Lessons From Everyday Life

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No. 6 House Cleaning
HAVE you watched Mother or Big Sister clean the house? Does she do it in the dark, or does she choose the day-time and raise the shades so that all the sunlight possible may come into the room and shine in all the dark corners? Then the one that is cleaning can find all the dirt to clean it away.
Dear young Christian, let us open the door of our hearts that the light of God’s Word may enter in and search out the hidden corners where perhaps unjudged sins are hidden.
If our eye is single, that is, if we have Christ’s glory for our one object, then we shall know how to act in everything; and our house of clay will be all ablaze with light, and we shall soon detect all that is not of Christ.
The Word of God marks out a path for each one of us, and if we are walking according to that light, the Word will be our Guide, and we may be sure, if we work in that light, whatever we do will be done well “as to the Lord and not to men.”
ML 01/29/1933