Talk—Mark Rogers
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Hi, my name is Mark Rogers and I go to an assembly with some of us here.
An hour West of here.
This is my first time doing this.
I look forward to speaking to a gentleman on All Long Time.
I enjoy speaking to young people.
And specifically about the word God, because the word of God.
Can get you it's me lingerie and I'm hoping that maybe tonight I'd like to do this little differently because I also know I also know that a lot of you are burning your candles at both ends right now.
Lack of sleep, a lot of play and I also know this I'm standing between you and ice cream and games. So I want to make this very, very interactive with the word OK, I could go address, but let's not do an address. What this means is that I'm going to do I'm going to we're going to pick up real briefly the man of Daniel and I have an idea that.
Everybody here, these young people here.
All know a fundamental understanding of Daniel and I would love to take up just a few points. Just a few points. We only have like 20 minutes here and.
I also know too that things are changing right now.
One thing I've told the young people back home I pulled my own kids.
You are making the most decisions. May ask this question first. Who's here? That is 14/15/16, maybe 17 days. Again, that is Friday. There you go. OK.
I'm going to talk about Daniel because Daniel was going to be somewhere in that age bracket, OK?
And the other thing I'd like to talk about is is between the ages of 15 and 25.
I believe you're going to be making the most changes, most decisions.
For the rest of your life in that age bracket.
For good or for bad.
And so I want to impress upon that is that you are going to cherish this 10 year tier period of time if you're in that bracket because that is going to put a trajectory for the most part as to what your path may be down the road unless we're going to use all things. Now another thing is too back home is.
They had a couple athlete, Mark, you're going to use them for dad, you're going to use the whiteboard. I said not, I'm not going to use the whiteboard, right. But Eric, I got here.
I see a whiteboard. You're not and I brought pins. All right, so I brought pins and I asked for permission. And it does so here we go But before we do, let's ask the Lord for help. Our Father, our God. We're thankful for these young people. We're thankful so much for this time that.
You have here these last two days, what a tremendous time it's been. And now we ask for just a few more treasured moments as we as we.
Speak about this man father, we know that I was call him a man greatly beloved and we just looked at to look at him for a few minutes here. We heard these young people as they have their minds ahead of them and we ask for help for the time here and our Lord Jesus name and good thanks Amen. All right, OK, so like I said, we're going to do this right. I I am asking for just shout out one when I asked for a question. I want you to give an answer out here.
Each other one word answers and I'm going to take it down from there. The two categories I'd like to talk about tonight, real simple is going to be.
The world, world system, OK, we're going to talk about world system and this is all going to come out of the first chapter of Daniel for the most part, first chapter of Daniel and the second topic is going to be.
Behavior more or less as in some items there. OK, so the first one we're going to talk about is the world system.
Who can tell me out of the first chapter of Daniel?
I'll just give the preference here. Let me give some background here. This is important. Daniel, he says about 16 years old when he's taken out of Judah and when he's taken out of Judah.
He is hauled out of there when the Babylonians come down. The Babylonians came down there three different times and he came down on the very first time. They came around, circled around the two tribes and they took out Daniel and his friends and a bunch of other guys left with him, right, and.
That was on the first cycle, and then Nebuchadnezzar came down to more times what Daniel was already in battle at that time. So he's 16 years old thereabouts and in the first chapter and he's introduced immediately into a new system.
You know they have an idea how large Babylon is, give or take.
I don't know, 100 miles by 400 miles. That's how big something like that. It's it, it in the, in the, in the, the walls were 86 feet wide. You had chariot races on them. They had 100 gates, 100 bronze gates or whatever it Daniel is transported with all these young men and young women into the system. That's absolutely different. And he did it in a matter of 6090 hundred days, right.
Life changed.
Let me tell you something, Ukrainian young people over there have had their lives changed in 60 days. Their lives have changed. Your lives can change in just a few days. Daniel's day, Daniel changed. He had his system. He got up out of and I don't know what is that. It's going to be interesting to get to glory to somebody to talk to him and talk to him. What was it like back in June? Because what he did, he took with him out of Judah and he transported into Babylon. My question is what?
Is Babylon look like?
We're getting a lot of lot of hints in the first chapter of Daniel.
It all applies today.
Some of idolatry. There you go. OK, we're gonna put idols up here. You betcha. Let's put that up here, idols.
What do we see? We said we we find that belt, the shadow says I want to take all those. I want to take all your, your golden cups and everything. And I want to take him out of your holy house down there, Jerusalem. I will put him in my, my idols, my House of idols. That's what happened, right? So he's immediately confronted with items everywhere. What else?
What do you mean by that?
Like you know, world major, major, you talk about major commerce there. Was that coming through OK.
OK, now.
To that, Daniel is being sought after. For what reason? Here he says I want the best, the best men to be in the courts. I want the best men to serve me right, the best men. What's another thing?
Kings me. All right, Let's call it diet. OK, Diet. What else got changed, anybody.
Language language got changed. Sorry you can't read it back here, but this is my scribble language.
Language got changed. What else got changed? Yes, name got changed, that's right.
Names got changed.
Bad, bad behavior. Bad behavior got changed. Well, they're already good boys. Everyone were good boys. That's what. They're a cop. Yeah.
Clothing got changed. You're right. Well, yeah.
What happened because the king says I want the best on those guys, right? He says I want the best. Alright, Clothing got changed. Good. I did not think of that because we see that over and over again that the king always wants to have his young man in his courts. He wanted to be dressed as the best. And you can see it all the way to Daniel. There's one more thing that happened to Daniel.
One more thing very important. Yes, made a unit.
All right.
Now I want to take this and go. Do you see this?
Do you see this in today's society? Do you see these traits in today's society?
OK, let's start with items. Let's start at the top of the list. Idols. What we we work some things Idols.
Here we go. Here we go. Let me ask you this. Is this an idol? Yes, it is. It can be an idol. Is it a tool? It is a tool. How about YouTube on here is is YouTube a tool?
Absolutely, absolutely. I'm learning a software right now and I'm learning all my software based upon looking on that software up on YouTube. OK, when does it become an idol?
Yeah, OK. And then?
What an e-mail out of context.
Wrong reason. We heard something today. A four letter word today starts with the T What? What? What? What is that?
Time, time that will tell whether that's an island, how much time you spend on it. Now myself, I happen to like Facebook. But you know one thing I have said for myself, I don't have Facebook on my my smartphone, my cell phone.
Well, five whole history is I used to work for Hewlett-Packard way back.
Before their smartphones and their Blackberries and we got to see in the technology world what this was going to become. And it's interesting where it has become because now we're all we're all connected.
That's a good thing, and it's about that.
OK, idols. So we do have idols today. We're full of idols. I say that idols have just the electricity pole plugged into them. But as we said today, it can be sports, it can be many other things that can consume, consume our time. It consumes the way the affection for Christ. All right, let's see here, diet, diet, diet would kind of play into that a little bit as well because that's the media flowing in. All right.
Language, language. Yeah, yeah, the language is changing. The language is changing. You know, something interesting is the world will determine if you're if you're a Christian or not by not using certain words.
Right. If you don't use God's name in vain, that's going to determine something.
Or some kind of synonym of that.
Or whatever it is, there's a lot of them.
So the language. You don't have to say anything about the Lord Jesus Christ, and merely your language will betray you.
Names, names and I want to go down to unit here. This is very interesting. We have something that's hit us here in the last, I don't know really hard in the last 12/12/24 months and specifically in the corporate world which I no longer work in is we now have.
Gender neutrality.
The world system does not want a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. And Babylon's system, world system says, he says, I'm going to take these boys that are supposed to be God's men. And you can read it in in the Pentateuch, you can read the young men.
Were to be godly men in certain ways, and a eunuch was not one of them.
The problem is, is I believe that unique ISM, if that is a word, is taking over today a youthful generation.
And I'm not meaning from a sexual way either.
I'm talking about a man not being a man just by barely shaking his hand.
Or man's word is a man's word.
Clothing, I always like. I like that clothing. That's very interesting, very defining, is it not? Is it not defining? The world has. I'm not a girl, but you know, those that were shop for girls clothing. I get it. It's a very difficult prospect. I understand. Thankfully had a wife.
That's been able to put together search out.
And put it together so that it is modest.
Clothing. Clothing distinguishes it now, hey, I like sports. What's the number one thing in sports you got to have? You got to have the right gear if you're going to be on the right team, right? And tell us who you are. Clothing is a very key thing as to who you are. Very key. You see two guys walking down the street and they wear white shirts and black ties. You know who they are, right? Clothing, that is an identifier, all right.
This is the world system. I don't want to go and I hope that gives you some some food for thought. It's all in the first chapter of.
Daniel, more or less.
We don't run on time. Let's talk about Daniels behavior. You like Daniels behavior, All right, I do too. This is very good. All right, easy questions, not going to be as many answers to you probably. But what is 1 attribute of Daniel?
You need to let somebody else help. Yeah, there's a whole bunch of faithful back here.
Purpose is hard. Let's use that. You bet. Yes.
So he's purposing in his heart.
Of heart. Now that's a very good one. I had not I I've enjoyed that, but I didn't have that down. And I want to elaborate on that purpose of heart. Purpose of heart says there's a goal in mind, right? Right. In other words, if you're in a baseball game, you're in the batters box and the balls coming at you, what's the purpose?
No. If you're in the batter's box and you're sorry, if you're, if you're hitting, if you're swinging, what's the purpose?
The purpose is to get on first base. However that happens to get on first base. That's purpose.
Purpose of heart. Daniel had a purpose of heart somehow. Whatever happened back there in Judah. And Benjamin, I don't know if I remember what tribe he's from, but he got taught something there that he came out of there and he's landing in this situation with him and three friends. And there's a bunch of other guys, but only those four guys are being detailed out and they have purpose of heart sometimes.
OK, what's one other thing for Daniels behavior?
Man of prayer, very good.
All right. Now this one I would like to come back to. That's a very good one and it's got a few aspects to it. Let's continue on and we come back to that.
One more, that's what else yes.
Good friends. I had not thought about that. That is very good. Very good. All right.
Good friends.
That's good. And you're going to see that in chapter 2. Chapter 2 has has that Chapter one has it a Chapter 2 even more so. Alright, alright.
Now a little bit tough. There's some questions I ask that are a little bit more advanced there. Anybody else got any other thoughts? Yes.
There you go. I love that. Sorry for being scared. I love this one. I love this one. All right, we're going to come back to this, too. He's separated. He's separated from.
And he separated 2. It doesn't do any good if you're separated from, you're not separated unto something.
OK. All right. And we're going to come back to that one other one, one other one and you will see this with happening both with Nebuchadnezzar.
With the vision and you're gonna see what Belteshazzar in. It's an attribute that Daniel has when belt the sheds are saw the writing on the wall.
Profit. What is it? Profit. Profit. What was that?
Word from God. OK, same thing. I like it. I like it. Word from God and I'm just gonna put my words I had.
I had shared God's plan. OK, same thing.
God's plan. Very good. Very good. All right, well, there we go. We got some meat to chew on here. All right.
Like that. Good to meet you, alright.
Alright, so let's talk about the separated from and to.
Give me example to die that one real quick. Separate from and separate onto. What did he separate from and what did he separate on to?
Separated from the world system to God, God says yeah, but I example I'm gonna dive into do we have a remembering of where that it might be in the Daniel in Daniel. I'll tell you what, let's open the scriptures here. Let's go to chapter 5.
Good chapter 5.
Daniel, Chapter 5.
Daniel, Chapter 5.
And verse, this is, this is the handwriting on the wall. Now I'm going to take up #4 #5 here the job. Chapter 5 of Daniels was the one where Belteshauser's having 1000 Princess and he's having a big party and it is just a good time. And then what happens?
What happens?
Right on. Well, there's a hand that's on the wall and it smells that belteshowsers loins did what?
Smoke together, smacking together and just smacking together, right? He's got 1000 of these guys in there with all their concubines and all their wives going on, and they had to pull Daniel in. Daniel was separated, best I can tell from the context here in Daniel Five, he was not at that party.
Right, the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother says.
Verse 11 There's a man in my Kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods and the days of my father light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of gods was found in him. When the king desert thy father the king, I say thy father may master and the magician's astrologers, Chaldeans and Sioux cities. For as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding, interpreting of dreams, showing apart sentences, dissolving of doubts were found in the same Daniel.
You have an opportunity, I have an opportunity to do the very same thing. There are people that are concerned right now as to where things are going.
They are concerned because the world is changing and it's changing in a scary fashion. No sooner had we been locked down as a world for two years due to this pandemic that a war breaks out that looks very similar to the entry level of World War 2.
Read the history of World War Two. It looks very similar to it and the Europeans are scared of that.
But we have an opportunity that if we are separated from the world system.
And we have a fundamental understanding. What did Paul tell Timothy? Rightly divide the word of truth.
And this goes for not only young men, but it goes for young women as well. You have the ability to share one-on-one, if you will.
God's plan for them and God's plan for this world, Because what do we have here about a week or two ago, Earth Day?
Isn't that solemn to think that everybody's worshipping Earth, if you will, but the Earth is going to be burned up at some point here.
OK, so Daniel is called, he had to be called in. He was separate from the party being brought in, and he's got a job to do and he's there to share God's plan. All right, let's look at this. Let's look at the next chapters, chapter 6 and verse 10. Now this is interesting too. This is a very common verse. Daniel 610. Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house and his windows being open. Chamber or Jerusalem.
Kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did aforetime. He is separated from the street.
Now we know that Daniel sat on the gate.
But to pray three times a day, Apparently he went into his house and he threw his windows open.
Now it also says here it says toward Jerusalem. Why Jerusalem?
Why? Why When he was shopping for real estate for an apartment, he bought a house that had.
A via westward viewers and towards Jerusalem. I think Babylon is east and so he's looking towards Jerusalem. Why?
God dwelt there. Now, interesting enough, you're right. And yet God isn't one there. But more importantly, it is God's center. Absolutely. And that's the point I want to make. He, even though he couldn't be here, he was still respectful that God has a center.
And christened them today. And it's getting pervasive.
That there is a thought that God does not have a center today. I'm here to tell you on the word of God that God has a center today. And happily, if you were here this morning, it was in here in this region of Walla Walla. It was right here, I believe.
God has a center He's given us.
And many of us, obviously, during this pandemic were caught in a situation where we couldn't go to be with the Lord in the center collectively.
OK. So he is separated from and he's also determining there is a center. All right, what else do we got here?
Prayer where we we covered the prayer there, but there's some other things here too.
Let's go to Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 on prayer real quick.
So the gist of Chapter 2 is the king says, you're not going to tell me my dream. I'm going to go ahead and start killing all you wise men, all your soothsayers, all your astrologers. And Daniel says, oh, no, me.
Give me some time. And what does he do? He goes back and he has, we know he has good friends.
Isn't that nice? Isn't that nice to be able to come together with some friends to bear up prayer? Because I'm going to say something right now. There's stuff coming and I don't know what it is.
That's going to require some individual prayer, but also some friends prayer, getting together. Don't think the Ukrainians don't think the Russian kids, You don't think that they're not getting together prayer because life is on the line for some of those folk.
Don't think the Chinese, the Chinese are locked up or in Shanghai or one of these cities, the code, there's millions of people locked up committing suicide. Don't think that there's not prayer going on during a situation like that. And so here he brings together verse 17, verse 16. And Daniel went in and desired the king, that he would give him time if the king would, that he would show the king the interpretation. Then Daniel went to his house.
And made the thing known to Hananiah and Michelle and Azariah's companion, that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning the secret.
That Daniel and his father would not perish with the rest of the wife in the battle. And then the secret revealed on the Daniel and the night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven. Now this is the first record, like the first recording of a public prayer and scripture probably happened before, but that's where we get the first time that you have a collective prayer meeting.
Where's another collector for me in the scriptures?
He was in jail. Yeah. OK, that's one.
Another 1-2.
Peter what?
A collective prayer meeting there.
He's praying, he's praying there, but I'm talking about a collective prayer meeting.
It's an axe. It's an axe.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, yeah, I hadn't thought about. That's a good one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When they were getting together that 12Th apostle, they were praying. Yes, as good call. Now that's an act too. There's another one. This is where prayer was want to be made.
By the river, who was it?
Paul actually shows up. It's actually some sisters.
Isn't that nice Lydia? Sell our purple where prayer was. Want to be made that beautiful by the Riverside.
So prayer, What kind of prayer is there?
There is individual player, This is a broad subject, individual prayer. There's collective prayer, but let's there's some other stuff here. Let's go to Chapter 9 because Daniel is going to describe that Chapter 9 and verse 3.
Here we go, intercessory prayer. Daniel 93 I set my face unto the Lord God to seek my prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and ashes, and I pray them to God, Lord my God, and made my confession and said, Oh Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant mercy of them that love him and unto them, and keep his commandments, we have sinned. Now interesting enough, do you read about Daniel sinning?
Don't read about it.
But he's interceding on behalf of his people.
That is a type of prayer interceding on behalf of someone else. What else does it say? It says supplications.
What we heard at the conference here, there's a couple things they're bringing. We heard something about sometimes prayers are getting to be a lot of health issues or something, you know what I'm saying?
Right, It's easy. It's easy because I see somebody over here and they're and they got help. I'm going to pray for them. But have you thought about And I love what brother Michael Bryan says. I love it.
What's he say? He says give more praise than petition.
Give more praise than petition. Do you understand? Right now the Lord Jesus is up in heaven and he's not on his throne.
He's on his father's love.
Think about that. There's a day coming he's going to have his own throne.
But give Him honor and glory for being there and being interceding for us. And, and, and you and I both need intercession. He is the great intercessor for us on our Father's throne.
It's beautiful.
OK, there. Before I go any further, we missed one over here in Daniel's behavior and we see it back here. A little hint, it's back here in Chapter 9.
Chapter 9 and we see it here. This is very interesting. I think this might be the only place in the Word of God. Verse two. Anybody see it? Another behavior of Daniel.
I'm not gonna give the answer, I need the answer.
No. Chapter 9, verse two. Yeah, say it again.
Read the scriptures. There you go.
There you go.
Read the scriptures. What did he read?
Jeremiah. He read Jeremiah. Interesting enough, Jeremiah was kind of a contemporary, but somehow he got a scroll of Jeremiah.
And he read Jeremiah and he found that God had given Jeremiah something about 70 weeks, which is a beautiful thing in itself, but he got it from reading the Scriptures.
So Daniel's a man of prayer, he's a man that reads, he's a man that's separated, he's able to share God's plan with people, and he's got purpose of heart.
Let me ask you something. All those other kids that you see in the chapter, chapter one, you ever hear about all the guys?
I don't know where they are. I know the three friends are sitting there. Isn't that beautiful? This is Daniel and he's separated. He's in the world and he's separated from the world. He's separated to God. But I like what Ryder says. He's first serving God and then he's serving man because who did he serve? He went through two kingdoms. You talk about ACEO or ACFO, that goes through some companies, this guy.
He he saw Nebuchadnezzar go on, he saw his son Belteshauser, or grandson, whatever he is, and then he saw Cyrus coming. He saw massive the massive Babylonian system come in, and then the Medes and Persians overnight.
But you know, something interesting is that.
We need young men and young women moving forward and you can ask the old ones in the back.
How fast are we sliding? I hate to break it to you.
We're on a double double black diamond here and you don't know it. You're about ready to get hit. The double black diamond, it's going fast, sliding fast.
And you're going to have to have these traits here. And I'm gonna wrap up because we're just having, I'm having a good time. But there's one thing here that you and I have. If you know, the Lord Jesus is your Savior, there's something that you and I have that Daniel did not have. What is it?
Beautiful OK perfect. There's a there's a couple of the Holy Spirit do I want to dwell on that he had we have the Holy Spirit dwelling on and what the Old Testament saying the Old Testament St. as David would say in Psalm 51. Let not thy Holy Spirit leave me. That was a fear. Can you imagine living in the system honoring God to the best of your ability hoping that.
That God would be merciful but you and I, if you know the Lord Jesus your Savior.
We have the security of the triangle, one part of the training Godhead living inside of us. What's another one along the same lines?
Newburgh new birth, yes, basically he, he, we have a savior, right Daniel? Daniel wasn't looking back at a savior that died on the cross for him, did he?
You and I can look back and you can see a savior hanging on the cross for you and I, and we can relish on that.
And a resurrected one too, right? Yeah, You didn't have that. So those are things that you and I have.
Oh, and the other thing is we have the Father. That's the whole book of Gospel. John, the Lord Jesus says, I'm coming to show you the Father.
Daniel didn't have the Father, he had Jehovah.
It's a more distant relationship.
You and I have the Father to go to. We have a personal Savior. We have the Holy Spirit. Daniel didn't have that, but Daniel was living to beyond, if you could say what normal Jews. And The thing is, he was succumbed to the sins of his fathers. The sins of his fathers was putting him in in Babylon in his wicked system.
All right, let's go after him. All right, so.
Let's turn over. Let's repeat what Brother Bob said today. This is on my heart. Second Timothy, Second Timothy one. And you know, I woke up this morning about 4:00 in the morning and it's all kind of came to me. And this, this first came to me here. Second Timothy, chapter one.
And verse.
Well, it's middle verse 12.
For I know who I have believed, and am persuade that he is able to keep that which I committed unto him against that day. Paul is writing to a son, Timothy.
Hold fastest form of sound words for sound heard of me, and faith and love which is in Christ Jesus, that good thing which was committed unto thee. Keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in US. Isn't that beautiful? Keep the Holy Ghost is dwelling you keep it.
We'll share now something I just learned a couple weeks ago. I was listening to a podcast by dear brother and he mentioned something that I had never heard before. It's a very beautiful thing. It has to do with prayer right here.
I'm going to give you give you an idea. Take it if you want. This young man who serves God mightily in his capacity in a network for God, was relating to the fact that when he was in high school, he was going to an older sister's house to visit with her.
That older sister took upon herself.
As a responsibility to pray for you.
I don't know what college you went to. You probably went to some high fluid in college with this guy Smart. And what are we in college when he would come back?
And she was still fighting for him.
She was not related, apparently.
And I will say that.
Looking for anybody else in here in my lineage.
They're gone, but some of us are products and I'm just only speaking what I know. I don't know what you know, but we are. We are actually as as Paul was telling Timothy, he had, he had a grandmother and mother.
And if you're sitting here tonight, you probably are a product of printer by a grandmother and a mother.
What's striking to me? My grandmother passed away here a couple years ago at 100 and 102.
Things have changed.
I don't know, but she's with the Lord.
But here's the challenge that this guy's saying is he committed as a young man to visit with his sister to update her on his life so she can pray for him.
I thought that interesting.
And you know something, there are plenty, and I'm just going to use older sisters for a moment. There are plenty of older sisters that would be happy.
I believe.
To pray for you.
If you build that relationship.
If you take that time to go visit with them and figure out if that's something they have on their heart.
That has to be related to you and it may not be near you. Maybe it's on the phone.
There is plenty of lonely older sisters 'cause they're not living the guys.
And they're in full dependence and they've got a tremendous job to do, and prayer is a tremendous thing.
That was just a little 5. Wouldn't that be nice? Would that be nice if young people would call up?
An older sister and say what to tell you about my life. I can tell you about some of my directions and where I'm going, where I'm thinking about. Can you pray for me on this tonight? You know, I'd love to check back with you on this.
Older sisters also like, what do they like? Do they do e-mail?
Yeah, How about a little handwritten card? I don't know. Just a thought. Just a thought. Anyway, That's a little something that has to do with Daniel. He was a man of prayer. All right, so I mentioned this earlier. What was God's name for Daniel? Not the front row. God's name for Daniel.
Sorry, I asked him then I think it's fun to ask him dance, but.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Old man greatly beloved. Old man, greatly beloved. Isn't that beautiful? Old man greatly beloved. Think about it. He spends his entire life, he starts off around 16 when you pick him up, and we easily take him into his 80s, into his 90s. And somehow there's that consistency all the way along the way, all these things we talked about. An old man greatly beloved, that beautiful.
All right. Any questions?
We'll wrap.
If there's any questions I love take them.
Yeah. So how many drinks do you have? How many drinks do you have to interpret? Well, you interpret the the one dream, right with the the image and then you have the tree, right. So you got 22 dreams, I believe.
Right, he was a man called on, but you will be a you will be a man and a woman call upon in your circle. If I believe, if you if you follow the separator from the world and separate unto Christ and you're in prayer and you're in the word of God and you got friends around you too. Is that beautiful? So but this stuff over here, this world system stuff over here on the left hand side.
Here's the deal.
If you have too much ice cream.
You're not going to like the cooking. That's the beautiful cooking that's got the salad and all the stuff you should be eating, right? And the ice cream was on the side. It's good. I mean, you might have a little taste here and there. I'm finding out I can have less taste. They're older. You grow, you have less taste of ice cream. But too much of this stuff gives you problems.
Purcell to Mike's or March Sunday school this morning. All those weights in the back.
All right, well, let's I guess we'll wrap. So within time or overtime, let's wrap and give thanks for are we have a nice thing?
We're half OK, all right, let's ask God's blessing. Our Father, our God. We're thankful again for these young men and young women. And Father, we as we leave this conference, we consider that.
Entail and keep them. We think of these things, as Daniel has outlined. We think of this world father we're living in. Let's leave us in here for a few more, whatever, maybe days, moments, weeks, years. And we ask for help. We ask for help.
That we would be close to the Lord Jesus along the way and that we would wait for thy coming Lord Jesus any moment. And then we have this little refreshment here. We have the games. We're thankful for this time that we can be together this evening and also this weekend. Again, we Father, we just look at the brother in here that have given us this opportunity to be together. And we love the Lord Jesus and we cry Even so come thy name, we pray, Amen.
I get some glasses here here.
Justice, just so everyone knows, we're going to play a scavenger hunt for anyone who wants to participate in 20 minutes 945 If you all wouldn't mind trying to move through the food and dessert lines quickly and get to eating so we don't run into the curfew and can start the game in 20 minutes. Thank you for all your help, 9:45.
I'm not going to be there. I wear knee braces.