Christian Liberty

Address—Phil Jennings
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I wonder if we could sing together hymn number.
Umm 1/21/32 1:32.
319, 10-4, 10-4, 10-4 10, 10-4 0100000000.
Life is hidden.
In life.
If we could also turn to the hymn we sang yesterday #285.
I'd like to just sing the last verse.
OK, I'm glad you're doing it. Hard drive translator.
Ask the Lord's blessing.
It's been a little bit interesting as.
Been sitting in the meetings and the Lord has kind of unfolded things. I I've always had a desire that if I were going to speak at a time like this, that in some ways the thoughts in my heart would some be somewhat be related to the thoughts of this, that the Spirit of God is expressed through others.
My message today, what the Lord has laid on my heart isn't exactly what others have had.
But it sounds like there have been three brothers. Now as I begin my talk, well at least speak from the same verse, we're going to turn to John chapter 8.
It was also a Sunday school verse, which I was completely oblivious to. I'm kind of a focused character. I don't see much around me or observe what's going on. I'm pretty well single minded and what it what's ever going on inside this head of mine. So I didn't realize the verse was actually going to be very pertinent as well. The Sunday school verse to the subject the Lord has put on my heart.
So let's read uh John chapter 8, uh, eight and verse 29.
And He sent, and He, and he that sent me is with me. The Father hath not left me alone, for I do it always, those things that please Him.
And it's been my desire for some time to be able to share with the Lord's people the subject of Christian liberty. It's a subject that.
I've enjoyed.
Through my own experience in the Christian life, it's not a subject that I've always understood and that's not a subject that I've always been able to enter into, but as the Spirit of God has opened it to my soul.
It's meant so much, it's changed.
My whole focus in the Christian life.
Let's go on.
As he spake these words, many believed on him.
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him. If you continue in my word, then you are are ye my disciples Indeed, I want to encourage everyone here.
I'm not going to ask you are you continuing in His Word because I believe the reason why you came to this conference is because you wanted to continue in His Word. I believe the Lord Jesus values that. I believe you are going to receive a blessing because of the value you place and I place.
On the Word of God and I want you to just continue to do what the Spirit of God is doing in your life.
Drawing you to the word of God so that you can behold the Lord Jesus in his glory. He goes on to say in verse 32, And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. You know one time, several years ago.
I had been.
Brought into the enjoyment, a measure of enjoyment of Christian liberty. And it was my desire to share that with others. And I shared it one time and I guess I shared it thinking, well, this is my desire for you, that you might be able to enjoy the liberty of, of, of being in Christ, Christian liberty.
But I didn't realize that at the time. This afternoon, we're going to we're going to share this.
Truth of Christian liberty, not because it's my desire for you to enter into it, although it is, but it's the Lord's desire. It's his desire. This is what he wants for us. He wants us to be able to walk in the in the Christian life, in the liberty.
That has come.
Through his work on the cross.
You know, there's several of you that know me pretty well, and the joke is I'd like for my first grandchild to be named Roman.
Well, my, my kids know that pretty well. And that's a joke, OK, But the truth of Romans have meant so much to me that that's kind of how they look at things. We're not going to spend a lot of time in Romans, but what we are going to do is we're going to take up a few of the principles that.
Are based upon the cross of Christ.
Which are foundational principles which God has set in His Word as part of His plan of deliverance and setting the believer free. You know, as we are.
Saved you can put the people in the category of this section of this of the Lord setting us free as those that were believers because it says they believed on him.
The second, the next section, they needed the sun in order to be set free, but they didn't believe on Him. They rejected his testimony and they were called You are the servants of sin. You are the servants of sin. They were servants of sin because they didn't believe on the Son and they didn't have the Son but you and I.
Don't fall into that category. We are not servants.
To send.
We may experience the ******* associated with not knowing the deliverance that is found in the work of Christ. There's no question if you look back into my life during my late teens, 20s and possibly my 30s, there wasn't much liberty.
God was working in my soul and he was doing, I trust, a fairly deep work and it wasn't very pleasant. It was a struggle.
But I looked back this week as I thought about that and as I thought about this subject that I'm taking up, and I believe what the Lord was doing was he was building a bridge.
Maybe there's somebody here. You don't feel very free. You don't feel free from the power of sin. Maybe you don't feel free from the ******* of law. But in your soul you have a desire to know the liberty that comes from the truth setting you free. God doesn't just show us that overnight. He allows us to go through.
Experiences. Sometimes those experiences last longer than we would desire, but he's in the process of putting the pillars down.
Deep so that there can be a structure built on which you can pass.
Through the.
Throughs of deliverance and set be set free and you can be instrumental.
And others using that same bridge of understanding, light, enlightenment of the Spirit of God, so that maybe they will not have to go through the same agonizing experiences.
Struggling with the power of sin, struggling with with being delivered from law, God may be building a bridge. Let Him do that because others will be able to enjoy the liberty that possibly for some years in your life you have not been able to enjoy. So I want to encourage you, just hang in there with the Lord.
He's going to teach you, he says.
In this verse he says, you shall know the truth.
And the truth shall set you free. Our liberty, our Christian liberty, is dependent upon the.
Degree in which the truth of God sets us free. We're going to go through some of those truths. We're going to turn to Romans. We're going to start in Romans chapter 5 because I don't need it. I don't think any of us need to really spend a lot of time on the truth of justification, the truths of being delivered set free.
From the penalty of our sins, I think we understand that truth pretty well.
It's just as true. It's one of the pillars, you might say, of Christian liberty, having peace before God, that we know as a holy God, in spite of the fact that we don't measure up to His Holiness, yet He has provided a remedy in the cross of Christ. My desire is for us to turn to Romans chapter 5 because.
God sets forth a principle before he He actually sets.
Forth the cross, God sets forth a principle. It's really his purpose. It's really his purpose. It's God's purpose.
Romans, chapter 5.
And verse 14.
He's already established the fact that by one Manson death by one man, sin and death came into the world and we've all passed. Let's just read it. Wherefore is by one man senator than the world and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for all that all have sinned. He sets forth very quickly the history of Adam. He sinned.
And the result was him being that the umm, head of a race that everyone under his headship would encounter the same condition that he found himself in. And so he said, what did he pass? He passed death.
He, he, he, he.
Placed man under an incur in it with in an incurable situation where he had a nature that was fallen, and every child of Adam finds himself with this fallen condition. That was the result.
Of the 1St man.
You and I don't have to think very hard about what that's like, do we? You and I know perfectly well what it is to be a child of Adam. What we're learning, what we're learning is what it's like to be under.
The leadership of a new.
Let's go on and read verse 14. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned. After the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come? Now I believe there's a a key here, a key to understand what the last half of Romans 5 is about.
This verse is telling us that Adam was just a figure.
God never intended that the blessing that would come from God would flow through the either the nature or the person, the headship of Adam.
God used Adam to show us what we were.
And God is through with Adam.
Hey, Adam. Adam, you might say, performed his, his purposes and God's purposes.
But what they did was they just brought us into condemnation. They just brought us under judgment.
And it's not God's purposes for, for his blessings to flow through Adam anymore. You and I will not receive any of God's blessing through Adam. This, that's, that is, that is what the last half of this chapter is really about. God gives us a comparison between Adam and Christ.
Adam was just a figure of him that was to come.
And that's Christ. Christ has been set up as the head of a new race.
And he has been proven.
He has been proven to be the one whom God.
Bring His blessing through.
You know, before we get the the truths of deliverance that are found in these following chapters, God wants us to clearly understand that we are not going to get.
Deliverance. We're not going to get liberty.
In and through the 1St man.
Just Simply put, because as we get into the next chapter, we're going to find what God does with the 1St man.
We're gonna find out what the cross actually means to Adam.
And how God finally.
And completely sets him aside.
These are truths.
There aren't. It's not just doctrines. It's not just teaching. I was thrilled to my soul couple weeks ago when I heard the gospel message of a young man in our assembly.
Who stated these things are not just truth?
They're realities, they're realities. Spirit of God been doing a work and this young brother's soul to teach him that atoms existence not just in the eyes of God because we have faith and we can see as God sees.
Adam's existence.
Has been, you might say.
Set aside.
And so we in chapter, if I'm not gonna spend any more time in chapter 5, it's it's rather a confusing. If I did it, I might find myself rather tangled up. If I had Darby's translation, it might be a little easier, but it's a comparison of.
The first man and the 2nd man the blessing that the curse the the the judgment and the curse that came from the first man compared to the blessing and the ability of God to show grace through the 2nd man.
It's a beautiful chapter, but it sets.
The the table to understand where the source of God's blessing is going to come from, where the source of Christian liberty will come from. Let's go on. Let's go on to chapter 6. Chapter 6, Basics basically sets the cross before us as the answer.
To the question of.
What do we do with our old sinful nature?
That which we received from Adam, that which we have absolutely no way, no ability to change.
Its character, its nature, what it is and how it expresses itself.
Bless to ourselves, we are in *******. We we know no liberty.
Forgot to I forgot to mention what I would like to define as Christian liberty.
I read verse 29 of John 8. Verse 29 says I do always those things which please the Father. I do always those things which please the Father. And that is the definition of Christian liberty, being 100% unhindered to do the will of God.
That is Christian liberty.
And the Lord Jesus said in a few verses later.
You shall know the truth.
And the truth shall set you free.
Well, as we get into chapter Romans chapter 6, we find that God associates us.
With the cross.
God associates us with the death.
And the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Baptism is a figure of it.
We go down into the waters of judgment.
We leave our old identity behind.
God introduced the new de identity in Romans chapter 5. In Romans chapter 6 we see how God dealt with what we were in Adam. We die at the cross. My connection with Adam is severed.
At the cross, God couldn't. He couldn't he? There were no other answers for my sinful nature. There were no other answers for what I am and Adam but condemnation and death. That's what happened in God's eyes at the cross. This isn't just truth about our standing.
This isn't just positional truth.
This is truth. That is a reality that you and I are going to enter into liberty to have the ability to be unhinderedly able to go through this world.
Doing the will of God.
These are the this is the truth and the reality. We have to go by way of the cross because the cross is the end of me in my identity and Adam. But that's not all. The cross is the beginning of my identity in Christ.
You know, brother and I.
I don't see this as.
Is my standing.
I see this as a reality.
I see this. This is the only way.
For me to live in the kind of liberty that the Lord Jesus lived in, always doing the will of his Father.
And so.
I'm not gonna spend much time in Romans 6 either, but when it comes to the power of sin in our life, do you know how you become free from it?
Making a lot of changes.
By making a lot of de determined changes.
That's not what.
It's not what the true set tells us and it's not what will set us free. I know that's our experience. That's that's what because we always, always turn to ourselves for the answer in the natural man won't turn to the cross because it humiliates him.
But God says.
I'm using the cross to put an end to what you were.
In Atom I'm using the cross.
And it's resurrection.
To put you in Christ.
And it is with the realization.
It by faith of what God has done.
That there will be power and liberty.
Over the power of sin in our life, yes.
We may slog through this process.
We may have to go through very.
Deep experiences where God has to show us things that we really don't like to see.
But remember, it's his desire.
To use the truth to set us free.
Truth of the cross is the kingpin, you might say, the very most important.
Part of God's design for bringing liberty Christian This is Christian liberty into our lives.
That takes care of Romans 6.
You notice Romans 6 is on a single page in my Bible? Sorry, but it's just been my experience.
Romans 7.
Well, to be honest with you, Roman sixes on one side, Roman 7 is on the other.
I didn't tear it out, I wore it out.
Romans 7.
I'm not sure how well we understand it. I don't know how I will I understand it.
But Romans 7. If you want to know what it's about, read the first verse.
It says, Know ye not, brethren, for I speak to thou that know the law, and that's all you need to know.
That's all you need to know. What is Romans 7 about?
It's the influence of the law.
As it affects our sinful nature.
It's the influence of the law that affects our sinful nature, Some have said. Well, it's the experience of a soul who is.
Who is quickened but not delivered? That may be the truth of someone in that condition, but that's not what this verse says.
This first says I speak to them that know the law as a matter of personal experience.
I can say I'm one of them.
I have had my encounter with the law.
And it took me years to get out from under its *******. I don't blame anyone.
It's been a wonderful experience to it to some degree.
Find the liberty of the truth that sets us free. Do I know that completely? In all of these truths that I'm bringing out, I probably only know a fraction.
Of the truth that is found in these verses, these hearts of ours.
The flesh will always use the law.
To produce righteousness.
Anytime the flesh in me, even though we're going to get on in Chapter 8 and we're going to find out that there's liberty from the flesh too.
But anytime.
Flush is active in me. It will turn to the law because that's what the flesh does. It's trying to produce righteousness.
Well, let me show you the key that I have found in Romans 7.
It's found in verse 4. Wherefore, my brethren, ye also have become dead to the law by the body of Christ, that she should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Here's the key.
So that you and I can become detached.
From the law, its effects If you want to know the effects of the law, read the rest of the chapter.
It's pretty graphic. You know who's experienced? I think it is.
You know whose experience I think Romans 7 is? I think it's the Apostle Paul's experience. I won't be dogmatic about that.
But who knew The Who knew the law better than the Apostle Paul?
He says I speak to them who know the law. In other words, you personally expect the experience, the effects of law.
It's not a very pleasant experience because if you read the rest of the chapter, it's all about what how sin takes us and turns us inside out, The power of sin, the law is weak and that it was dealing with the flesh. Anytime we take it up, Anytime we take it up.
You're gonna experience, you know, I've, I've, I've said before that if you want to get yourself under law, you first, you gotta get a shovel.
And you gotta start digging and you gotta unbury first, man.
And you, you get the 1St man up and on his feet and you say, hey, let's try again, let's try again.
We've tried this before and it hasn't worked, but it's worth another try. That's really kind of the truth of the whole thing.
We're dead to the law, the man that the law was presented to, God condemned at the cross.
He's done with it.
The law was a you might say, can I say it a legislative tool?
To try to produce righteousness from Adam.
It didn't work. Now because there was something wrong with the law, because it was God's revelation of righteousness, there's something a whole lot better.
Let's go on. Let's go on to chapters chapter 8. I my time is running out and I don't want to spend this whole hour in Romans.
Let's go on to verse nine of chapter 89 is a beautiful chapter because nine sets sets forth the energy of the Spirit of God, the Spirit of God as the energy for our new life. It's a beautiful chapter in which God tells us now I'm no longer looking for anything from the flesh anymore.
As far as what how you're going to bear fruit for me?
I'm I'm putting you in contact with the Spirit of God.
He is going to be the power for your new life. If you want to know that you turn to verse two and it says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. The governing principle of the of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the governing principle of sin and death.
So the Spirit of God is the energy.
In which the new life is operative.
The Spirit of God is the energy in which our new life is operative.
But I wanna touch now on verse nine that you know not, but ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit. If so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
I wanna comment make 2 Comments on this verse. They may seem a little unrelated. What God is telling us is because of the cross.
Because of the principle, the reality of death and resurrection, Death to Adam and resurrection in Christ.
Ye are not in the flesh.
Now we have a tendency to take this and I don't know how far to take this.
I'm far too capable of saying something wrong.
We have a tendency to take this truth and say, well, this is part of this.
Standing. This is part of this position that we have.
Not really something that we can.
Conduct ourselves in the power of every day. This is just how God sees us.
Hmm. No, it's not just how God sees us. It is how God sees us. But it's not just how God sees us. He wants us to see us that way too.
You're not in the flush.
But you're in the spirit.
The flesh. I see it in a very simple way. I know there's more to it, but the flesh is the energy of my atom nature.
The spirit is the energy.
Of my new life.
And God says.
You're not operating.
In the energy of your old man.
You're operating in the energy.
Of the new.
Can we say this? This is always our experience.
It will be the experience.
Of the Christian life who walks?
In faith.
Under the influence.
Of the truth, because it is the truth that sets us free. As long as the believer is under the influence of the truth of death and resurrection in Christ, he can say.
I am not in the flesh that I am in the Spirit.
We know.
Sometimes our standing isn't that.
But I can't have a standing, that is, unless I understand that this is how it is. This is how it is. I'm not in the flesh.
I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus.
Through the cross, God says old things are passed away. All things are becoming new.
In other words.
There is liberty.
On the authority of God's Word.
By virtue of the cross of Christ.
For you and I to know the liberty of living.
Apart from the power and the influence and the activity of the flesh.
But if this is just our standing.
And we have to kind of pedal as fast as we can in order to live up to it.
We won't know.
The liberty of the Cross.
And so is this young brother found out.
These truths.
They're not just doctrine.
They're a reality. Now. You might ask me fulfill. I know you pretty well.
And I've seen the flesh in you and even since the Lord has shown you some of these truths maybe, and given you a little light and understanding of these things. And I say, yeah, that's true. I wasn't, I wasn't in the I wasn't operating in the realm of faith.
Faith takes the truth of God and makes it a reality.
It believes what God has said.
And it lives in the power of it.
That completes my thoughts in Romans. Now I want to I believe some of these truths can be reinforced from Second Corinthians. And I'm going to be quite honest, this is a chapter that I'm just beginning.
To enter into, and I think that what if I present something to this afternoon, It's just going to be the spirit of the chapter.
It's not going to be.
Final interpretation.
That's not for me to offer.
What I desire to do is I I desire to offer the spirit of the truth that's found in this chapter.
The Corinthians had.
A problem.
There was the activity of the Spirit of God in their midst that was producing fruit, and there was an element of liberty.
Of the life of Christ that was being evidenced. What happens then?
What happens?
When there's progress.
In the life of Christ begins to be manifest in the Saints of God. What happens? Often times the enemy uses something. I believe he was using it here.
Ye verse 2.
Says ye, are our epistle written in our heart? 2nd Corinthians 3, verse 2.
Ye are our Epistle in our hearts, known and read of all men, for as much as ye are manifestly declared the epistles of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in the fleshly tables of the heart.
The Apostle Paul is saying here.
Because let me do a little bit of background.
What the problem was, was there were, I believe, Judaizers, Judaizing teachers that had come in who were trying to burst to to rob the Corinthians of the liberty.
Of their life in Christ.
And this is how the enemy works. If he sees progress and the life of Christ is being produced in our lives, he'll do everything he can to veil the glory of Christ in.
And this is a tactic that will be used by the enemy.
From now until the Lord comes.
We often do this, brethren, I think I know I have been an instrument.
Where the enemy has seen the progress.
Of Christ being formed in the lives of others, and he has used my influence.
In introducing a principle that has been set aside.
The principle of righteousness being brought forth from man under.
Something other than the life of Christ and the power of the Spirit of God producing it.
We don't want to be that instrument.
I have been it.
And as we go through this chapter, we're going to see the consequences of what happens when the influence of the law begins to affect the Lord's people.
The Spirit of God had taken.
The Word of God, the Spirit of Christ.
The nature of God. He'd written it on the hearts of these brethren.
In other words, they were producing righteousness because of the life of Christ that had been given them.
It was on not tables of stone and flexible.
You know what I mean. Inflexible.
But he'd written it on fleshly tables of the heart.
They were his.
They were they were the epistles. They were, they were the they were the the the manifestation of who Christ was because the Spirit of God had done a work.
And Satan didn't like it. Here the apostle Paul isn't really concerned about himself. He's concerned that the enemy is introducing something that will do what these the next verses tell us we'll do.
Verse six says, Who also has made us able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the Spirit.
For the letter killeth.
The letter killeth, but the Spirit gives. Life doesn't tell us right here.
Who's the spirit is this? Even a small SI looked in Darby and it's not capitalized there either. I don't believe, but later on it will tell us who the spirit is.
But he uses language here that's pretty telling for us to understand.
He says.
Not of the letter.
But of the spirit, what characterizes the letter, He's speaking here of the law.
What characterizes what effect? What effect does the letter have?
What man is the letter?
Directed to.
The new the new man the the new man that has the Spirit of God revealing the the glories of Christ to him.
The letter killeth because the letter is always directed to the first man.
And the first man is weak.
The first man, as it goes on to say he has to put a veil over his face because he can't.
Endure the glory of God that is associated with the law.
Has to put a veil over his face.
Because the law has such a tremendous penetrating power.
That it will condemn him.
What happens when we use law?
First of all, we have to direct it.
To the first man.
That doesn't seem right, does it?
Well, if we understand the truth of the cross, he's dead. You know, sometimes when brethren come to me and I sense that there's something wrong and they're trying to encourage me to direct my actions in a certain way.
I don't. I don't have a very good feeling. In fact, I look at them.
I don't see anything.
I don't know what to say.
I don't know for sure.
The spirit in which they come is the spirit of law, but there's just not a reaction within me and I kind of looked at them.
I think it might be.
Because their person, they're they're addressing.
Person they're addressing is dead. Is that scriptural?
I don't know for sure. Might be the Spirit of God seeking to reach my conscience. So I need to be careful to say, well, there's no value, there's no benefit to what you bring to me. I won't do that. I will go to the Lord later and say, Lord, what's this all about? What spirit is this that's being brought to me?
Is there a purpose in what has been brought to me to bring me into liberty, Christian liberty? Or is the purpose really the work of the enemy to rob me?
Of a spirit filled Christ occupied life.
I believe we can take that on a personal level.
I believe there's also something that we need to do collectively.
We need to really be on guard, brethren.
That the spirit of law does not creep in.
To the way.
We deal with one another in the assembly.
The law has many principles.
Some of them might be helpful.
Which we're just as dead to the law in the assembly as we are individually. I don't know how far to take that comment.
Because God has told us that what was written before time beforehand was written for our learning.
And so we don't close.
Our understanding to the Old Testament.
But sometimes I wonder why so few souls are restored.
Why does it take years for someone who came in repentance?
Confess their sin, acknowledged it.
Why is it that?
When there are difficulties in our assemblies, and I can say I know that pretty well, I put my hands up.
In total guilt of having.
Come from an assembly that's had its difficulties and its problems.
But as I've acknowledged that I've been a part of some of those difficulties, I've also recognized that some of the problems that took place in our assembly were a result.
Of the introduction of law.
You know we're.
Kind of that way naturally we really need to be on guard because as it says in Galatians, it says ye Devi you, you bite and devour one another.
Be what? Careful that you are not consumed.
You know, sometimes we have to back up.
And say.
What influence of the law has there been as the root problem for where we are now?
Because that is.
The letter kills.
The letter kills.
But the Spirit.
Gives life.
As I share these thoughts.
I recognize that the reason why they're coming from my mouth.
Is because it's experience of my own.
But there's more to this chapter.
There is the effect that law has and we go through the next few verses, which I'm not going to read. They have to do with how there's a again, God likes to contrast things and he contrasts the glory of the first covenant, the the administration of the law.
And he contrasts that with that which excels in glory.
And that is that which is spiritual. Did you know? And I think I'm right, that the law is not spiritual.
Did you know the law is not spiritual? It's directed to natural man.
You know, sometimes we have found ourselves under law with the idea that it'll make a spiritual. I don't believe that's what this chapter is telling us. Because it's the glory that excelleth. That is spirit. It does not say.
That that which was glorious was spiritual. Rather than let's, let's think about that.
That the law doesn't make us spiritual.
The revelation of the Spirit of God revealing Christ's righteous God's righteousness through Christ is that which makes us spiritual. We recognize that God has found his righteousness.
It says later on in this chapter it says in verse.
17 I believe it says now the Lord is that spirit. If you go back up to verse six it says for the Spirit.
Giveth life the Spirit giveth life.
Verse 17 it says in the Lord is that spirit.
So the Lord Jesus is the source.
Of our life.
The Spirit of God.
Is the energy that communicates the glories of the Lord Jesus to us.
And in the end we're almost done. In the end, verse 18 says that we all with open face, beholding as a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Here it is the Spirit of the Lord. You know, I've pondered that thinking, why are we?
Why are we mixing this? Did it in Romans 8/2.
Also verse nine it mixes, it says the Spirit of Christ, you know re you know the reason.
Because the Spirit, as he works in our souls, will always.
Bring about.
The effect of producing Christ in.
So in Romans 8 is this, he that hath the Spirit of Christ. The effect of the Spirit of God is to produce the glories of Christ in us. Here it is the Spirit of the Lord.
The Spirit of the Lord and I believe that's the same effect. The the purpose of the Spirit of God is to present and and.
And umm, create.
The glories of Christ and us. Now I would like to close it. Before I close the meeting, I would like to connect the last verses with the first verses. So in this last verse we have the effect that the Spirit of God. This is so different than the effect of the law. The Spirit of God is changing us into the image of Christ. That's His purpose. That's God's design.
God's not satisfied with any other man that's ever walked the face of this earth. He he wants every aspect of your life and mine to be.
According to the image of Christ.
That's his only desire.
So let's go back to Romans chapter 8.
Verse 29.
The last part for I do always those things, but please the Father.
The truth that we've taken up this afternoon.
Maybe have been poorly covered, but the effect of them will bring about liberty in our souls.
So that the Spirit of God can bring Christ before us, and in the process of us beholding Him, can change us into the image of Christ for the purpose of doing the Father's will. I do always those things which please the Father. You might say how?
Could that ever be possible for someone with all of the challenges?
As a child of Adam that I face.
How is it possible?
We've just talked about how it's possible. We've talked about God's design to bring us to that point.
Where there can be a likeness of Christ in such a manner.
That God creates in us nothing.
The desire to do the will of the Father.
Uh, trust.
These words can be useful. There's nothing more I like to talk about.
Than Christian liberty.
There's nothing more.
I'd I'd rather defend.
I've had experiences sitting down with those.
We have not known it because of the influences that they have been under.
And those influences has they have been found in the Assembly and I'm not saying that anyone's guilty or anything.
But there's a danger of us not recognizing that the enemy infiltrates us to rob us of our liberty. We don't have liberty. We cannot.
Walk like the Lord Jesus did, doing always those things which please the Father. Let's pray.