Gospel—Mark Rogers
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Good evening. Welcome to the gospel meeting. Tonight, I'd like to address my comments to those that are and their teenage years, those that are in their 20s.
Those that are in their 30s.
I'd like to open with two texts we will take from.
First Timothy.
One First Timothy One.
The portion of verse 18 at the end of the verse 18.
That thou by them might as war a good warfare. And if we can turn back to the book of Ephesians for one more verse.
In the last chapter of Ephesians.
Verse 12. Ephesians 6. Verse 12.
40 Wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I live on the east side of Washington State where it's dry, and every spring we look forward to greenery coming out. It's not like what you have over here with the luscious green. We anticipate the springtime. I was mowing my lawn about four weeks ago, and as I'm mowing my lawn, I look up and I see our five blooming.
Flowering plum trees.
With all of their gorgeous purple color coming out of the trees.
Then about a week later, I'm out there again mowing the lawn and I look up.
And all the foliage is shrinking.
And as the foliage is shrinking, I know this year what it is. Four years ago I didn't.
It's because of the fact that there is something that this year I cannot see, because this year I'm using reader glasses. I cannot see what's destroying these leaves.
And if you look very carefully with the help of magnification, there's tiny little aphids heating my trees and so the luscious 5 flowering plum trees are shriveling and I can't see it.
There's another unseen warfare tonight that's going on.
And I wasn't alerted to this warfare until just recently. In fact, it's happening right here in Seattle. And many do not see it. In fact, we can't see it. It's called cyber warfare.
And right now there's maps and you can pull it up. There's cyber attacks coming right directly into Seattle.
From foreign countries that are pinging Seattle heavily.
Every minute of every day they are pinging Seattle hard, and I suspect that's because Microsoft has data centers here.
And they're ping pinging St. Louis, they're pinging the Bay Area.
But I don't see it. It's invisible to me.
Warfare can be deadly and it can be silent and re recently this week I think it was the IRS just claimed of data breach. It's because of foreign attacks coming into these data centers and grabbing information. The reason why warfare is happening is because something is of value and in this instance with cyber attacks the value is data.
On my front lawn, the value is having five flowering plum trees live. But tonight there's an attack going on and it has to do with something else that's valuable.
Souls are valuable.
And such as it is, that Satan knows that they're valuable as well.
And tonight I would like to open up the Word of God and start from the beginning.
And walk through page by page or section by section. We don't have enough time to see the effects of the attack. Because as I wanna speak to the teenagers, the 20 something year olds and the 30 something year olds, there might be something that you don't see, that perhaps tonight you might see for the first time in the word of God.
And just because you can't see it doesn't mean that it's not there.
Should we ask God bless before we open the word Our Father, our God, we thank thee tonight that we have just a few minutes before us. We ask for help now as we open thy word and to look Father, uh, from 1 Cover to the other in brief short moments to see this plan of salvation that is layout for us in the war that has been started from the beginning. We asked for the Holy Spirit to help us. Our Father, the Lord Jesus name we give thanks, Amen.
Should we start in the first book of the Bible, Genesis chapter 3?
Genesis chapter 3.
Well known and perhaps everybody in the room.
Everybody in the room has probably full aware of this.
And uh, verse one. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord had made. And he said unto the woman, Yay hath God said, I want to stop there. Yay, half God said.
This is the start of the conflict.
God had made man and the glory of all creation in a sinless state.
And someone shows up on the scene to create a conflict.
And it happens to be Eve that takes it here. The question. Yeah, Half God said.
And tonight, as we sit here and look back 12 months, the last time we were here, I would think there'd be a fair agreement to the fact that things are changing very rapidly, specifically in this country.
And it all stems from the fact that there is a silent warfare going on in this country and around the world, But I particularly want to address those of us that are United States and Canada.
You know, it started, probably some can disagree or whatever, but about the 1920s when there was a a major national attention to a particular court case that basically was drawing attention to the fact of did we come from apes or did we or did God create us?
And then in the 1960s, we follow on through.
Man in the culture of the United States said we will not have prayer in the schools.
And merely a few years later, 1971, a court case came down. Roe versus Wade with a value of a human being was being questioned.
Now today we have another value that's being questioned, the value of what a family is.
And it all stems back to one thing that Satan says. Yeah, hath God said?
There is value in a soul, and he knows it.
Should we continue in Genesis?
The 18th chapter.
I'm not going to read the entire portion here, but we're gonna get the gist of it here. In the 18th chapter of Genesis, verse 16, we have here a picture, a beautiful picture of three heavenly messengers being sent, one of them being God in the form of an Angel speaking with Abraham here. And they have a conversation here. And verse 20 it says, and the Lord said, because the cry of Sodom Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, I will now go down.
And see whether they have done all together, according to the cry of it which has come unto me, and if not, I will know. And the men turn their faces from sense, and went towards Sodom. But Abraham stood yet before the Lord. And Abraham drew near, and said Wilson, also destroy the righteous with the wicked.
Per venture, there'll be 50 righteous within the city, whilst they're also destroying not spare the place for 50 righteous that are therein. And he continues on verse 26. And the Lord said, if I find in Sodom 50 righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. And then we have in verse 28, Abraham's asking about 45 verse 29 prevention, there should be 40 found there. And then in verse 30, perhaps there'll be 30 there.
Verse 31, perhaps there's 20 and then verse 32, perhaps per venture 10 shall be found there. And he said I will destroy it. I will not destroy it for 10 sake.
And this is an element here where we have a beautiful picture of a friend of God communing directly with his Maker and to realize the fact that there is a distinction between souls. Souls are valuable, and there's now a drawn and distinction between righteous and unrighteous souls.
And there's a pleading going on for souls. And may I say that there has been a pleading going on for souls for a long time, perhaps in this room. And certainly there's been prayer meetings, there's been pleadings for souls, and Abraham is pleading for souls here.
And it speaks to me to think.
Dear friend, there may be a soul in here.
That doesn't know there's a warfare going on for their own soul.
You know, uh, going back to the technology side of things, if, if the internet's coming in the house, there's firewalls that are put up, etcetera, all because of attacks that may be coming into the home.
Things that we can't see and tonight I believe the young people, the 20 year olds and the 30 year olds are not understanding the fact that there is an attack going on in society is showing the evidence of this attack.
And we have a very short period of time, things that are right or wrong and wrong or right.
It's getting to be very solemn. And so for tonight, let's continue on and look at the value of a soul. Let's turn over to Daniel.
The 5th. 5th chapter.
And the essence of this is that Daniel is visiting with the King Belteshowser, and Belteshowser has a problem. He sees language that is written over there on the wall, and he doesn't understand what the words say because some hand behind the scenes, invisible to him, wrote him.
And he's shaking to think about what these might mean.
And tonight I'm burdened for any soul in here that maybe has not fully bowed the knee to a Savior yet. There's a struggle. There's a struggle going on. And so about the shazer has a struggle here. And we see here in verse 25, and this is Daniel speaking.
Verse 22 Let's move up to verse 22. And thou, his son, O bell, to shatter, hath not humbled thine heart, though thou knowest all of this, but hast lifted thyself against the Lord of heaven, and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee. And basically as he describes that in that very long verse there was complete.
Derangement of all that was pure. The verse 24 then was the part of the hand sent from him, and this writing was written, and this is the writing that was written meaning.
Tikal, you Farson, this is the interpretive of this thing. Mini God hath numbered thy Kingdom and hath finished it. I just want to stop there. You and I do not know how many more steps we take.
God does.
And when this year is going to go by and there's going to be undoubtedly someone in your life that surprisingly takes their last steps. But I wanted to focus in on the second word here, Tico verse 27.
Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
Souls are precious.
And according to what God has written on this particular wall at this particular time to belt the Shazer Belteshowser soul is being weighed out.
And your soul tonight is being weighed out too. In fact, I woke up about 3 weeks ago with this little snippet here. I, uh, I, uh, go to the doctor and the doctor's asking that I lose a little weight. And so we're in the progress of this and it's always something to go into the doctor's office. And you step on that scale that has all those weights on there. And of course you take your shoes off. You want all the weight. You want all the weight. And it's cell phone, the keys and everything. I want all the weight because I've got a measurement coming up.
And I gotta see, gotta show the doctor that there was improvement. But I woke up about 3 weeks ago. What if I'm standing on the scale? There's not enough weights to go on this scale. They just keep sliding them across. And this thing is not balancing. And I got to thinking about that. Is that gonna be like a future day someday perhaps you think all your good works are gonna just kind of weigh things out.
There's not gonna be enough weights to balance that scale.
So do not think that there is something good that you are doing that is going to weigh out the balances. There's only one person that's gonna be able to put some weight on that scale to make this balance.
Souls are weighed in the balances. That's a solemn thought.
So tonight, warfare, conflict, those are what's on my heart because there's something that is going on right now that is very different in military warfare.
The special forces have have gained the entire, uh, momentum. The governments are using special warfares. And as we turn the pages into the following scriptures, there's some interesting similarities. What the what the gover, what the government is doing right now with special operations. These are small units of teams that are sent at a moment's notice into a remote region, generally fully outfitted.
Under the cover of Dark.
In silence, with full support from technology anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 feet up.
With a president that has authorized it.
There is a story almost three years to the day today.
There was a British woman by the name of.
Helen Johnson in Afghanistan, and she was going through Afghanistan on horseback with several colleagues that were in a mission for a humanitarian effort, and they were captured three years ago.
And since she's a Brit, a British citizen, the British government moved into, into, into operation. And soon with their special teams that were on the ground were monitoring her capture. And she was being hit up into some remote areas of Afghanistan, the northeastern part, and they were moving her and her captives from cave to cave.
So the British government decided that after live leaving the communication, that the Taliban was looking for an execution. And so they made the decision to put a team on the ground two miles away. It was supported by the United United States Special Operations, Two separate teams, two separate caves.
They came in under the cover of darkness and they had full support in the air.
And they went in U.S. team on one cave and the British team on the second cave.
And the US team went in and killed the captors. There were no captives in there. And the British came back and killed the captors and got all four captives, 4 women that were involved with humanitarian aid.
And I got to thinking about this.
If you're tonight in a situation that perhaps you're bound and either you know it or you don't know it, I don't know, but if you're bound, there is a savior.
Shall we turn over to the northeast? Uh, book of Matthew, the 1St chapter?
Inverse UH-20.
Well, let's go to the verse 18. Now the birth of Jesus Christ is on this wise, when as his mother Mary was a spouse of Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Verse 20 But while he thought of these things, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, appear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost, and she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus.
For he shall save his people from their sins.
One of the things that the special Forces do that is absolutely critical is something called time.
In fact, the president of the United States and the other, uh, dignitaries and the other countries will give their OK and they're looking and they're OK. It's not a def definite tonight. It's a definite yes. You got to go ahead, but it's left for the command down below to look for the darkest night.
And so they're looking for no moon to make the to make the rescue operation.
And a savior, and these teams are assembled and these teams know that they're going into something. And our Lord Jesus is presented as a Savior. And timing is critical. We can read back a little bit earlier, 483 years before thereabouts, and it was prophesied that there was going to be a Savior, and he came right on time.
Timing is everything, and our Savior came right on time. And when those military operations take place, everything has to go on time.
And if tonight you're sitting in your seats and you haven't taken advantage of the Savior's offer, there's something that you don't know and I don't know. And that's when the time is up. Because we are told we're gonna look at this a little well, that there will be a Time's Up. Every military operation has a Time's Up.
Shall we continue over into the book of Luke, the 2nd chapter?
Verse 8.
There was in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone right about them, and they were sore afraid. And the angels said in them, Fear not for I, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, line in a Manger.
And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace and goodwill toward men.
One thing that we notice here is we notice that the operation starts at night. There is a baby born into this world who is a savior under the cover of darkness.
And we also find something else that there's an entirely heavenly multitude that breaks forth. And while those special operations are going on, I mean Afghanistan and Yemen and other countries, there is an entire.
Military operation going up at the sky with AWACS planes and drones that are being flown out of Nevada and other elsewhere that are watching the situation.
And to think that there is a heavenly company watching the Savior born in swaddling clothes.
And a whole multitude. And the shepherds were only one to see it, apparently. I don't know who else got to see it. Apparently no one else at the end had any room for him. And there was a stable found for him. So it wasn't a big affair. And that's the deal with a special operation. It's not a big a deal. The Lord Jesus came down in solitude in the darkest of nights, and a heavenly multitude was glorifying God.
Should we turn over to the 19th chapter?
We have the story here in the first part of the 19th chapter of Luke about interaction with our Lord Jesus and Zacchaeus, who is a wealthy man. He was rich.
But the Lord Jesus makes a statement about himself that I just wanted to read here it says in verse 10.
For the Son of Man is come to seek, and to save that which is lost.
There's the mission. He's here to seek and to save that which is lost. And when those military operators go in under the cover of darkness and their silence, they're not interested in the rest of the city that's there. They're interested only on 1/2 or a handful of people to rescue or to destroy.
And to think that this son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost. And tonight, if you are lost, your friend.
Consider the fact that there is a savior that came specifically for you.
And to think of Miss Johnson there, the British gal held in one of those caves under the cover of darkness, she can't see anything. But the special operations guys are wearing special goggles, so they're seeing everything. If she says no, no, no, I don't wanna go. That's absurd to think about these men that risk their lives for thousands of miles with air, air support in the air and and commanders back at home base listing in on radio transmissions and video transmissions as to whether they're getting their their rescue underway and to have a captive say.
No, thank you.
It doesn't make sense in the physical realm. Why would it make sense in the spiritual realm?
If you found yourself captivated.
By things if thing, if life is getting to the point where you're held captive, think about the fact that there is a savior with open arms that's got only a limited amount of time.
Should we turn over to the 23rd chapter?
We have another darkness here.
Hollywood would lead you to believe that the in the regular culture would lead you to believe the fact that there is a martyr in the person of Jesus Christ that was put up on the cross and was martyred at the hands of man.
But there is much more going on in the operation that human eyes could see, and we see this here.
In verse 44.
Luke 23 verse 44 And it was about the 6th hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the 9th hour, And the dark sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried, with a loud voice he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. And having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
The work was being done on the cover of Darkness.
And when the special forces went in to capture Osama bin Laden, it was under the cover of darkness.
And they didn't want the city that was located right there to see all the helicopters coming in.
They wanted to shield with darkness and get the work done and go home.
And the Lord Jesus is hanging on this cross after being flogged all night long at the hands of man.
And then after three hours of being a CRO on the cross or thereabouts.
The sun goes out.
Darkness came.
And we know very little from the scriptures what happened, with the exception of a few portions in scripture.
But I can guarantee you one thing, there was a tremendous weight and cost going on for those three hours.
In the cover of Darkness.
And we see here with Luke's account that when the three hours was of darkness was over with, the work was complete, he gave up the ghost.
And that's the same way with these special operations. This is an operation that goes in and they have one mission and they've got timetables and they're gone. They have to leave.
And for three hours, he took all of God's wrath upon himself. For you and for me. There was a cost.
Now the question is, are you gonna take the offer?
The offer was great.
The cost was great, the offer is even greater, and what I get to think about is the fact that for all of eternity I get to dwell. We get to consider what that cost was.
Because right now, like I said, we can only contemplate how much my sins and how much your sins was costing him in those three hours of darkness.
She would continue over to John chapter 20.
In the first verse.
So they took the Lord Jesus down from the cross. They put him in the grave.
They waited for a couple days, and now we have the first verse of John 20. The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark unto the Suffolk her. And see if the stone taken away from the suffocation. Consider the mission. In the cover of darkness He rose from the grave.
To me, that's thrilling to see that again, it didn't take all the audience of the world to see anything, to see the fact that there was a woman here, Mary Magdalene coming to the to the tomb and all she sees is a row is the is the stone is rolled away. But John does say when it was yet dark.
And again, I I submit the fact that in your own heart, in your own soul, there is preciousness there and there is something that you and you alone can deal with, because no one can deal with it for you. But there was a Savior who dealt with it in the darkness on the cross, and he dealt with it in the darkness when he rose from the grave, completed the work.
That's precious.
That's precious that there's a completed work and there's nothing like the special operations guys as the helicopters take off and they head back and there's communications back with the command center and the command center is elated. And the Prime Minister was woken up at 1:00 in the morning to be alerted to the fact 2:00 in the morning to be alerted to the fact that Helen Johnson was indeed safe and in the British forces hands. And he turns around and calls her father.
The elatedness.
Of having a hostage taken out of a perilous situation with harm's way happening is a tremendous, I guess, privilege for these ones at the highest levels making these decisions.
Well, we also have another part of the mission, so he's turned over to Second Peter.
These missions that are the special operations take come in two flavors. They come in the flavor of a rescue, rescue situation like with Helen Johnson three years ago to the day where the British did what they did with the health of the United States. But then there's another term that that is being done and this has happened about four years ago with Osama bin Laden. There was not a rescue operation with these military ones. There was a destroy mission that was going on.
And so we read here the Lord is going to have his mission continue. Invert in chapter three of Second Peter.
Verse 10.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise.
And the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein shall be burned up. And shall we continue on into revelation to get the snippet there?
And, uh, chapter 19 of Revelation.
Verse 11.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a White Horse. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true. And in righteousness he does judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean. And out of his mouth go with a sharp sword, and with it should smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron.
And he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings and Lord of Lords. And I saw an Angel standing in the sun. And he cried with a loud voice, saying To all the fowls that fly in the midst of the heaven, Come and gather yourselves together under the supper of the great God, that you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, that them that sit on them in the flesh of all men, in both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beasts and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse.
And against his army.
This is the other responsibility.
That the Lord Jesus will have to take his rightful Kingdom.
And the world would say that there is a gentle Jesus. And yes, that is in part true, as Satan always has half truths. Half truths are the mantra of what he gives. But there is a day that judgment is going to fall. And you know one thing that Osama bin Laden was scared of as he sat there and hiding for many, many years after, after attacking the United States in a disastrous way. He sat and he feared.
The silent drones that flew overhead.
In fact, when he went out or when he had his couriers go out, they would go out on the cover of a cloudy day. They didn't want the drones to fall. It was, it's, it's archived that in all of his writings and such, he feared what was flying above him.
And tonight, there's a fear.
There's a rebellion, we read in the Book of Revelation. There's a rebellion that there is indeed a fear of, of him coming back to reclaim.
And the thought is, if there's someone that says, no, I don't need the savior, if that's what you are, friend, no, I don't need the savior. There is going to be another element of the operation that'll unfold. And it's solemn because we just read it. He comes out of heaven on a White Horse.
And the word of God comes out of his mouth and destruction is evident around the world. And tonight there is it it it could be safely said that there is loved ones throughout this audience. And to think of the fact that someone that is loved says no to a savior who had a special operation 2000 years ago. That's on a limited time to say no to the saving grace of that of of that.
God that came down to save us.
It's a solemn thing to think about when that savior comes down and as we read here in Revelation 19, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
And he deals out judgment.
So let's turn over to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 in closing.
Verse 11 knowing therefore the chair of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifesting to God and I trust also are made manifest in your consciousness. The conscience of Osama bin Laden was the fact that they're out to get me and he thought the United States government had a been had a had a crosshairs on him and he was right. It took a while, but they finally got him.
He was scared of the terror that the United States and the other countries would deal out in a situation like this and so tonight the reason why there's a gospel me is because there is a terror of the Lord coming. The other part of the operation is yet to happen and that's why the chair of the Lord we persuade men and made we are made manifesting to God. I trust also are made manifest in your consciences and the conscience is something that myself or no one else in this room can understand and your soul right now.
The conscience is a phenomenal thing and we pray that your conscience will be bothered enough that you will cling into the Savior that has a limited time.
And so verse 14 For the love of Christ constraineth us, because we thus judge that if one died for all, then we are all dead. And that if He died for all, that they were which lived should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. This is the saving love. This is the saying that you may say, He died for me, now I will live for him, because that's what that says. He did the work, and now I owe everything to him.
And such as it is, is these captors. You, you really look at the pictures and as these captors are being freed with these special operations, there's hugs going around because there was no hope whatsoever in their condition in a cave or out in some part of Yemen that they're being held. There is no hope until the savings Special forces came in to free them. And there's elatedness with the family.
For the love of Christ constraineth us.
And that's the consideration is right now there is a longing to reveal the fact that there was a love. There is a love for the Lord Jesus for you as a soul. There's value. And just because just because you don't wanna be part of this warfare doesn't mean that you're not that you can't be part of the world because it's happening. It's happening. It's been happening since the beginning of time. There was someone out for your soul and we read about him and re in Genesis chapter 3 half God said.
And that questioning goes on today, and the youth are getting challenged by this and they're getting buckled by this because of the last 80 years of society giving up and saying there is no God, there is no value, there is no soul, you're just an animal. And so not tonight. To think about the fact that there's a savior with a limited time is where the pleading goes.
Should we turn if you have a, uh, black?
In book.
Let's turn into the back.
#5 in the back.
If you don't have one, share with someone. We're only gonna sing 2 verses.
And I'm going to read them first. Verse two of #5 in the back says Jesus sought me when a stranger wandering from the fold of God, He to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood. And then we're gonna go to verse five. The last verse rescued us from sin and danger purchased by the Savior's blood. May I walk on earth a stranger as a son, an heir of God. So the second verse and the fifth verse.
Jesus sought me when a stranger.
Wandering from Illinois?
Interposed his precious blood.
Rescues us from.
Till and danger.
Purchase by the Savior's life.
May I walk on Earth a stranger?
As a son.
An air of God.
So we talked tonight about the being if you are a captive.
When you're alone in The Cave with your captors, if you're alone with your conscience, it's a disturbing thing.
And the thing that this younger generation has, that the older generation doesn't have, and that is it has a short attention span.
And this is a wily tool. In fact, the statistics say that the average young person has an 8 second attention span. And that's why websites and the media are being developed in such a way to capture in a very, very short period of time.
But think of eternity.
Think of Eternity. It's more than 8 seconds. And there are those that are buckled down behind their Xboxes. They're buckled down behind their movies.
Taking their mind away. In fact, some of the greatest market share in the video game industry has to do with killing and wars, and the same goes with the movie industry. So it's all about us.
And to think that perhaps you've been in here for just a few minutes. To think that your attention span has been a little longer, hopefully, than 8 seconds. And to understand that the fact that this is a spiritual warfare, we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
With very very short time remaining, I would like to ask.
That there would be 60 seconds, 120 seconds of silence.
Because if you're a young person, time is going quickly by and I would ask those too.
That have obtained the Savior to realize that there is a wrestling going on and Satan has got his timetable very close. And so I'd like to take 60 to 120 seconds in silence. And if you have not taken the Savior, it doesn't take long, but think of all eternity in its wave.
One last verse in Luke chapter 15.
We have here a very, very short account here that is so precious. It says in Luke 15, the Lord Jesus in verse three says, And he spake this parable unto them, saying, What man of you having 100 sheep, if you lose one of them does not leave the 90 and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost until you find it. And when you found it, he layeth it on his shoulders rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls us together, his neighbors and friends and neighbors, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost.
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one Sinner that repenteth more than over 90 and nine just persons which need no repentance. I wanted to focus in on this seventh verse that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one Sinner that repenteth.
And tonight, I do not know what happened in the 60 to 120 seconds in your soul. So when these special operations go on, in fact, you can see pictures when Osama bin Laden was captured and and the and the helos were heading back to their base, that there was a contingency of top personnel, the president, the vice president, the Secretary of State and a variety of ones cramped in a room watching a live video feed. And what happens is when that mission goes successful, there is complete elation.
With the mission going going successful.
And to consider the fact that if there is someone tonight that did make that offer, this verse right here thrills me that there is.
A whole host watching and there's rejoicing going over one center that repenteth because when that special operations those guys are flying back. They went in to do one thing it was successful and there's elation there was like tremendous cost lots of lives put on the line to to capture somebody to bring a captive back or whatever it is and to think about the savior came down to do a job for you because the value of your soul and then when that soul turns and repents.
Says there is joy shall be in heaven over one Sinner that repenteth.
And that's thrilling. So we have tonight, if you have taken the Lord Jesus as your Savior, yes, I can say in the word of God that there is joy in the presence of angels over one center dependent. But also to have to tell somebody here the fact that there was a mission that you took a hold of and you're you were once a captive and you are now free. Let the rejoicing continue.
Shall we close in prayer?
Our Father and our God, we consider the fact of this tremendous mission that happened since the beginning of time and this warfare that has gone on and Father to send an eternity past to consider sending thine only beloved Son for this mission to rescue souls.
And so tonight, our Father, as we wrap it up, we consider the fact that perhaps with all the clutter and the fastness of time, that maybe a soul has taken hold of these Lord Jesus and to recognize that there would be rejoicing in heaven over that one soul repenting. And so we asked too, for anyone that continues to delay, we ask our Father that the Holy Spirit would do continue to do the convicting. And so we give you thanks, Lord Jesus.
For this tremendous work there in that darkness on the cross and the work as others come out of that grave. And we also are fearful to Lord Jesus, not us, but for those that may not accept them to to see the coming back and to think that someone might be left that would be part of that glorious work of our Lord Jesus setting up his Kingdom here on earth. So we're thankful that we have the minutes here before us. The word of God open. We pray for the gospel continue to go out.
Around the world and over the Internet. So we just do give you things. The day of grace is still open and thy name we pray, Lord Jesus, Amen.