The Conqueror's Song

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
There is no condemnation,
From Satan I am free;
Triumphant exultation—
That Jesus died for me.
In Him my life is hidden,
My joys do but increase;
He is my blessed portion—
My everlasting peace!
Though Lord of life and glory,
He laid His glory by,
And rich in sovereign mercy,
For sinners came to die,
Or I in outer darkness
Eternally had been;
But Jesus was my ransom,
His blood has washed me clean.
I know Him as my Savior,
My firm, unshaken friend;
I know He will be with me
Unto the journey’s end.
My boast is in His goodness,
My strength is in His love,
And all my hopes and yearnings,
Are in Himself above.
Beneath the glorious banner,
His mercy hath unfurled,
His saints can ever vanquish,
And overcome the world.
With Him they fight and conquer,
Without Him soon they fail;
But ‘gainst His own strong armor,
No weapon can prevail.
O! I will sing of Jesus,
My pilgrim journey through,
And when with Him in glory,
The song I’ll still renew,
With heaven’s fullest melody,
Which never can subside,
And this its glorious burden
“Praise to the Lamb who died;
“Praise to the Lamb triumphant,
The chosen, One of God,
Who plucked us from the burning,
And washed us in His blood.”
In yonder glorious mansions
The ransomed soon shall throng,
And the preciousness of Jesus
Forms the fullness of their song.