Colossians 1:1

Duration: 1hr 12min
Colossians 1:1
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Class 114.
In who that is his dearest father, the 1St.
Then only have redemption through His love.
Give the forgiveness of sins through the image of the invisible God, the first four of every creature.
For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth.
Visible, Invisible, whether they be thrown, Ornament or principality or powers.
All things are created by Him and for Him, and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.
Or substances, and he is the head of a body, the church, where is the beginning, the first born of the dead.
And in all things he might have with free evidence.
For Him please the Father, that in Him should all force dwell.
And having made peace through the blood of his heart, by him to reconcile all things unto you.
By him I say, whether they be things in earth or things in heaven.
And you, the verse sometimes alienated enemies in your mind by wicked words, yet now after being recognized.
In the body of His plan through death to present you fully and unblinked and unapprovable in His sights.
If you continue in the face ground of the seven, and may not move away from the hope of the gospel which he have heard entered his reach, every creature which is under heaven.
For all I all have made of ministry.
Do now rejoice in my sufferings for you. Then fill up that which is behind of the affliction of strikes.
In my face, for his body's sake, which is the church for all I have made a ministry of God.
Whereof I am made of minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill the word God in the message which has been hidden through generations.
But now I was made in manifest.
To whom God will make no.
Whatever riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory who we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, doesn't represent every man.
1St in Christ Jesus.
We're on the oil also later strive according to his work which worked in me. Like I noticed we have to say words in the first chapter of Ephesians which we have in this verse the 14th verse.
And a few words are added to it. Firstly, creation verse 7.
And whom we have redemption through his blood.
The forgiveness of sins.
According to the riches of his grace.
Why others were omitted here? The first you tell us brother. Clan have to learn brother. Did you understand what word Julie were omitted?
The richness of his grace in Ephesians one, but they're not mentioned in this verse.
Also I believe through his blood is a medal to it.
But it does appear.
In 1St 20 I just the reason why.
The flood is mentioned and supports these first correct translation.
Because the Spirit of God.
Occupying us, this place so much the workers, right as he is with the person Christ.
We find that at the end of the 13th, 1St are being translated into the Kingdom of his dear Son or the Son of his love.
The father of the son of his love.
He has taken us and all the persons that fall.
I'm able to get his head chips and create.
His head chips in connection with the church.
In with 14th 1St in connection with redemption. Well everything refers back to the Son of his love or how the Spirit of God delights to bring the person of Christ.
Before our soul occupies us with that Blessed One, and reminding us, while occupied with His left at first, that we're occupied with the very one that the Father himself has found all his life.
So when the Peter would have put the Lord on a dead level with.
The flowers and their lives.
And the amount of transfiguration.
There was a bright cloud overshadowed the whole sea, and then a boy comes out of the clouds saying, this is my beloved son.
In whom I am well pleased. And then the voice asked, here is him, that is, if that one is the world of life in the Father's heart, I surely he is sufficient to satisfy every desire along with our hearts. Well, God doesn't give us an object.
That is not the object of his own heart.
Hire College Hospital.
And when they have lift up their eyes, they saw no man save Jesus. Almost so very precious thank you object that delights the Father's heart. Also use the term God's heart.
Given to us walk you by in our hearts might be occupied with looking to him reading about this situation. Oh, it's keeping us but the tension at the first meeting that in in Colossians is what Christ is to the church and so it's the glory of his person that is brought before us.
Redemption is the means by which we have been brought to know Him, to joy all this, but it's his personal.
Been remarked, who is brought before us as this 51St says, who is the image of the invisible God, the glory of that lesson, one who perfectly reveals God the Father, and we have been brought into the Kingdom of the Son of his love, to know him, to see the glory that I am doing him, to be associated with him in that glory.
And we will.
Time is the Kingdom of the Father.
That is a heavenly portion throughout the Millennium and now already we are in the Kingdom and the son of his mother and also in the Kingdom of and for his patience to get that in revelation one time that gets distracted to the.
The character of our present.
Trials and tribulations that belong to us, that are following him. Revelation 19.
It's not important in this 15th verse.
The first born of every creature. We know that there are those who use this first to teach that the Lord actually had to a beginning.
Right as this verse has no such thought, all the first born of every creature is that the one who is the head of the whole creation is the one who has become a man and has man. He is the head of that whole scene. The whole creative seed has been made by him, by him all the success.
Not just consent, but substance.
That is after very being in existence and this one who is the head of it all over, the beginner of it all, has become a man because we connected with that verse, the song that says I will make him my first born. I are the king of the earth.
That's what he has in a place that he has taken given by the Father as man and yet the creator of it all that be so Yeah, why the hell put one other place pudding egg and entering his own creation.
But the 1St place and we need to understand clearly that first born is a table. It doesn't always mean the 1St 400 times or the first you go. I think it's from the 89. I will make him my first born higher than the kings of the earth. Well.
That was seven days. Well, David was the youngest of all of us on the Gentry.
And yet he was made the 1St 4:00. So that title we find all the way through scripture.
It's a title that speaks of preeminence.
That's very important because the 7th day after this time, the Jehovah Witnesses will try to tangle you up on on that first try, to seek through that first that Christ is only a created being.
This is a more serious doctrine because if our savior is only a creator by then we really have no savior at all because it was only a divine person.
Who was being was from all eternity that could take up the question of our sins and settle that question divinely and eternally before God.
I was thinking too and connections with the 14th, 1St, even the forgiveness of sin. Well, they're brought into that Kingdom of the Son of his love and God has brought us into that Kingdom without anything to disturb our consciousness and enjoy his presence.
We know even then next.
Like something that that hasn't been forgiven if there's something between members of the family.
I called friction uneasiness until all The thing is out and settled and forgiven. There isn't full communion. So in bringing us into that wonderful fear of blessing.
That nothing was ever to disturb our happily precious communion with this One whose glorious, who fully brought it for us, found His mouth. Then He begins, You see, to exalt first of Christ, first is creation.
And so he continues with that subject, always keeping before it was cold.
One who has the son of the Father's love.
I suppose the apocryphal enjoyed that support his new brother in the next.
We have been forgiven, our sins have been forgiven and justified by God himself. So on the eighth of Romans verse 33 says, who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elections? It is God that justifies who is either condemneth. It is Christ that died.
For whom did he die? For me and the blood of the past.
So he asked some questions and he answers them, but there might be an encouragement to our hearts who shall lay anything to the charge of God and languages. God is justified. What a precious truth that is true Is he that condemneth them that God is justified. What priest it brings to the heart. Father, in connection with our 15th verse.
I once read.
Something that a man had written and he put it this way in the likeness of the invisible God. Scripture never puts it that way.
But that would imply a doubt that he was. God doesn't say thought of the image.
They just that he is a representative of God.
You see, we we're told of Adam that he was created in the image and in the likeness of God. That is, Adam was brought into a creation where he was in edit and that way he represented God in that creation.
Now Adam, as we know, has completely failed as the first man.
All we have the headship not only in connections with creative down here, but the whole thing of creation.
That's a marvelous creation surely is we have the one who has put the represents thought that is in matters over this whole created thing harvest for us poor human beings to fit that a man.
One of our very race has placed in that highest place over all this creative and we can look over and look around and get glimpse of his morals. Whole world is occupied especially now with the wonders of this creation.
Are much better for you and He will allow us to be occupied with the head of that creation and then we as we look at the wonders of it.
It just involved the glory one who had such quizzes to bring such a theme of glory and such power as we behold.
In that lovely brother park. That's the practical side of things, business. And they're having sex. The ignorance before us now as the apostle sets your minds on these things above.
He doesn't tell us to set our minds on those things above until he has set before us the story of the person live about. So he's brought up the fullest stories of the son of his love, then says now set your mind on those things up there.
But they're here. But what is the difference between image and life? Because well, I believe, say, give me to more of the thought of the thought of representatives.
Of time, the life from the Lord has to show him a panic. Whose image and superstition description is this? Well, they said season. Well, it's very likely wasn't the perfect image of it, perfect likeness, but it showed who he was the head of the Roman Empire.
Well, likeness, I believe, brings in more the moral side of things, because it's not. It's moral to moral qualities of God himself. Now while looking at this subject of image, it brings to mind that wonderful first chapter of John where we see the person Christ also magnified in all his various offices.
The first counselor John Scott and in verse 18 it says no man has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son who is in the bosom, the Father, he had declared again. That's what we have in our verse and thought is the image. And then in the 14th captured John.
The Lord Jesus says he that hath seen me.
Have seen the Father and that's impeding the thought. Now let's look at the Hebrews chapter one where again we see the magnifying of the person of Christ and the most wonderful way Hebrews chapter one.
First one, God, first two.
Have spoken unto us.
In some what an expression for God to speak, not now through prophets and merely through his words that's given, but in the fullness of his Son he is now speaking.
Verse 3.
Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person.
I think that's in keeping with our image of our verse 15 and then.
Is brought out is create our ship.
As explained in verse 60.
16 is enlarged on that last expression, the 1St 15.
Or by him.
Were all things created?
That are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for Him.
Have to glance at the last verse at Romans 11, Romans 11, verse 36.
Or of him. That's the source, the source of all of him and through him. That's the channel of all.
And it could read for him, for his own benefit primarily.
But I've also in Revelation in the end of chapter 4.
For all things for me and all things to do him.
Be glory for heaven.
The 61St goes back, I say, way beyond the first genesis of the time.
By Him we're all things created that are in Him that on earth that is for Him that, and then it brings in strong dominions and principalities of power. All things are created by Him and for Him.
That is all. The angelic hope. They were the invisible faith. We learned that.
Some of the angels kept not their first state.
Well, this takes in though before that occurred it's as they were created by him and for for his glory and then before all things.
His eternal being.
All we need to say my truth.
Is getting the first of John in the beginning while the word and the word Smith draws the word was dog all things.
For created mind without him was not anything made of faith, or he was before.
Anything in this universe was created, he was in existence before creation began that verse 18 of a chapter 17. I believe that it is just threw us his way brings the eternal sonship to say that no man has seen God at any time the only begotten son.
Which is in the bosom of the Father. He had declared him and somebody raised a question saying, you show me sometime when he was not in the freedom of the thought. So that's blessed, isn't it? We have the eternal sonship of God. Bless the Lord Jesus. I believe in this world.
He wasn't the bosom of the Father. Yes. Well then he's close N all within that full life, and came to earth to make it known that we have tried. No. Wonderful, isn't it?
That John said that and not another because John will lean the bun Jesus bosom and he would know some of the secret. So he speaks much love and one has often enjoyed this blessed food Today. You have the transfiguration in the Gospel of Matthew. You have the transfiguration of our blessed Lord Jesus and the Gospel of Mark.
You have this configuration of our blessed Lord Jesus and the Gospel of Lord, but you have no transfiguration in the Gospel of John, because he is the very glory of God. From the very first verse till the end of the Gospel of John this is.
Figures all through the Gospel. John is the only one who was president of the poor evangelist at this transfiguration.
No, no, beginning had he who was eternity.
William Kelly And again the expression has been used.
This in the beginning is the beginning list. Beginning. He is the I am Hebrews 1-2. Further in that chapter He maketh his Angel spirit, His ministers of flame, of fire. But unto the sun he sat, I thrown no God.
Forever and ever. He was never made anything.
Became like precious.
Well, that leads us on to another exit, which we get in the 81St.
Then said that you get in this after three double s.
Get 2 heads, you'll get.
Two reconciliation that you get 2 ministries.
Redoubled Well, we've considered one of the hedges is hedges is creative when you get to the.
18th verse.
We can have headships in connection with the Church at that 18th verse. He is the head of the body of the Church who has the beginning, the first born from the dead, and in all things he might have the preeminence.
Although the emphasis is put on the first born from the dead.
When it is active in creation.
It's the incarnation.
Coming into this world of the man, he took his place as ketchup over the creative to which he entered.
But when he became the head of the body of the Church, it was his resurrection and right brother, Yes, that's right. With that 71St and by him, all things consist.
That is, not only did he create the mental beings, but it's by him that they consist. They go on held together. Man tries to figure out why they go on and he may find out some of the laws of government, but here's the one that's by him. All things consistently didn't joke say to the hang of the earth, but nothing yes yes.
Five things by him, all things that subsist.
Because that not mean that they're held together.
Yes, I believe so and in Hebrews one another that other lovely chapter is the first thing they have He uphold us all things by the word of his power, which is similar truth is makes us think of that him through worlds on the dependence.
Fell apart. That's when he was here in this world. Well, when he was here as a lowly man, Why? The world was on him. Work attendance.
He had only to speak creation response.
Intention lives and calls for the fact that from the Lord he has to mention one man's name, for the cemetery would have been empty. He had to say letters.
For the same one that Paul Lazarus is the one that raised all that are in their grades.
So the Lord was still restored.
Storm and Sea of Galilee. And so everything is kept in perfect sound creation by His almighty power.
Believe it, doesn't job doesn't it be set his heart upon man, or a new translation is to be thought only of itself. Gathered unto himself, his breath, and his spirit, all flesh would perish together.
And man would return again to the dust. That is, He's not only the Creator, but He is the one who sustains all. And if He wasn't sustaining us right now, the whole group of us would just fall over on our chairs. Well, it's a tremendous thought for us to think of that. He not only gave us life, not only gave His Son to redeem us, but this One who is the image of the invisible God.
He is sustaining us in life.
At will for all eternity and the blessedness of the seed into which He is bringing us. I was thinking in connection with this of the 24th of Genesis.
Father, when that servant went down and talked to Rebecca, he speaks of a son being born to Abraham in his old age and into his hand. Abraham had committed all he had to watch his headship.
Over the whole of the possession that were were Abraham, but now he brings into something else. He said he has sent me to get a bribe for this map, this one who is the head over all of these and a half hands.
Now it comes to get a bride for him. It is not lovely. That's just what we have here. We have the glory of this one that is the image of the invisible God. And then the Spirit of God shows us that He is picking out of bride and true grace. Fear part of that bride.
And he is the head of the body, the church, and we are brought into association with that one, to share with him all of his his. But is the glory of his person. And that was the work of the servant. Indeed, we might say.
Let us fly. The Spirit is not mentioned in Colossians except once your love is the Spirit. The Spirit of God is mentioned in Ephesians because it's what the church is to Christ and the work of the Spirit there is brought before us.
But when he is extolling the glories of Christ, he hides himself and sits before us, that blessed One who is to have the preeminence in all things, and the Spirit still delights to occupy us with the glory of that lot.
Nice to notice too and connected with what you are saying about.
And it's after Isaac had been taken up to the mouth and Abraham had offered him up on the altar and took the knife to slay it. Worst we know that God didn't mark Abraham go the full length while he went through and offering up his whole response, God stopped him and Iran.
Bought in the thicket by his horns, Offered said.
But still scripture looks upon what Abraham faith led him to do as though he had actually offered him up for it says in the 11Th chapter of Jesus by faith Abraham when it was tried offered us highly, and he that had received the promises offered up his only son, accounting that God was able to.
Raises from the dead once awful he received him a figure.
So from my 22nd chapter of Genesis where he did Abraham offering of Isaac, Isaac is considered from that time on as a type of the risen man. And then the perfect order, the 24th chapter that you referred to.
Is the service.
For the the one who had been, as it were. Instead, God has raised all that is in perfect keeping with what we have here as to Christ being the head of the body.
As the Risen One, our 20th verse.
We've had the forest.
All of the fullest dwelling in him and God has been brought to man. That didn't bring man back to God. He had to have what we have here in the 20th verse. That's not so. And having made peace by the flood of his props, by him to reconcile all things for that brought about that wondrous reconciliation.
Last night in the gospel we had.
Come for all things are now ready. This is not it, all things are now ready. If we may dwell further on some thoughts in the 18th 1St.
He is.
Of the Body, the Church, who is.
The beginning.
Himself is the beginning.
The first born from among the dead. Now I believe that Revelation chapter 3 and verse.
Is related to this truth.
In the last half of 1St 14 is the Amen.
The faithful and true witness. Now here we have.
The beginning of the creation of God. That is the new creation, and it commences with Himself. He is the beginning.
The first born from among the dead.
Out of death the Lord Jesus writers as himself seemed like and that, I believe, is remarkably beautiful in our castle. We say that it's it's an answer to the state of things that Laodicea because they were being occupied with the first creation.
Let him increase with goods and have need of nothing. What is the answer to all this? We're surrounded by much of the first creation that looks very attractive to us. But here we have been brought to a new creation. We've been brought to gaze upon that one who is the center of that new creation.
Well, that was the antidote to the condition of things that existed in Laodicea.
And surely we're living in those very days. We find that lukewarmness coming into our hearts on here. The Spirit of God in this precious chapter, as He did to them in the latter De Laodicea, things before us, the beginning, the one who is the beginning of that new creation scene into which we shall shortly be ushered and to which we already belong.
To Grace.
There is another way of putting a little verse that most of you know, and then we'll add a little bit to it.
Everything. Savings fading fast, all the stamps, the dead start, cats. Only one life will soon be passed. Only new life in Christ will last. Robert Glenna has it. What would you say to a dying man?
Said I'm trying to make my beef soup dark in connection with 20th birthday.
Mr. Darby said. Already made, Too late, Already made. Remember that story? Darby was walking, I think it was in New York City.
Or he was standing somewhere and the young lady came along who was a Christian.
And ask him if he has made his peace with God.
And he shook his head. He said it's too late. And he said, oh, it's never too late to make your peace with God. He said, it's too late, already been made.
The connection with this place of the preeminence of blessed Lord Jesus.
Asked in the new creation, one is thinking of a Philippian chapter 2. The depth of the humiliation that our blessed and Lord Jesus went through.
But then after that we read that verse nine verse God to those who have highly exoted them and given him a name which is about every name that at the name of Jesus, the precious name of Jesus.
Every knee she found of things in heaven, things on earth, and things impermanible unto the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This is the glory of God, the power. But a phrase of a preeminence. This is great. He isn't.
He is waiting, brother.
There is a question of following the need for the glory of that one. Isn't it within our chapter here where it's a question of reconciliation?
Things under the earth are left out. They will not be reconciled.
I was thinking of that in the 20th verse, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile.
All things unto himself.
By him I say, whether they be faintly in earth or things, but those beneath the earth are left up. No reconciliation for those.
Shows the difference. Doesn't not bother between submission and reconciliation together.
Every knee must bow to that blessed One.
I'll have to submit to him. There will be no reconciliation as there is today.
You know we mustn't pass over the 19th verse or please the Father, that him should all form as well. You notice the Father is in the valley.
So it's misleading the way the translators all understanding.
The feeling what they were translated to, the reason that all the poor displays as well as him.
That is, in Christ as man the fullness of the God had to see, so the Lord and Philip fries, Lord Joyce, the Father. He says, have I been for long with me, and yet hast thou not the people? He that hath seen me have seen the Father.
And the Lord fell defy by the Spirit of God.
Cast out devils. So the Lord acted only by the guidance of the Spirit of God, and the Father was seen in Him, and yet He was the Eternal from the Creator here in this world as man, so we see all.
The Godhead in the sun, in his pathway here below, and that goes right on to the cross.
It's all about the crop. You get up the street first because the dog head there and you read in the 9th chapter of Hebrews.
When he had by himself Earth. No, that is the verse. I'll have to read it. The 9th chapter of Hebrew.
Go through the Eternal Spirit.
Holds the spirit there, offered himself there, and his son.
Without after God compare God to fall think your father is to say brother Hale that every act of God was always in Trinity, whether it's been creation or redemption or whatever way we do it. I believe it's I believe that's very important what you brought out because.
That's all I brought before us before it speaks of reconciliation.
Or it's the first who gives value to the work. There's an attack made upon the person of Christ. By then the works, the value of the work is taken away. But if we see who this one is, who has accomplished redemption, who has made peace through the blood of His cross, why then we think about One and whom all the fullness of the God as well?
Can there be any questions? I'll be satisfaction of the Godhead in connection with this whole work that has been accomplished. Why the whole God had come? Was it 1 despite as always, but as Ashley brought before us here in connection with the Lord Jesus here as fast as we have in the next chapter. In Him dwelleth all the fullness that God had.
What about the expression here, the blood of his cross?
Well, we have two reconciliations spoken of here been mentioned and in this first, it's more the reconciliation by power I believe.
As the next verse, the 21St verse, while that you have he reconciled we were alienated by wicked works and now directed sound body display.
But I leave here and reconciling all things to himself. It is by power, and I believe that where we have the expression the cross brought in, it's replaced the world game.
And so the blood of these cross while the world is going to have to answer for shedding his **** on the truck.
And so that will come in and judge in the.
John 129 The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. I believe this is brought in here.
In connection to this reconciliation by power, as well as, of course, our things are included in that.
That be your thought? Yes, Brother Harrison is well understand the full scope of the meaning of.
John 129 Before the Lamb of God, let it have a citizen to do the translation.
Fair away the sin of the world.
That is with Jesus Christ is not only the mean, but God granted for your salvation is mine.
But as the ground upon which God will bring in.
The power of a new thing of glory.
Where everything is your.
As to ignore.
To a one who has wrought redemption at such a cost.
For the present creation exhausted glory as Creator. The heavens declare the glory of God firmly to His handiwork. For this new theme of creates help to involve the glory of Christ as Redeemer.
Clearly our Creator.
And we also say this in connection with having made peace through the blood of his cross. Our brother remarked the guilt of land and having crucified him. Well, if someone was to send the ambassador to this country and he was shamefully put to death, it wouldn't promote peace. It would certainly provoke a state of war.
At least bad feeling. But how marvelous the thing that God to tell all his hearts and math, sent his own Son into the world. And what did the world do? They gave him the most shameful death possible. But what has God brought out of that work? All, beloved brethren, He has brought a boat, a new scene of glory.
Where that Blessed One who was crucified will be the center of it all.
And we're all what God is is light and love will be fully manifested. And I believe that the thought here is both precious when we think of our horrible jokes and what we did to God side and to think instead of bringing what we deserve upon us. He's made peace through the blood of his cross and he has brought.
Us didn't know what was in his heart for an empathy.
To be reconciled.
For the thought I believe in reconciliation is having great thoughts, having our attitude change toward another. Thou marvelous of that that not only is there going to be this new seat of glory, but everything in it is to be suited to the minds and character of God. And then as the next verse brings them, we.
Go Through Grace are part of every company.
We'll be able to enjoy all within His heart, having been revealed as the Son. Why? I think it's a marvelous problem. We think of the taste through the blood of His cross.
Because not Ephesians chapter two he has a several verses. Ephesians chapter 2 verses 13 to 16.
Covers the same truth in a little different way.
Ephesians 213.
But now in Christ Jesus.
Sometimes were far off.
Are made nigh by the blood of Christ, for He is our peace, who have made both bond and have frozen down the law of partition between us, having abolished in His flesh the enmity.
The endlessly think of it. In Romans 8 we're told that the mind of the flesh is tendency to God. There's no cure for that. Nevertheless, God takes that same person, melts the heart and and by his grace he brings it back to himself.
One in verse 15.
For to make in himself a plain 1 Newman, so making these, and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross.
First of the theme of the ground. But the thing stopped and came and fixed peas to you which were far off, and to them that were alive. And I think it was the way to the apostle Apostle Peter when he was sent to Cornelius. They run to Cornelius, and those that were there preaching sees by Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all.
You are a saying, Father Hail that reconciliation is a complete change of thought captures toward one where there was some misunderstanding or some feeling or empathy.
Would you not be illustration that state and the return of the prodigal on his way back from our country?
He was thinking, will my father receive the House of service? Trying to offer if his father would take him back after all the way he had his honor, just work as a service.
When it comes to the fight of the form, the Father runs the meeting, throws his arms around it just He says nothing about making me as one of our hard services. He just says I have thinned against heaven, and in thy sight no more worthy to be called, or I come. Well, he gets a complete.
Change to the heart of his father if there was any better than if there was any enmity towards his father. It was all God He disclosed in the best role brought in where there's music.
I all that had stood between him and his father's daughter. Well, the redeemed Velma.
Enjoy this but also the full war creation will benefit by it. It says in the 8th chapter of Romans that the whole creation grown up and travel us together and pain together until now and we wouldn't realize how much the whole creation is suffering as a result of sin.
When the head of creation fell and was found.
Lord creation, even the trees and the whole creation suffered as a result of it, of God is going to lift the whole creation. And so it's lovely in that age of Romans and says the creature itself shall be delivered from the ******* of corruption and to the liberty of the glory of the children of God.
And in the 55th chapter of Isaiah.
And there's the mountains, and the hills shall break forth before you in the singing, and all the trees of the field shall flat their hands. Oh, what a wonderful time it will be when God delivers the whole creation from the results of sin. And even the heavens are not clean in His sight, because of our brother brought before us last night.
The angels have fallen.
The whole by spin of there's going to be a new creation where things animate and inanimate through all the students to God's mind. Apple reveals that which is in his heart for the blessing of man and in the 4th chapter of Revelation where the Lord Jesus is about to take his rightful place.
The alley their Thou hast created all things before thy pleasure they are of word created. Than in the 5th chapter we have redemption.
And so we're going to see a scene of creation where God will be able to find his full pleasure and all. How wonderful to have a people in association with himself who are the objects of Islam and can fully enjoy his heart and all within us, I believe rather than.
Opened up to us here. A marvelous queen. We're going to be there.
Loaded in 513.
It gives an expression to that one verse. Revelation 513.
And if I may read, the 1St 12 is leading up to it first 12?
Worthy is the Lamb that was slave to receive power and riches and wisdom.
And strength and honor, and glory and blessing #13.
And every creature is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I say.
Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the land forever. Antenna. Actually I think the next word and the floor beats said Amen. And the floor is when the elders fell down and worshiped him that liveth forever and ever.
These four beasts are four living creatures. Are the chariot them, aren't they?
They represent to us God's governmental ways in connection with the earth. Well, when we look out upon the earth now, everything seems to be in a state of confusion, as if Satan had really accomplished purposes and ruined the whole thing.
Well God is ruling and in the first chapter of Ezekiel where Ezekiel was there with the captains by the river chief bar.
Saw these people of God and sorrow and misery that he looked up and he saw a bomb, a throne in the corner who was sitting and there was one sitting on the throne. He saw one that was overlooking while here when we come to this chapter, we see the time but all these governmental ways would come to an end.
And as God in the statement in anything that he has done.
Has he allowed anything that shouldn't have been allowed? Oh, I think this is beautiful, the four living creature said. Amen. God has been accomplishing His own purposes in everything that has taken place in the whole world and in the lives of believers. Rather, we may not understand some of His ways now.
Some of them may cause a sorrow and grief bring tears to our eyes.
I went through that day and we see how that all has been accomplished according to God's purposes. We'll join too and say Amen, Amen. And we'll be among the ones who will fall down and worship Him. You'll know that all of the purpose for us has been carried out.
Allowed 1% and what you can think two brothers, your futurists when you read in the 21St verse and heal that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by working for us yet now what is that now?
As we reckon, all you have is, we said, to reconciliation.
1/3 is the prettiest person.
One considered in the 21St versus President.
Where indeed looking forward to last day of glory.
Marbles to speak of all creation being brought in the first place.
But oh how unfitly blessed for our hearts as we sit together and looking into God's Word. It's in fact.
To consider that we have already ourselves been reconciled.
You that were sometimes alienated, animated in your mind.
Oh faith, the human mind is being a way to resolve your quality is the same as hell.
The mind of mind or ways to God is the placing of the devil.
How bad is when we think of what our poor minds are capable of?
And bringing back and then to think that that was such a state has been reconciled. There's been a submission to the divine will of God.
And I believe whenever that works of reconciliation has taken place.
It's just as divine, it's just as eternal in its duration as God Himself.
No change in that.
That's all. That's a complete and the final word. That's where the first takes place.
The living in days when man's mind is being greatly exalted.
For the God of this world and flying at the mind of them that believe not and I believe there's never a time when it's more worth that we should read the word of God, because in this we have the mind of God made no and if we allow our minds to go to work and don't bring them into the sufficient to God's revelation.
We're going to get into great darkness. I would say to each one of especially young people going to college, there's much that you have to learn.
But remember always, thou in the revelation of God, it will lead you to something that you can never, never learn in the schools, because it will never the schools of this world. Apart from divine revelation. There will be no knowledge of what we have here, what land is going to accomplish but here.
God is making his mind known and He would have us to enjoy.
All that he would reveal to us in connection with that one, who is going to bring this about?
Our first here, the last clause was the 21St. There's not even go beyond what we have in the 5th of Revelation, that is, the things in heaven being reconciled by power.
In the second affliction, and all where we have there, every knee should bow, and every tongue to the best.
Speaks about the things under the earth there while that expression there is in front of these, but in the 5th revelation, the things under the earth it is doesn't take in infarity. It takes in the furrowing animals, the animal creation. But what we have here goes beyond.
It takes in the cleansing of the hem, casting out.
Of those wicked spirits, and having replaced Satan himself will be cast out, but.
The best of revelation. It merely digs in the creation here man and.
And the animal creation like in the eighth of Romans.
And of course the angels rejoice in whatever that, but it doesn't speak there of the infernal beings.
With this monopoly, why the emphasis is on blood?
We might think that the creation as well as would be the power of God, but in these two reconciliations that are mentioned, the emphasis on the blood of this cross has been find in the evil 10 almost all things that.
And almost all things are by the law, first blood without shedding of blood is no remission.
Include the whole work of reconciliation, not only the person, not only we as people, which is the.
The translation of Mr. Darby's at the end of our verse.
Reads a little different. Alienated anemones in your mind. Garlic is worse yet, now, hath it? I notice not he, but it reconciled. Well, that's the first fact, the beginning of verse 20.
Having made peace.
Through these blood of his cross. The blood of his cross is what this it refers to the blood of it. You know, I I have spoken out of murder. I want you to have a good, fair chance to get this corrected. I applaud his brother.
That by the blood of his cross.
That has won the heart of you and me and every redeemed 1.
These wooden and metal crosses they put up on buildings.
So many.
Are not what really counts. It is the blood of His cross that God has made us to appreciate.
Is one of the deepest things in the hearts of all of His redeemed love is the blood of His cross.
Now I would like to hear another brother. I'm sure someone here may correct me. I, I love correct. Well, I think what you say is correct. There's blood.
But I believe you're coming forward. That is, it covers our reconciliation and reconciliation at all in that the world has an answer for that blood being shed on the cross. What exactly? He redempted power for us.
If they're not the thought in itself.
In the 20th birth it says in the new translation I believe the reconcile all things under itself and then again if reconciled does not refer to the Godhead, it please the father or brother mentioned that the word father is in italics. It is really.
The whole Godhead.
Please, the whole Godhead, that is Him, should all fullness dwell, and now in this new creation it's reconciling to itself. That is, it's the perfect mind of the whole God had to this take place.
In the person of the Lord Jesus, of course, with the blood of his cross. That is the ground, but I would suggest that the tips help in the 20th, 1St and the given the 21St verse that refer to the Godhead brother Harrison to define firm of being for the sake of those were younger. Well the end of normal beings are those fallen creatures.
You see in our 16th purse.
Be created all things in heaven that aren't earth visible and investment one other some business power. You can see for instance here we're in the Dominion of Canada. Well, that's one of the powers and there's strong and dominions.
Well, those are things that are visible. Well then the.
Principality and powers, I believe that refers to the angelic hope they worry they were created by God, they were created by him and for him. But we learned though that some of these.
Principality powers are wicked spirits. 60 Ephesians tells us that.
Well, I would I would say that the inferno means it referred to those.