I AWOKE one morning about three o’clock with the shrill sound of a policeman’s whistle ringing in my ears. It was sounding a long continuous warning note. I sprang out of bed, opened the window, and looked out I heard a frantic cry of “fire, FIRE;” and as I gazed, I saw the angry light glowing in a neighboring street. Then I heard shriek after shriek from frenzied lips, startling the still night air with their appealing fear. I hastily dressed, and hurried out of doors on to where the fire was raging. It was in a narrow street, and the whole of the basement of a house was in the grasp of the flames. At an upper window, crowded together were those whose cries made their position so apparent. Would no help come? Men looked almost despairingly for a moment. Hark!
A ringing cheer! a shout― “the fire-escape!” With hurried feet they bring it to the spot, place it against the side of the house; a fireman hurries up through blinding smoke. There is a pause, and then, one after the other, those in peril are delivered out of the very jaws of death. The crowd around celebrate this timely rescue with many a heartfelt cheer, and some even weep their gratitude. It was indeed a narrow escape. Another half hour’s sleep, and they perchance had never waked again. Another half hour’s delay on the part of those who came to save, and it would doubtless have been too late.
As I pondered on this event I thought of the position of sinners, sleeping over the flames of hell. The warning note of the gospel is sounding in their ears its continuous appeal. The rousing shout is heard “Flee from the wrath to come.” “Repent, or ye shall all likewise perish.”
The voices of those who are awake, and in a place of safety, are clearly and distinctly borne on the night air of this world’s sin.
Sinner, do you realize your danger? Are you aware that underneath you are the flames of bell?
You have heard the gospel. Faithful voices have warned you, and are warning still.
O awake, sinner! and your cry for help will be heard by God, as those of whom I have been speaking were heard by man. To deliver them the fire-escape was hurried to the scene of danger, and brought close to those who needed it. To deliver sinners from the eternal burning―the just penalty of their sins, Jesus comes to their help, right where they are. The good Samaritan came where the poor man lay. God has provided a way of escape, “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” Avail yourselves of it. To stay where you are, and as you are, means death and judgment; every hour makes your position worse.
Now you may be saved if you trust in Jesus. Those trusted in the fire-escape and were delivered. “Believe on the Lord. Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” The fire-escape was the only way of salvation for those in danger of perishing; so Jesus is the only way of escape for the sinner. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” And again it says, “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:1212Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12).)
Did they pause? did they hesitate to avail themselves of the salvation brought to their very doors? No, they gladly availed themselves of man’s provision for their need. And will you pause or hesitate? You in such danger, and God’s way of escape so plain! Will you not trust yourself to Jesus Rely upon His power and love to save you. Give yourself up to Him. And do it now, for the Word declares “Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.”
And God says to you, sinner, as you read these words, yes, with this paper in your hands―with the flames of hell underneath you―and with God’s salvation so close to you, “How shall you escape if you neglect so great salvation?”