed and made whiter than snow? And how many of you are waiting to be washed? It is only the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, that can make you clean in God’s sight.
Do you feel that you have done many wrong things and are not fit for God’s presence? If you do, God has a word for you; He says if you will confess your sins, He will forgive you, and will cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
How simple it all is; and how blessed! Get on your knees, as the dear little boy did, of whom I have been telling you, and when you are ready to speak to God, remember that His ear is open, and He hears all you say; confess to Him that you are a sinner, tell Him about your sins; and He will make you to know that all is settled, and that He can and does accept you, because Jesus died for your sins, and believing in Him you are made clean.