A bright Summer Day at the Seaside! How many happy, well cared for boys and girls know the charm there is in building sand houses and castles on the broad smooth beach with no fear that anyone will scold them for making their clothes dirty, for does not the sand shake off and leave hardly a trace behind?
What child does not know the delight of seeing the tiny crabs left behind by the tide in the little pools among the rocks, and watching them scamper away when he tries to take them up?
There were dozens of happy children on the beach at S―one day last summer, all so busy in their games that little Harry was quite unnoticed, and so he managed to get away from the rest and go off to explore a line of rocks which ran side by side with the shore all along the coast for miles. At low tide the sands were dry right up to these rocks, and they looked like a row of sharp teeth; there were famous little hiding places and splendid treasures of shell and seaweed to be found among these rocks, but at high tide they were quite covered by the water.
I suppose Harry did not think of this, as he wandered on until he reached to the highest part, and played there so happily that he never noticed how fast the sea was rolling in. On the great waves came, and though they did not yet reach the place where he was, yet as the tide rose the water crept round and through the jagged points of the rocks till the strip of beach between Harry and the shore was quite covered.
All at once he saw his danger, and scrambling down he tried to wade through the waves, but ah, they were already too deep for him, and were getting deeper every moment. The poor bewildered child then turned round and tried to climb the rocks and wait there till help came from the shore, but, alas, he was so worn out by his useless struggle with the waves, and so paralyzed with fright, that he could not climb, and there he clung, helpless!
Dear little readers, do you know that you are just like Harry, unless you belong to the Lord Jesus? At any moment the waves of death may rise, and come nearer and nearer to you, and you will not be able to get away from them. You cannot get into heaven by yourselves, any more than Harry could get to the shore.
What did Harry want? Was it not someone able and willing to come and take him safely across the great waves?
Yes, that was just what he needed, and glad I am to tell you that help came just in time. A strong sailor made his way through the waves, took Harry up, and never put him down till he was high up on the shore.
Do you think Harry would not trust the sailor, or that he wanted to stay out there on the rocks? Oh no, he was too glad to feel the strong man’s arms round him to think of not trusting him; too glad to get safe to land to want to stay on the rocks any longer
Dear children, the Lord Jesus will take you up and keep you by His power till He puts you safely in the glory of heaven. The sailor came to Harry; the Lord Jesus came down into this world and died so that you might be forgiven and be able to trust Him. Would you not like to know that you belonged to Him, and were quite safe because He was taking care of you? Then just trust Him, tell Him all about it, and you will find how happy it is to be safe because the Lord is keeping you all the way.