Have you counted the cost of drifting away,
Has His leading become hazy as you start each day?
Have the things that were plain now become less clear;
Has His Word and Spirit become harder to hear?
Have you counted the cost of neglecting His Word,
That once was precious when His voice you heard?
When worldly associates were kept at arm’s length,
For if they’re not, they will rob all your strength.
Have you counted the cost of neglecting the meetings,
As soon that needful communion will be fleeing?
Reading and prayer and that fellowship dear
Is needful for His own each week of the year.
Have you counted the cost of making excuses,
As a drifting ship will soon become useless?
When it runs aground on the shoals of time,
No number of excuses will be worth a dime.
Have you counted the cost of a critical attitude,
As you talk of your brethren in careless platitudes?
The cost is great, my dear one, don’t you see,
If another is hurt by saved sinners like we.
Have you thought of the cost when God sent His Son,
To die on the cross that our souls might be won?
The cost is impossible for men ere to tell,
What it cost the Father to save us from hell.
The cost is too great, O dear child of God,
Turn back to the fold and have your feet re-shod.
A simple confession is all that He needs
To restore to communion and our souls to feed.
W. Steves