
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
Sinner, wilt thou come to Jesus?
He is calling now;
Others find in Him forgiveness,
Why not thou?
Sinner, wilt thou come to Jesus?
Shall I tell thee why?
‘Twas for thee this precious Saviour
Came to die.
‘Twas for thee the Well-Beloved
Left His Father’s throne;
For He loves thee, and would make thee
All His own.
God had said that He must punish
Thee for all thy sin:
Jesu’s Blood has opened Heaven
Oh, come in!
Jesus bore thy Father’s anger,
Bore it all for thee:
See that Cross whereon He suffer’d
Come and see!
Thine the sins that nail’d Him there; He
Died instead of thee;
Here for thee is full forgiveness,
And for me?
Sinner, wilt thou come to Jesus?
Canst thou still delay?
Listen to Him calling, pleading:
“Come to-day.”
R. T.