
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 28
“Surely I come quickly. Amen.
Perhaps when the morn is dawning
Of some glorious summer’s day,
When the sun’s bright light is gleaming
Right along the darksome way,
When the birds begin to twitter
From their shelter in the tree,
Perhaps, then, our own dear Savior
Will return for you and me.
Perhaps on a lovely morning,
When everything seems bright,
When the earth is wrapped in splendor
From the sun’s strong powerful light,
When busy with daily duties,
His face I then may see,
Perhaps on a glorious morning
The Master may come for me.
Perhaps in the burning noonday,
When the morning’s toil is o’er,
The sun is high in the heavens,
On the earth its rays doth pour.
The workmen rest from their labors.
Under the shade of the tree,
Perhaps in the heat of the noonday,
He may come for you and me.
Perhaps when the shadows darken,
And the sun sets in the west,
In the quietness of the twilight,
When the earth prepares for rest,
When the birds leave off their singing
And the little stars appear,
Perhaps in the quiet twilight
His voice I may gladly hear.
Perhaps on a starlight evening,
And when all around is still
When the moon shines in her splendor,
Fulfilling His holy will,
When the evening psalm is rising,
There’s a hush o’er land and sea,
Perhaps in the holy stillness,
The Master may call for me.
When the earth is wrapped in darkness,
And the wind is strong and wild,
When the tempest rages fiercely,
Perhaps He will call His child.
In the dark and stormy midnight
He suddenly may appear,
To welcome His blood-bought children
To His own blest home, so dear.
Perhaps when a deep, great sorrow,
As a dark cloud doth appear,
When the storms do thickly gather,
And the way seems very drear,
When overwhelmed and weary
For the wilderness is wild,
Perhaps then, when trouble rages
The Father will call His child.
Perhaps when I’m in the schoolroom,
In the midst of busy life,
Teaching the children their lessons,
Or quelling a petty strife,
Yes, occupied with my classes,
With the children all around,
In the very midst of a lesson
Then the trumpet note may sound.
Perhaps when far from the loved ones,
When a stranger and alone
And I miss the dear home faces,
And all seems out of tone,
Perhaps then, in that lonely moment
My Savior’s face I shall see,
To Himself and the many mansions
He has come to welcome me.
Perhaps, and t’would be far better,
If my loving Lord would come,
When surrounded by my dear ones.
In our happy little home;
For then one united gathering
We together would arise,
“In a moment” changed and glorious,
Then would meet Him in the skies.
Perhaps on a Lord’s day morning,
As with hearts and minds set free,
We keep His own sweet commandment
“This do, remember me”
As around Himself we gather,
Then our loving Lord may come,
To receive His blood-bought treasure
To His happy, happy home.
While I tell the little children
On a Sunday afternoon,
Of the tender loving Savior,
Who will come so very soon,
As I seek to lead the dear ones,
To the Savior’s blessed feet,
Perhaps then, O, joyful moment!
My loving Lord I’ll greet.
Perhaps on a Sunday evening,
When the gospel note is clear,
And God’s servant preaches “Jesus”
Then the Savior may appear;
While the word is being spoken,
The archangel’s voice may sound,
In a moment with their Savior,
The blood-bought Church is found.
Then remembering will be over,
We shall see Him face to face,
We shall praise Him, yes, forever,
For His boundless, wondrous, grace;
We shall be with Him forever,
And never grieve Him more
Then we’ll worship and adore Him,
Who all our sorrows bore.
O, surely it does not matter,
The moment, day or hour,
When our Lord will gather His loved ones,
And reign in strength and power,
But until that moment cometh,
May we ever faithful be,
Yes, watching daily, hourly,
His own blest face to see.