Clinging to the Wreck

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BY an early hour one morning news reached W—that a few miles down the coast a vessel was sinking about a mile from the shore. A number of brave men set out to see if they could rescue any of the poor sailors. When they reached the place where the vessel was, they saw that part of the wreck was still above water, and to it was clinging a man, the sole survivor of a crew of four. The side of the vessel was speedily reached, but though the men in the boat shouted to the poor fellow to let go his hold of the mast to which he was clinging, it was of no use, he still remained clinging and heeded not. At last one of the men in the boat swam through the surging waves, and laying hold of the man unloosed his numbed frozen hands and brought him safely to land.
Is not this just what poor sinners are doing? Clinging to a wreck; death on all sides, and they themselves just ready to drop into the terrible abyss? But the Lord Jesus comes with the offer of salvation and of life.
Stop clinging to a wreck in the midst of the storm; just drop into the arms of love that are stretched out to save you. Do you feel too weak to go to Jesus? Then just loose your hold on what will be certain death to you ere long, and trust yourself to Him Who has gone through the terrible death of the cross that He might save you.
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Rom. 5:66For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5:6).
ML 01/29/1933