Consider or Believe: Which?

IN the year 1870 I was staying in M—and a relative requested me to call on a Rate-Collector to pay some money; but on asking to see Mr. D―, I was told he was too ill to be seen on business.
I begged the favor of an interview with him and found him far gone in consumption, and I asked him if he were ready for eternity.
He replied, “I hope so. I want time to prepare, to consider the subject; and I hope in a few days to be a little better; then I will think about it.”
But I said, “My friend, you will be in eternity in a few hours. Is your soul saved? Let me ask you to hear what God says, and says to you.”
“The... blood... of... Jesus... Christ... God’s... Son,... cleanseth... from... all ... sin.”
“The ... Son ... of... God... loved... me,... yes... me,  ... and... gave... Himself ... for... me,... loved... me,... gave... Himself... for me.”
These passages were repeated slowly and solemnly. Every word seemed to go home to the dying man. “Yes,” he said, in a broken voice and with difficulty “I ... will... consider, ... I... will... prepare, ...I ... will... think, ... I... will  ... try, ... I... will... pray, ... I... will... trust... But ... all... requires... time.”
“No my friend, you have no time to prepare, think, try, pray, or consider. It is a delusion. God has brought you to the eleventh hour of your history, and you are on the brink of eternity! eternity!! eternity!!! God in mercy give you to hear those blessed words, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.”―The Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
“O yes! I  ... will ... try, ... trust, ... consider, ... prepare.”
“No! alter the word, and I shall go away happy. Believe, receive, accept, what God offers; and give up trying, considering, and preparing.”
I called again the next day, and found my dying friend happy; peacefully resting in the precious blood. Yes! “He... loved  ... me  ... and ... gave  ... Himself... for... me.”
Praise the Lord for His mercy to John D―. May you, dear reader, receive God’s gift in Christ and get salvation, and that for eternity.
G. K.