
 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
"The Lord is at hand!" These are good words for us to speak one to the other. The sentinels on the hills of faith can say to the dwellers in the valleys, "The Lord is at hand!" We clasp hands with those who love our Lord Jesus Christ, and say, "The Lord is at hand!"
We must remember this glorious truth in our daily lives. It should be as golden bells upon our garments, or as a song within our hearts, keeping us mindful every step of the way that the dawning of eternal day is near.
"He is coming again!" Yes, coming very soon. Faith listens for His footsteps, and the sound of His loving voice. "Behold! I come quickly!" 'Tis the voice of our risen glorified Lord. He speaks from heaven; from the "many mansions" and the scenes of endless rest, to His loved ones toiling still on their wilderness pathways. We can cheer one another with the glorious words, "He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry."
The light that falls upon our pathway comes from above. The peace that fills our souls is His peace. The rest that gives such glory to our lives is His rest. The Name we bear is His. The cross we bear is His; and the crown that waits is His also.
He may come today! Heaven and all its wonders may burst upon us at any moment. Let all His saved ones lift their hands to heaven and with adoring hearts exclaim, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"