Copy of Notes From a Notebook of J. N. Darby

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
1 John 4
7. Born of God (for love is of God) and (so) knows God (v. 8), for God is love.
9. Love manifested in giving life through the Son.
10. Love manifested in sending the Son to be propitiation (not law but grace).
11. We ought to love one another.
12. God dwells in us, and so love is perfected in us.
13. We know we dwell in Him, and He in us by the Spirit given. Our present state inferring duty.
14. Seen and testify that the Father sent the Son, Saviour of the world.
15. God dwells in every one who confesses Jesus Son of God, and he in God.
16. We have known and believed the love (that He) hath to us-God is love. He that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him.
17. Love perfected with us in being as He is, in this world.
18. No fear in love-perfect love casts it out.
19. We love (not we ought to) Him because He first loved us (Here first, love to Him).
20, 21. Tests of love, and obedience called for. We have the nature (then the work in grace which proves it) the dwelling of God in us. The perfectness of testified love in that we are His and so boldness in (the) day of judgment-our relative, not our essential state.