Come, Make Thy Choice!

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Come, make thy choice! For life or death eternal,
Christ or the world—the broad or narrow way;
The Father’s home—or the abode infernal,
Unending joy or sorrow—choose today.
Come make thy choice! Behold how time is flying—
Speeding the fatal hour for grave and gay!
Thine every heartthrob whispers, “Thou art dying!”
Eternal interests urge thee—choose today.
Come make thy choice! It may be now or never;
‘Tis worse than madness longer to delay.
Now is the hinge of all the vast “forever”;
Tomorrow never cometh—choose today.
Come make thy choice! Hark! ‘tis the lamentation
Of late repentance, where hope sheds no ray—
“O, for one hour on earth to take salvation!
But ‘tis too late “forever”—choose today.
Come make thy choice! God waits for thy decision,
O, wilt thou not, as conscience bids thee, say,
“I will, I do despise the world’s false vision,
And for the Cross of Jesus—choose today?”