Christ the Only Resource of the Christian.

The Lord Jesus was in the wilderness, a desert place where there were no resources, and we read that when He saw the multitude who came to Him, He asked Philip, “Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” He stood there, Himself the answer to His own question. In the presence of wants innumerable, there is one resource for God’s people―Christ. Let us ask ourselves―we who know Him as our Savior―do we thus look on Christ? Do we thus reckon on Him? Do we tell Him everything, small and great? for nothing is too small to bring to Him.
God would have the tendrils of our hearts clasped around Christ, not trailing on the earth; there is a place there for them; there is security there, satisfaction there, and nowhere else. Christ is not only Man, but God. He knows our sorrows, our feelings. He that planted the ear, shall He not hear; He that formed the eye, shall He not see? And He is the resource of His people as they travel through this world, more helpless than others, for they are without natural resources. A Christian does not act from honor, still less from ambition, but he does what is right because Christ is before him as his motive. Christ is God’s one resource for us in everything. Do we seek to use Him thus? B―k.