Congo - Witchcraft - Catholic President: The Editor's Column

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In our last issue we commented on the conditions existing in the former Belgian colony of the Congo in Africa as the aftermath of its being granted independence. When restraints are removed, man shows what is in his own heart; and often, as in this case, it soon becomes apparent that he is but the willing (but frequently unwitting) tool of Satan. In this present situation, excuses are made on the basis of what some call a lack of education of the Congolese, or even refer to their not being far enough removed from savagery. But it was a so-called civilized world that cast the Son of God out of it. There Satan became "the prince of this world," for he moved all classes against "the Lord of glory."
History abounds with records of the most cruel and wholesale slaughter of human beings, coupled with acts of wanton plunder and pillage, while the basest lusts of supposedly civilized people were turned loose. Just one example of such excesses is the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror at the close of the eighteenth century. But back of the French Revolution was the giving up of even the nominal recognition of God. As bad and corrupt as the church in France was in the eighteenth century, it was Voltaire (1694-1778) and Rosseau (1712-1778) who brought forward the philosophies which in turn gave birth to the revolution. The former attacked the church as an evil to be uprooted and destroyed, asserting that man was fundamentally good by nature, and was corrupted by religious institutions. The latter claimed that mankind was enchained by the past, and should be freed. So, when the atheist Voltaire and his contemporary "thinkers" overthrew all sense of responsibility to God on the one hand, and set man free from all restraint and convention on the other, he became the slave of his vile lusts and evil passions; chaos ensued.
The first chapter of Romans gives us a brief but comprehensive view of the depravity of the pagan world. When they gave up such knowledge of God as they had and rejected even the semblance of submission to Him, He also gave them up to vileness. The Congo but bears witness to the same things. Many Christian men and women have gone into the Congo and have been there for years to bear the glad tidings of the grace of God to a people who had been held in bondage by superstition and demon activity. These courageous workers for the kingdom of God found many open hearts, but on the whole the masses have remained without God and without Christ. The often-seen picture of myriads of heathen with uplifted hands pleading for the gospel is not true in fact. Man is estranged from God, and he needs to be reconciled. And where the gospel is preached in truth, whether in America or Africa, or elsewhere, much of the same opposition is encountered; and the devil is at work to snatch away the seed that is sown.
Soon all Christendom is to turn away from God and readily accept the devil's lie (2 Thess. 2:1111And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (2 Thessalonians 2:11)). When the Lord has called His Church home to Himself, what is left of lifeless profession will be the plaything of the devil. Soon thereafter, peace will be taken from the earth (Rev. 6:44And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. (Revelation 6:4)); and the false, empty church on earth will be overthrown (see Rev. 174And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: (Revelation 17:4) and 18) on a mammoth scale, compared to what was done in the French Revolution. Then men will worship a man (Rev. 134And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? (Revelation 13:4); Dan. 64Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. (Daniel 6:4)), and Satan himself. The recent strife, plunder, and blood-shedding in the Congo is but an infinitesimal sample of what is coming on the earth; only, that which is coming will be followed by the awful judgments of God. He will make great desolations in the earth (Psalm 46:88Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. (Psalm 46:8)).
But to return to the Congo situation. We have been in communication with a servant of Christ in this country (C. W.) who formerly labored in the gospel in the Congo; he has given us excerpts from two letters he received from two Christians laboring there (both are very trustworthy and would not exaggerate the conditions). The first is from a doctor, formerly of Switzerland. He wrote in April, and at that time he expected to stay on after the nation was freed by Belgium. His present whereabouts are unknown to our correspondent. The doctor wrote:
"We are in the midst of all sorts of currents. Witchcraft of every kind is being revived these days. The most incredible rumors are spreading like wildfire, and false cults are taking hold of many. False prophets proclaim that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Savior of the white people, but Simon Kibangu is the savior of the black people. This idea is mixed with worship at the grave yards under the control of a witch doctor. Those who dare to resist are severely punished, even unto death, by orders of the witch doctor. We have no idea where all this is going to lead, nor what will be the eventual outcome. We do know that nothing takes place without God's knowledge, and God's eternal plan will be accomplished, even through all of this.
"We hear that on one of the neighboring mission stations the younger generation native leaders openly say that the missionaries better return to their own land. They are already planning to occupy the missionaries' houses, take possession of their cars, etc. The real Christians, who are in the minority, do not go along with this. We are still welcome in the villages with the Gospel in our area; however, one of our missionaries was forbidden by a witch doctor to enter a village and threatened with physical violence. All this is due to the political unrest; but we know, too, it is Satan's plan to hinder God's Word from going forth."
The second letter is from a faithful Christian sister, whom some of us have known for years. She wrote on June 29, just over 24 hours before so-called liberty was to be "enjoyed" by the natives. Her present whereabouts are also unknown to us. She writes:
"Greetings from this land of turmoil and confusion in the name of Him who is our Peace.
"It is June 29, the eve of Congo's Independence Day. For weeks the atmosphere has been tense with expectation. It is certain that many of the Congolese are expecting a miraculous transformation to take place tomorrow—the waving of some magic wand which will suddenly exalt them to the place of authority and wealth which the white man previously held, while they gloat over the fate of the latter who will become their cringing, obedient slaves! How we long that they might know real independence from the slavery of sin and enter into the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. We hear much which could strike fear to the heart. Many Belgian officials have gone home, or have sent their wives and families out of the country. Those who remain in this region have come into Kikwit for protection. Army planes have been zooming low overhead. We hear that all roads leading to the town are under guard. It is wonderful how the Lord gives peace and quietness in the midst of it all. Yet we need not wonder, for God is but fulfilling His promises, and is answering the prayers of many sincere hearts on our behalf. It is to thank you once again for your love and prayers and to encourage you to continue in prayer for us and for the native Christians that I am writing to you now. No one can predict what the future holds, nor how independence will affect our mail service. But whatever comes, let us keep in touch via the throne of grace. Nothing can sever that connection, praise God!
"In recent months there has been a revival of paganism at its worst. Witchcraft, demon worship, false cults of every kind, and tribal hatred have swept through the country like a mighty tidal wave." Signed, R.H.
Both of these letters bear the same story of the fast return of the populace to witchcraft, demon worship, "paganism at its worst"; and this will be accompanied by all its old orgies and corruption. The Congolese are but treading in advance the path to be taken before long by so-called Christian nations. Fellow-Christians, our hope is the coming of the Lord to take us home beyond this scene of confusion. O the folly of those preachers, who once preached the imminence of the Lord's coming for His own, who are now willing to put it off for 500 or 1000 years! Years of what? Atheism, Communism, paganism, violence and corruption, and all the worst in fallen man turned loose! Well may we cry, "Lord Jesus, come"! and not merely to take us out of the turmoil but to be with Him whom we love; as the poet said, "to see Thy face we long."
Perhaps never before in a presidential election in the United States have so many people been aroused, both nationally and internationally. It is indeed a crucial year in world history, and the world is so involved that what happens in one place is vital to all. When one member of the world's family of nations has played such a prominent role for so long a time, then a change in its administrations is bound to be of concern to the other members. But it is to be deplored when Christians who are "partakers of the heavenly calling" forget their strangership here and become active participants in the struggle between the potsherds of the earth. In fact, it is generally taught in Christendom that the Christian, of all people, should take an active part in politics and thus help to improve the world by seeing that the right men get elected. This erroneous teaching is enhanced by the attempted overthrow of dispensational teaching which emphasizes the momentary expectation of the Lord's coming to take His own out of the world. If we can put off this hope to another day or generation, then we can easily drift into the idea of a Christian's trying to improve the world and make it a more comfortable place in which to settle down.
The interjection of the religious issue into this year's political campaign will fire many Christians with a new zeal for political activity. Many true believers among the Protestant groups will fervently oppose the election of a Catholic president—a thing previously unknown in the United States. But we submit that the only desideratum in this matter is, what is God's will and purpose? If He chooses to give this nation a Catholic president, then all the combined forces of Protestantism will not be able to prevent it. Christians forget the truth of Cowper's words: "His purposes will ripen fast." He has decreed, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure." Isa. 46:1010Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: (Isaiah 46:10). If "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord (Prov. 21:11The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. (Proverbs 21:1)), so is the choice of the electorate.
The Roman Church has launched a campaign to make Catholicism the leading religion of this country, if not actually the state religion. Friends of ours who labor in South America told us this some years ago; they said it was frequently told them down there. Her great efforts have been paying off handsomely. According to her own statements, she has now passed the 40-million mark in membership in this country. This is not merely according to the nation's increase in population, for she claims a 47% gain in the last decade, which is far out of proportion to the percentage of population growth in the same period. She has been conducting extensive advertising campaigns in secular newspapers and magazines, which in turn bring a flood of requests for further information on Catholicism. These well-edited papers, which cleverly present only one side of the argument, are then put in people's hands, and are later followed up with letters of inquiry as to whether the recipients would like further information or an introduction to a local priest. This has paid off with over 100,000 so-called conversions to Catholicism each and every year of the past decade. Rome is on the march, and even though her man may not be elected, she has come of age in the United States, and is in a position to make her influence felt as never before.
That the Roman Church will be merely an observer in this election is scarcely true. This is a matter which she must consider of vital importance to her, and is a chance to test her organizational strength. The Catholic press in this country has 580 newspapers and magazines with more than 25 million circulation. This is a religious power in the press second to none. Pope John XXIII recently said, "Today the Catholic press exists, above all, to exert an active presence and testimony. Its presence must be active, intelligent and alert in respect to the innumerable problems posited by present-day life." Rome speaks with one voice; there is unanimity not to be found in any other group or set of groups. She also exerts a dominant influence over her more or less subservient membership; for everything can be construed to be connected with "faith and morals," so that all falls within the scope of the Church's dictums.
Let us not forget that the Western world is going to be dominated by the Roman Church with its world headquarters in Rome (Rev. 13; 17:18). Scripture makes this plain; it is coming apace. Every single bit of evidence that points that way is but another sign that the coming of the Lord is very near. Soon He will shout that shout that wakes the sleeping saints and changes the living to be caught up together to be forever with the Lord. Happy anticipation! And when the real Christians are taken out of this world, the present trend in Protestantism, especially as represented by the National and World Council of Churches, toward ecumenicalism will sweep Christendom like a prairie fire. All will be finalized in "BABYLON THE GREAT," which will shortly thereafter be destroyed by men who will turn against her and her domination. The utter destruction of every vestige of the false church will make the destruction in France during the Reign of Terror seem like child's play. (Read Rev. 17 and 18.)
Let us in heart cry, "Lord Jesus, come," and not become involved in aiding or abetting what we think might hold back the evil day. We look for the Savior from heaven. And if God chooses to place a certain man in the United States presidency, then, so be it. But even a non-Catholic president may find it expedient to become subservient to Rome's wishes. Witness the conditions in Cuba and Latin America, where Rome has a strong hold over the people, and where the United States obviously needs someone to work behind the scenes against the fast growing inroads of Communist ideology. There are wheels within wheels, of which we know little; but all will work together to bring to pass God's great purposes—the ultimate of which is to dash the world powers in pieces like a potter's vessel, and set His King upon His holy hill in Zion (Psalm 2).