The Fish and the Pussies

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IS this beautiful setting amid the flowers and the well-behaved little pussies a safe place for the pretty fish? No, alas! the defenseless fish may be devoured by any one of the three merciless creatures.
We may remind ourselves that we have the bitterest of all enemies, Satan. Nor is this foe always easily detected. Not all that is of the world is mean and disgusting. Often Satan comes to us as “an angel of light,” rather than as a “roaring lion.”
Can we escape from this enemy? Yes, for Christ Jesus, the Lord of glory has “stood between us and the foe,” and all we have to do is to believe on Him Who gave up His life and was raised again to save us. Then we have a sure refuge; for the Lord Jesus tells us,
“I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand,
The same power that saves us eternally, keeps us in our journey through the world.
We must believe on Jesus, for if we reject or neglect Him, our doom is certain. The fish may not become a victim to its possible enemies; but for all who do not receive Christ as their Saviour, there is no escape from hell.
ML 01/01/1933