
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 26
“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:1010That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; (Colossians 1:10)
Kept for the Lord Jehovah,
Kept for His use alone,
Kept evermore rememb’ring
That we are not our own.
Kept to go forth and serve Him—
It may be in irksome ways,
Kept to be always living,
That we may bring Him praise.
Kept to reflect His image—
More like Him daily grow,
Kept to be all for Jesus,
In this dark world below.
Kept for His name and honor,
Kept for His glory now,
Kept as the jewels gathered
With which to deck His brow.
Kept to be used by Jesus
Just when and where He will—
Kept as a vessel emptied,
Made meet for Him to fill,
Kept for the Lord’s good pleasure,
That we may give Him joy,
Kept that our highest glory,
Be in His blest employ.
Kept till the Heavenly Bridegroom
Claims us His chosen Bride,
Kept then to be forever,
Close to His blessed side.
Kept His “peculiar treasure,”
Ransomed by precious blood—
Kept to be found well-pleasing
In everything to God.