Christ Is Risen

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
In the early days of the Soviet regime a certain “comrade” lectured for an hour and a half against Christianity. His aim was to prove it to be a superstition without any basis in fact. As he concluded his attack against simple faith in the work of Christ, he offered time for an open discussion. However, he stipulated that no speaker take more than five minutes.
A young man in the audience leaped upon the platform, saying he would not require so long a period as that. Standing in front of the throng, he gazed at them for a moment. Then in a loud voice he shouted the well-known Russian greeting: “Brothers and sisters, CHRIST IS RISEN!”
The whole audience rose as one and the traditional response thundered out: “HE IS RISEN INDEED!”
The young man turned to the lecturer and said, “I have nothing more to say.”
Neither had the lecturer.
Oh, do turn to the Scriptures and believe God’s own “good news” concerning His Son!