Come to Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 71
O ye who in the darkness stray
With fainting heart and weary feet,
Yet longing for a safe retreat,
O come to Jesus, for ye may.
O ye who in the twilight grope,
If haply ye may find a way,
Come unto Him without delay,
Exchange your doubts for faith’s sure hope
O ye who sorrow—Jesus died,
O list to His divine behest,
“Ye weary, come to Me, and rest,
My arms of love are opened wide.”
Such were the words of Godhead veiled
‘Neath sorrowing manhood’s lowly guise,
Whom sinners saw but to despise,
And last to Calvary’s cross they nailed.
For three and thirty years He trod
This sin-stained earth, and then He gave
His spotless life unto the grave,
And paid the heavy debt we owed.
Then, sinner, turn thine eye to Him,
Who shed His blood for such as thou,
With life and death He’ll thee endow,
And will thy soul from death redeem.
So thou eternal life shall gain,
So shall thy toil and travail cease,
So shalt thou win eternal peace,
And God’s own rest in heaven attain.