In the multitude of our religious exercises, in the outward approach to Christ of those who are His, how little there is of real personal contact with Him! How can we be sure that this is the case? If we touched Him, virtue would flow out of Him―and the virtue does not flow out. Why? Because we have been but as the multitude of whom we read that they thronged and pressed Him; we have not touched Him.
This is the secret of going to Him in prayer, and coming away unsatisfied, the secret of our meaningless groaning before the mercy seat. Do we indeed know that our cases admit of no cure but from Christ Himself? We have spiritual maladies, diseases of the soul, of which we all must be conscious; do we look for healing to Him alone? No hand can touch us but that blessed hand, that nailed hand, the hand that was pierced for us. If we really entered into the deep necessity of the case, it would urge us to Christ. God afflicteth not willingly; these very diseases of the soul may be used to bring us into contact with Him who is the source of all virtue. May we learn what it is to use this precious Savior; what it is to touch Him so that virtue may flow from Him! B―k.