Do you think it possible that the Spirit of God could appoint such a man; a man who will enter the cottages of the poor and take their gospel tracts and put them in the fire? Could Satan desire more sad departure from the Spirit’s rule? Surely then I cannot be loyal to Christ, and join or sanction such a mutinous system. No; so far from the Church of England being the true church of God, it is only a piece of the world governed by the world—in fact the very opposite of the church of God, which is gathered out of the world, and governed by the Spirit of God.
As I have before proved, every other division of the professing church fails to recognize the personal government of the Holy Ghost, and sets up a government of its own; therefore, no division of the professing church can be called the true assembly or church of God any more than a division of the American army which failed to recognize the commander, and set up a commander of its own, could be called the true army of the United States.
I am fully aware that the personal guidance of the blessed Spirit of God has been so long forgotten that it is most difficult to make even Christians understand what is meant.
Take another illustration: a certain senator is announced to preside over a public meeting of the inhabitants of any given town. The meeting assembles, the senator comes, he stands on the platform, but nobody recognizes him; he speaks, but still no one knows him. Message after message is sent to his house begging him to come; they then desire his influence, and not knowing his personal presence, they appoint some one else to preside. Such is a precise picture of the divisions of the present day. However we may have grieved and disowned the Spirit, still that precious promise is fulfilled, “And He [the Father] shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”(John 14:1616And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (John 14:16)) Yes, as the senator was present though not known, when the letters were sent to his house, even so in the assembly of Christians, the Holy Ghost has come, is present, at the very time prayer is being offered, in ignorance, for Him to come from heaven. Yea, to hear many Christians pray, one would almost think that they were praying for an influence. Would it not be shocking to speak of God the Father as an influence? Would it not be most revolting to say the life of God the Son, on earth, was only an allegory or an influence? And is not the Holy Ghost as real a person now on earth, as Jesus was when on earth, and now is in heaven? What a commander is to an army, or a president is to a meeting, such is the Holy Ghost to the assembly of God: commanding, directing, using whom He will. Where He is not thus owned, no assembly even of Christians can be called God’s assembly. And hence from all such assemblies I must separate if I would be loyal to God.