The very title is staggering. The reader may well be incredulous, and wonder if this pamphlet, modest in size, can possibly justify its title. We believe that it can. The liter of argument taken is novel and arresting. For it the writer, however, can claim no originality.
When a young man there came into his hands a pamphlet bearing the title, "Leslie's Four Marks." It struck him as an unanswerable proof of the truth of Christianity. The great help and blessing he received from it makes it incumbent upon him to pass it on for the help of others. The faith of multitudes has been shaken by the so-called "Higher Criticism." Many are drawn aside by the lurid light of Spiritism and other devices of Satan. Any help on the right lines should not be withheld.
We believe many will be helped through the careful perusal of this pamphlet. For this we earnestly pray, and seek God's blessing on the effort.