Romans: Part 2

Talk—Phil Jennings
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We all want the Lord help, don't we?
And we're going to ask for it.
Our God and Father, we just want to thank you for your love to us, and we can't thank you enough for the the days that you're giving us here in your company.
With the glories of the Lord Jesus we trust just shining forth and for us to just bask in both the natural beauty of your creation and your beauties as well.
And so as we take up the subject we have tonight or this afternoon, Father, we know that we're not capable, but it's too important.
To leave it on the sideline.
And so we ask for your help, We give you thanks in Jesus name, Amen.
I just want to start out.
Reading those verses that we read in Romans chapter one.
This is kind of a personal note.
I shared it on Friday night.
It's verse 12. It says that is that I'm a comfort. I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
That has been happening ever since I got here. I have been enjoying.
The mutual faith of both you and me, and it has been a tremendous blessing to me.
The Lord is working in every soul in this room.
You have faith, I trust, I hope that you've put your trust in the Lord Jesus. This is just way too exciting to not get involved with. You need to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior because this afternoon we're not going to spend any time in the gospel message that we're used to. And that is the plan of salvation which delivers us from the penalty of our sins.
As I somewhat struggled after my last meeting in the Lord's presence and then in a prayer meeting with the brothers, I was really concerned about how we were going to make this series of meetings work because it usually takes at least five meetings to get through it and I don't before hand.
Anticipate what I'm going to, the difficulties I'm going to have. I have to go through the experience of figuring out it out on the fly. And so I asked the Lord, how many? How am I going to make this series work to where there's going to be blessing if we read the next verse?
We're going to we're going to see that my desire, it says now I would have would not have you ignorant brethren, that off times I purpose to come unto you.
But was was hindered that I might have some fruit among you also, even as amongst the Gentiles.
Now, this verse is really Paul's desire. We're not talking necessarily of a mutual desire here.
We're talking about a personal desire and as I stand before you, I have this personal desire that there might be fruit amongst you. It's not fruit for me. Fruit is never for us. Fruit is for God and I want fruit for God. And so that's my you get you. You got what I what's on my heart.
I want there to be rich blessing.
And also I want to remind us all that there are stages of development in our Christian pathway. Some of you are very young, and I desire and long for you that you would come to know the Father. Not necessarily try to take in the truths that are going to be set forth and make them applicable to yourself at the age of, I don't know, six or.
You know, eight, I don't know when God can take these truths and make them good to you. We've been, I've been talking with individuals.
And the question I get most is why does it take so long? The truths are already established.
The work of Christ has taken care of the whole situation of deliverance.
Each one of us have to has to go through the process of the Spirit of God making them good to us. And if I were to stand up here and tell you that after this meeting, you're going to understand everything and be able to make it practically enjoyable and be able to enjoy the liberty which is in Christ. Without it, I would be absolutely foolish. And it's not my desire to present the truth that way. This is the truth.
And it is effective. It works.
Let's turn to First Chronicles. I've been going through First Chronicles lately. I don't want you to think that I spent, I spent a lot of time digging in the scriptures. I get this food as I go through in my in my daily reading First Chronicles 23.
Verse 18.
1St I'm sorry, First Chronicles 22, verse 18.
Is not the Lord your God with you, and he hath he not given you rest on?
Every side.
Is not the Lord your God with you, and has he not given you rest on every side?
So I'd like a, I'd like a little participation.
You know, I put you all to sleep at the end of the last meeting, so I'm going to try not to do that again. Of course, there's a little difference in the time and our energy level. We might have a little bit of energy left. It's always kind of hard to give a meeting when there's no energy left. But so I want to ask the young people if you wouldn't mind raising your hand if you would like.
Rest on every side.
Just the young people, the old people. Well, maybe the older people, maybe they already have.
I think I better raise my hand.
I would like rest on every hand now you happen to know here that.
The enemies are still out there, right?
So Amalek, who we battle with, sees there, but God has given him rest.
That's the purpose.
Of me being here this weekend, this week.
At least in my heart, it is because I would like to communicate the Lord's help. The rest that I have found in the Gospels, in the Gospel.
I hope it doesn't take you as long as it took me to find rest because it's extremely simple. So I told you that the tools have already been provided. You know, I just want to share with you my own experience in in my career. I'm not a doctor like our brother here. I'm extremely simple.
And so the Lord knew when He gave me a career that if I could just make sawdust.
That'd be enough.
And that's all I did. I made some drywall dust too. But one thing I learned making sawdust was tools are important.
And by the grace of God, in the last 28 years of my career, I had some fantastic tools and I had a shop all by myself. And usually I didn't have to tell anybody what to do. I just had to motivate myself and I made a lot of sawdust. But there came a time in my career where I realized that the tools that existed in the shop at the time that I got there were pretty lousy. And if I was going to.
Try to present myself as any kind of a Craftsman.
I was going to have to have some different ones. And so my boss allowed me to go to a trade show where I was able to look at all the tools that were out there and try to discern what would fit best in my shop. Fortunately, I worked for a very affluent school district and they didn't mind spending money if it was money that was going to be used appropriately. And so I had, I was definitely like a kid in the candy shop for a couple days walking around and talking with sales.
And, and looking at brochures and, and I came back with a big thick binder of tools that I, I've driven down to Atlanta or either Atlanta or, or, or I'd gone up to Grand Rapids, MI. So I had a lot of time to get my sales spiel ready for my boss. And so I, I presented this folder, all these.
Brochures and plastic covers and all of that stuff, and I said these are the pieces of equipment.
That I need in order to produce the product that you're asking me to produce and he said OK we'll we'll we'll do this on probably a a yearly budget way and so the first one he got me was a table saw and.
It was $18,000 which probably mid range for what saws that are out there, but it was a whole lot more than any table saw that I'd ever ever worked on.
It actually had a carriage. So you put the material on the carriage and you slid the carriage through the in. The material went through the blade. It didn't have one blade, it had two blades. So it had a little tiny blade on front and that tiny blade scored the underneath side of my material and then the the big main blade. It was lined up perfectly.
With the the scoring blade so when I made the cut.
I looked underneath my material and it was perfectly even. There was no tear out. I could cut veneer, I could cut plywood, and I had a perfect cut. But that was absolutely necessary for me if I was going to produce the product at the school district wanted. But there was one problem.
The saw was smarter than I was.
I had this saw, but I had to call the manufacturer and get service help, customer service to even figure out how to use it. It was it was a saw that I, you know, I didn't even know how to use it. And so I want to liken that to the tools that we have that are giving to given to us in Romans.
They're absolutely effective.
For the Christian life.
They couldn't be better. The value of the cross of Christ has completely.
Provided deliverance.
Down to the last need.
For you and I.
It's not that we have any problem having access to the tools we need, it's more how slow we are to become skillful in using them.
I can look back at my own life and I didn't have, I didn't have any idea what the tools were and I certainly didn't know how to use them. Well, that's my own experience and hopefully.
It won't. Your experience won't be the same. So let's go on to the next verse.
We're going to go on to verse 16. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth, to the Jew 1St and also to the Greek. Now I can understand someone thinking that maybe this audience isn't ready to hear the truth of deliverance.
Maybe it's it's really too much to try to present to this very group of growth amongst the Lord's people. I know there's people in this room that don't agree with that.
And it's going to take the leading of the Spirit of God for us to present it in a way that you're going to be able to receive something for profit.
But I'm going to tell you from my own experience something I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone.
That believes.
I'm not ashamed of it. I have come to know, in some small measure, its power.
And like I said last week, when we come to know something.
Has revealed to us through the Spirit of God we all of all of a sudden become responsible for what we know. And so because I know there is deliverance from the enemies that we face as believers because I know that David got rest in the Old Testament.
From all of those enemies that were always harassing the children of God.
I know.
That the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. That's the reason why I'm standing up here. I'm not standing up here because I think maybe you know, something works in the Christian life. I'm standing up here because God has given given us the tools in the gospel and the the what is at the root of the gospel is the cross of Christ.
And so.
Let's talk about what that deliverance is. So I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation. So most of us are used to going to a gospel meeting and hearing about salvation and it's being delivered from the penalty of our sins. It's, it's, it's, it's not having to worry about the, the, the, the judgment of God when we leave this scene. And that is a very, very vital part of the gospel.
That everyone needs to understand first. But it's not all, because you and I all know that as we take that step across the threshold of becoming a child of God, there are other steps that we have to learn to take. The deliverance doesn't just come as a one big package.
And there are enemies that need to be conquered. As I asked everyone to raise their hand, I got a lot of hands of those who wanted rest.
I wanted rest.
When I was your age.
I wanted, I wanted to not be harassed by the power of sin. I didn't want to be harassed by my inability to keep those standards that had been set in my life in order. I had to keep those standard standards in order to please God.
I wanted rest from that because as I tried to live in a manner that I thought God was pleased with, by comparing them to the standards that had been set, I didn't find rest.
And you won't either, right?
So this, that's what this series is for, because there's answers that lead to rest.
And they have nothing to do with me.
What do we want rest from?
What is salvation? What is what is that whole package of, of deliverance that God has provided and it's finished. It's all sitting right in front of us. There's deliverance from pop, from the penalty of our sins. And that's what we get a lot in our gospel meetings. But I wish we would get more. I wish we, we realized that salvation is a broader, broader subject that has far more.
Far more benefit.
Than what we usually get.
Salvation from the penalty of our sins that happened at the cross as the Lord Jesus laid down his life as God.
Laid laid our sins and punished him, and every stroke of God's judgment and all his demands were met on the Lord Jesus, and when we looked up in faith to him, we got deliverance from the penalty of our sin.
So we have the penalty of our sins, but we, we, we also in, in Romans are going to take up.
So Deliverance.
From what we are in atom.
You know, we have to see the end of Adam.
We have to see that we are no longer identified with that.
The head of the race that fell?
Because if we don't see ourselves disconnected to Adam, we're going to mix.
The blessings of Christianity with the efforts of the first man. You know, that's our tendency. It's really bad experience and it's really grounded in ignorance. But that's OK. We all by nature think that.
We can do something even after we're saved, but so deliverance for Madam.
Then we in the process of being delivered from Adam, we have deliverance from the power of sin.
And I think all of us know how badly as believers, we need deliverance from the power of sin. That's one of the most difficult things in our lives to enter into. So that at some point in time there's a measure of rest in our Christian experience.
Then there's deliverance from law. Some of us know the struggle of getting that deliverance more than others because some of us have had the experience of being mentored.
And and influenced by the principles of law. And let me tell you, that is a very, very difficult experience to get out from underneath.
We're going to go through that in this series.
And I pray for blessing.
And then also.
In chapter 8 of Romans we get deliverance from the flesh.
So remember what I said about Amalek?
That Amalek would be present as an enemy all of our lives.
But Adam. But but David.
At rest.
There are times in our lives when we apply the truths of the gospel that we enjoy. Rest from that old flesh that exists, you know, some think.
That the Christian life is just one single battle with the flesh after the other. But you know what the Scripture says in Romans 8, and we're not going to turn to it right now, Says we're not in it.
Very simple. And we're not in the flesh, we're in the spirit. You see, the flesh is the power that energizes the fallen nature that we were born with.
But the Spirit energizes the new life that God has given us in Christ.
And so these are our tools.
They're already here. They've already been given to us. We're just learning how to use them. And as we learn how to use them, the result in our Christian life will be rest. So let's go on.
I as I prayed and as my brethren prayed for me, I, I decided that we were not going to take up the truth of justification and we are not going to take up the truth of deliverance from the penalty of our sin because we don't have time.
It's a beautiful subject, but we have to get to a subject that I know that is on John's heart as well.
And we can't spend time in a subject that we're already very familiar with.
And So what I'm going to say about deliverance from the penalty of our sins is that God, through the cross and through the suffering of the Lord Jesus and through fully meeting the demands of God, has brought each one of us that is a believer into the position of being justified, a holy God looking at us and seeing us in a condition of abiding.
Justification is a condition that can never change.
It's permanent. You and I stand in a condition before God that can't change, and it has nothing to do with what we have brought to God.
Absolutely nothing, but because of the value of the work of Christ, God looks at you and me who have put our trust in Him.
And he sees us in a condition of righteousness that never, ever, ever changes.
It's not based on my merit, but it's based on the value of the person and the work of the Lord Jesus. We have justification through faith. So unless you put your trust in the Lord Jesus, you cannot stand before Him in a condition of righteousness. That will never change faith God has. You know what it was that caused man's fall and departure from God.
It was that he didn't believe God.
And so God made the principle on your blessing and mind through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, dependent upon whether we believe Him.
And so, dear ones, I ask you, you've got to put your trust in the Lord Jesus, or you cannot possess this wonderful condition before God of a righteousness that can never change. But if you are, and if you have put your trust in the Lord Jesus, that is what you.
You are justified.
You can't change it. If you've put your trust in the Lord Jesus, it's never going to change. You know, condemnation is also a permanent condition.
You can't change God condemning what we are.
In Adam, he already did it. He condemned it, and you and I aren't going to change it. You know, if we try to offer God something in our own efforts, in our own works, under the premise of the first man, God won't receive it because it's coming from one who is condemned.
I wish we could get ahold of that.
I wish we could stop trying to get something from Adam because you're trying to give to God something that has.
Its condition as being condemned.
I tried to do that. That was part of my struggle. I was taking a condemned man and trying to present righteousness to him.
And God had to teach me He's not looking for anything from him. But that's a little bit ahead of where we are, so.
Justification by faith, justification through his blood. So if it weren't for the value of the blood of the Lord Jesus and the value of that sacrifice, God could never see us in a condition before him of abiding righteousness. Not possible. There had to be a sacrifice and a.
A substitute that was going to give their life in order for you and me to be before God in a condition that could never change, that satisfies His demands.
There were also justified because of his resurrection. Because of his resurrection, you know, if the Lord Jesus hadn't risen from the dead, you and I couldn't stand before him in an unchanging condition of righteousness.
And thank the Lord that the resurrection was proof that our sins were dealt with in a manner that was acceptable and satisfactory to a holy God.
I know there's probably another one and it escapes me. If somebody wants to throw it out, I'd be more than happy. But we just don't have time to take up these truths because.
We are, for the most part here, I trust.
All stand in the same.
Condition before God, a holy God who demands righteousness for sin.
As being justified.
And so we can rejoice in that, can't we?
I wonder if there's some people that just can't get a hold of the fact that they don't have to worry about the consequences of their sins.
You've accepted Christ, but somehow you just can't get peace.
Well, you've got to turn away from what you're trying to offer to God and you've got to receive what Christ has offered to him in your in your stead. And if you do that, you'll have peace because God is satisfied with him. God is satisfied with his work. And the Lord Jesus is even satisfied too, because he said at the end of the cross, he said it is finished.
There's nothing to worry about because God knows.
The work of the Atonement and the God receiving satisfaction for our sins is completely settled.
I'm I'm going to have to have time with help with time. I, I, I don't have the ability to speak and and and and read the clock.
I'll give you a signal. OK, I'll miss that too. And if I don't want to stop, I'll just. I won't pay any attention.
So we're going to go to.
We're going to go to Romans chapter 5.
And we're going to completely.
Passover, some beautiful, beautiful truths that.
We, we, we could take up at another time. I know there's others that could take it up better than I could too. But we're going to start with the question of OK, is there deliverance from?
The the power of sin, that old nature that we have. We have a nature that wants to do its own will. And every time man in the fallen condition exercises his nature that wants to do its own will, it brings a fence and sin to God. And that nature isn't capable of doing anything but its own will. So all we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, his own way, his own way.
That's sin.
And that way from a fallen man is always an offense to God.
And so the nature that you and I have is that which produces the sins.
But have had to be put laid upon the Lord Jesus on the cross.
I believe that we're going to have the truth that God also dealt with the nature at the cross too, that I'm not particularly 100% clear about. So I may not may not offer thoughts that I haven't become too clear on, but I believe that's the case. So let's start reading in verse 12 of Romans chapter 5. You know what?
I can't do it from this version from the King James because there's some really really confusing things to me in in this.
Rendering of the of the chapter 5 SI always turn to Darby when I take up this part portion of Romans 5 and again we're taking up the subject of being delivered from the power of sin.
This is a very key part of our deliverance.
And the experience that brings peace and rest. If you don't have the truths of the last part of Romans 5, you will not have rest.
Because by the grace of God, the last part of Romans 5 gets rid of Adam and puts Christ in its place, in his place.
And you and I will never, ever have rest unless we see ourselves in Christ.
This is one of the tools that God has given us so that we can live our lives knowing deliverance.
So let's read Romans 5 and verse 12 for this cause. Even as by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death, and thus death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. So if you want a history lesson, and if you want the subject of that history lesson to be Adam.
This is the history lesson of Adam, so let's read it again.
For this 'cause even as by one man sin entered into the world, who was that one man? He was Adam.
And death by sin.
And thus death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. So this is the condition of the the head of the 1St.
Race, you might say, of man on the earth, Adam. And Adam was given responsibility for the creation.
And it didn't take him very long at all to exercise his will against God.
And to be disobedient, and to sin, and to need a sacrifice in order to be brought back into fellowship with God. But it just so happens when you are born of a sinful parent, sin becomes part of what you are as well.
And so each one of us, we're Adam's children by nature and in and in as to the question of a sinful nature, we're just like him. We have the same propensities, we have the same desires because we have we have the nature that he passed on to us. And it's the sin nature. And even as Christians, you and I.
Still have a sin nature, don't we? But we can have rest.
Because of the cross. Because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believeth.
The cross is God's power to help us to live a life.
That isn't under the dominion of sin.
I'm going to repeat that.
The cross is God's power to keep us out from under the dominion of sin and to be able to live our life free from it.
Give us an example.
OK, why don't you give us an example?
OK so so if I if I do that, we're going to have to go through some more truth. Okay, so let's say a man desires to look on a woman and lust after her. OK, well if that man knows that he is dead and risen.
And that sin is connected with what he was in Adam, and that the new life he has.
The lights to please God.
And the Spirit, see, we're going in, we're going on into Romans, aren't we? The Spirit is the energy for that life, right? And so he's not living, he's not making those decisions in the energy of the flesh, is he?
He's living in the power of the Spirit of God, and he absolutely hates sin.
And so when he sees a beautiful woman, he thanks God.
But he's able to create a woman with beauty, but he has no desire to have what the flesh would want from her. Does that answer your question?
OK, let's let's go on. I don't mind questions, not used to them. I'm used to doing all the talking, but I I'm really thankful for it because then we get to participate so.
It's just.
It's just not something I'm used to. I'm very thankful. Let's go on verse 13 for until law was, until law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed, put into account when there is no law. So there was a time when man sinned and he wasn't necessarily disobeying a direct commandment. So Adam, he was given a direct commandment and he disobeyed that.
And he sinned, but there were others after him that didn't have direct commandments from God, but they they send. And what was the result? Just as God said in the Garden of Eden, the day you shall send you, the day you send, you shall surely die. And so just because man wasn't transgressing a commandment, the result of the action of sin was the same death.
What's going on?
But sin is not imputed.
When there is no law, but death reigned from Adam until Moses.
What was the condition of the world up until Christ?
Death, Death.
Death, Death.
What happened when the Lord Jesus came on the scene?
Only from one man. Life, no death.
But death reigned from Adam until Moses, even upon those who had not sinned. After the likeness of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that is to come?
You know, for.
For the.
The record, you might say, of the journey that the Lord has brought me on just personally took me a long, long time to understand that this verse right here is the beginning of rest for the soul and I'm going to explain it as well as I can. But if we can lay hold of what this verse is saying.
Spirit of God begins to dawn rest to our souls.
Says I would.
But death reigned from Adam to Moses, even upon those who had not sinned after in the likeness of Adam's transgressing. And we're not going to pay a whole lot of attention to that, because the next phrase is what's really important. Who is the figure of him that was to come now in God's purposes and in His counsels? It was never His purpose.
For the flow of blessing coming from God.
To be directed to man through Adam.
He knew that that was going to be a complete and total failure, and Adam was just a picture of the one in whom all of God's blessings were going to flow through for all eternity. And if the blessing of God is flowing today in your soul and mine, it's not because of Adam.
Because he was just a figure of of the of the one who was to come and the one who was to come.
Is the Lord Jesus?
This first tells me that God never intended for Adam to be the source of blessing.
Christ was always in God's counsels as being the source of blessing.
And it's going to be in him that you and I are going to experience.
This is a pivotal verse for me. In fact, I think I can go on in my Christian life resting on it.
If I can lay hold of Christ.
Being the source of my rest.
He was the figure of him that what Adam was just a figure of him that was to come.
And he was going to be the one.
That all blessing was going to flow through.
I'm going to read maybe one more verse, but shall not the act. And now this is going to If you're in your King James translation, this is not going to read the same.
And this is the reason why I read Darby, because I'm going to read the King James version. My meeting is totally different. It's pretty confusing because in the King James translation it just isn't clear, but in this one it's much clearer.
But shall not the act of favor be as the offense? I'm sorry, verse 15.
Verse 15 so because it's being read from a different translation, you may have a hard time following on and you may understand what I mean by I can't I can't teach this this part of the the the chapter 5 and maybe the Lord will help me with that at some point in time, but shall not the act of favor be as the offense. So what we're going to go be be taking up in this part of the chapter is a comparison.
God is going to show us the difference between.
Adam and Christ between Adam's actions and the results of those actions.
And Christ in his actions and the end result of those actions, and how God in one case had to bring condemnation and judgment because of the the wrong actions of Adam, and in the other case God is able to come out in favor.
You know, God could never really come out in favor.
Through Adams actions.
The reason why you and I can even think about rest in our souls.
Is because the Lord Jesus.
Satisfied and delighted the heart of God in every step of His journey down here. Now what I want to do is I want to get our eyes on Christ.
We've been talking about our journey, we've been talking about deliverance, but we'll never truly enjoy and understand the favor that has come to us if we don't enjoy Christ. Let's turn to.
Matthew, Chapter 3.
Chapter 4. Matthew. Chapter 4.
Then was Jesus let up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights, he was afterward and hungered. And when the tempter came to him, and said, If thou be the Son of God, commanded these stones be made bread? But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. And I'm just going to read one.
Of the the incidents.
In the wilderness that is at time. OK, OK, so.
OK, great. This is one incident of the temptation in the wilderness where the Lord Jesus was tested in His obedience was was perfect.
The Spirit led him in the wilderness to show us that his experience was not going to be the same as Adam's.
And that's the reason why God can channel His blessing to you. And I unhinderedly remember the verse spoke about favor.
God has favor for you and I, and if we were to continue to read that verse, we would see that it was on the ground of grace.
That very first verse in Romans 5, he first emphasizes that he is going to come out in blessing and deliverance for you and I through Christ on the principle of grace, so you and I.
We can have deliverance and we can have rest, but we'll never have it if we don't lay hold of the fact we didn't deserve it and we didn't do anything. We didn't bring anything to God that satisfied him in connection with whether He was going to bless us or not.
If you, you know, as I, as the Spirit of God took me through these, these lessons and years and years of struggle. One thing I began to realize in my life, I was beginning to understand what grace was as I grew up and there was a, there was a just a, just a mixture of grace and law. I really didn't have a sense of what grace was.
Until the Lord the Lord started bringing me into the truth.
Of the fact that God was only going to bless me in Christ.
I was only going to find His favor as I saw myself identified with Christ.
I think we've we've had enough. We've only had a little, but we've had a taste and that's all we're going to be able to have as we take up this subject. We have to cover other subjects in order to understand what salvation means and how full and how full we and, and completely we have been delivered from the enemies and how much God has already provided for you and I to enter into rest.
And so I think we've gotten a taste of Chapter 5. What we learn in Chapter 5 is.
We get taken out of being an atom. We have a change of identity. We're not identified with Adam anymore. We get a new identity.
We're in Christ.
Until we get this.
Our Christian life is going to be a struggle.
But if the Spirit of God and in his time and in his way, if he gives us light, our Christian life is going to be different.
Our God and Father, we want to thank you for the truth of the gospel. Father, we've often had the gospel presented to us and we're so thankful that we can stand before you and not have to worry about.
Whether we're going to be judged for our sins?
And we're thankful that the Lord Jesus shed his blood and satisfied your demands.
We thank you also, Father, though that we are, we've lost our identity in Adam. We have a new identity and that's in Christ and every single blessing and every single.
Amount of peace we have flows through the understanding of how you see us now. And so we pray, Father, this time has gone so quickly and we thank you, Father, that we've been able to touch on this. We give you thanks in Jesus name, Amen. Amen. Amen.