Fashionable Religion.

In most religious circles much of the prevailing thought of the day is attributable to fashion. This is a serious statement, and re quires explanation. We mean this: Mr. preaches such and such an experience, and hi! congregation feels that it ought to experience what Mr.―preaches. Hence to experience what he preaches is, for the moment, the fashion, or, what is worse, not to experience it is to be out of fashion.
A certain “line of truth” is regarded 13; a religious school to be the truth for the day hence not to be “in” that line is to be out of fashion. Alas I as the fashionable world will pinch itself into the shape of the new mold so do these would-be-followers of other men in what God has taught them for their owl souls, seek to squeeze or to distend themselves, as it were, spiritually, into the experience or the line of truth proper in other eyes.
This conduct is really contempt of the Holy Spirit, who teaches and, by the word, produce! the experience God would have in, His people God works in His people to will and to do Hi good pleasure, and His ways with each one of us are just what we need for ourselves, and just in accordance with His will.